
Heartstrings of Love: Law of Affections

In the hallowed halls of America Law School, Valentino Tucker stood out like a beacon of charisma and allure. He was the embodiment of a Lover Boy, a magnetic force that drew the attention of every girl in ALS. Despite a lack of stable relationships, Valentino possessed the uncanny ability to have every girl wrapped around his fingers, earning him the endearing moniker of the Love Doctor. His appeal extended far beyond mere looks; Valentino was a package of charm, intelligence, flirtation, and undeniable sexiness. In the corridors of ALS, he was adored by every single girl, creating an atmosphere where his presence alone could set hearts aflutter. Among his numerous admirers, Vanessa Clark, stands out as the exception. Vanessa detested Valentino with a passion that surpassed any other disdain in her world. However, beneath the surface, an unspoken mutual understanding lingered between them, an enigmatic connection that defied explanation. Vanessa, akin to Valentino, was the epitome of beauty with brains. Her allure wasn't just physical; she wielded a savage wit when necessary, exuded sassiest, and possessed a captivating, curvaceous body that left guys mesmerized at her feet. Yet, Vanessa was no lover girl; she found the antics of playboys irritating, with a particular aversion to Valentino that concealed a mysterious origin. The dynamic between Valentino and Vanessa was reminiscent of Fire and Ice—two contrasting forces, parallel lines destined never to meet. Their interactions were charged with tension, creating an electrifying atmosphere in the corridors of ALS. As the enigma of their connection deepened, the question lingered: What did fate have in store for these two individuals, seemingly bound by an unseen thread that defied their divergent paths? Only time would unveil the intricate dance between Valentino Tucker and Vanessa Clark, a narrative written in the complex script of destiny.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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17 Chs



Giovanni stared at the scene in front of him,the way Valentino's arms were wrapped around Vanessa was making him go crazy and the fact that she actually hugged him back was more saddening. He was feeling the urge to just go in between them and separate them but he didn't move, neither did he walk away. 

Valentino kept on hugging Vanessa,her fresh fragrance was addictive,he just wanted to hold her for more time but it was at that minute that Vanessa broke the hug.

Their eyes stuck on each other in silence

"Are you okay?" Vanessa broke the silence

"Maybe if you stop being too hard on me..."

"Stop it" Vanessa muttered

"I'm for real Nessa,at least we can be friends right?" Valentino asked and Vanessa sighed

"Fine,just friends" She muttered and Valentino let out a smile

"But you should make sure you tell your bitches that we are just friends,I don't want any accusations" Vanessa said

"Don't worry about that" Valentino said and tucked her hair behind her left ear,he was smiling as he stared into her eyes

"What" Vanessa asked


"Vee" Giovanni called,he just couldn't watch them anymore

Vanessa immediately turned and her eyes almost widened when she saw Giovanni

"Vanni" She called and made to leave but then turned back to Valentino 

"I'm leaving" She said and walked to Giovanni,Valentino's eyes followed her till she stopped in front of Giovanni. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hey" Vanessa muttered when she got to Giovanni

Giovanni was quiet,staring into her eyes

"Giovanni?" Vanessa called and touched him lightly

"I guess I was too late" Giovanni muttered


"You two made up already?" He asked

"Oh....that was,.....I guess we made up. But it's nothing,I was waiting for you since I got here" Vanessa said 

Giovanni removed the hair Valentino tucked behind her ear

"You look more pretty this way" He said and Vanessa smiled

"Really? I think you've done that before,does that mean you made me ugly?" She teased

Giovanni scoffed

"Don't get close to him,I really don't want that" he said 

"Don't worry,we are just going to be friends. Let's go in" Vanessa grabbed his hand and they walked into the frat house back.

 Senior Giovanni!

 You're so handsome!!

Giovanni smiled at the juniors who were waving at him

"Giovanni!" The senior guys called him immediately to come over

"You're not leaving me,seriously" Vanessa immediately said

"Queen V,you too" Ace smiled at her

"Then let's go together" Giovanni winked and they both walked over to join the senior students. 

"Wow,why are you both looking like couples?" Pierce grinned 

"I was about saying that,they look so good together" 

Vanessa and Giovanni exchanged glances and he smiled at her


"I think Queen V likes Giovanni" Virgil muttered

"They are friends" Gigi said,she was now sitting with the golden boys

"More than that,I've never seen her so close to a dude before" Reed said 

"I know right? I kinda love it" Gigi smiled

Valentino poured himself a full cup of beer and started drinking

"Hey!" Terence took the cup from him

"Are you planning to die young? Stop drinking already" Virgil said

Valentino looked at Vanessa and Giovanni again and then stood up

"Where are you going?" Reed asked

"Meet me in the mansion" He muttered and pushed his two hands in his pockets before walking out



"I should go,Vanessa left with Giovanni already" Gigi muttered 

"I will take you home" Reed and Terence said at a time and Virgil chuckled

"Seriously? Do you expect me to walk to the mansion? We came in the same car" he said

"I will walk you home" Reed and Terence said again and then looked at each other before turning back to Gigi

"I...will just go with Terence" She muttered,avoiding Reed's face 

Reed bite his lips and Terence got up with Gigi

"I will meet you guys" He said

"Sure" Virgil smiled

Terence and Gigi walked out of the frat house,it was silent at first until Gigi spoke up

"What did you two talked about?" She asked 

"Who?" Terence questioned back

"Channel of course" Gigi said 

"Why do you want to know?" Terence asked and Gigi scoffed

"I'm just curious okay? If you don't wanna tell me then fine" She rolled her eyes

"You don't have to be so mad about it,I'm sorry" Terence said

"Then tell me" Gigi muttered

"Maybe she likes me" Terence said


Terence nodded 

Gigi kept quiet and continue walking

"I thought you were planning to spend the night with your boyfriend... "

"Can we stop talking about my boyfriend?" Gigi cut him off

There was silence until they got to the mansion

"Goodnight" Gigi muttered without looking back

Terence grabbed her hand

"What" She snapped

"I don't understand why you look angry right now"

"I guess it's my mood swing....." She seized her breath when Terence brought his face closer

"Are you fighting with your boyfriend?" He smiled

"Your wish" Gigi scoffed

"Then what's wrong? Do you need a hug?" Terence asked and hugged her

"Goodnight" She pulled out of his grip and went into the mansion

"Gosh,so hard to deal with" Terence muttered and turned back



"Babes guess what!" Sasha screamed as she rushed in 

"Gosh what" Soraya groaned

"Seriously I don't know why you guys decided not to come to the frat house tonight" Sasha said excitedly

"Coz I can't bear watching Giovanni flirting with Vanessa" Shirley said

"Same goes with Reed,it's tiring" Soraya muttered and Sasha laughed

"Anyway,guess what" she said

"Did you finally f**ked Finn or What?" Soraya raised her brows

"No,we kissed" Sasha smirked and their eyes widened

"You mean you kissed him" Soraya said

"I kissed him,but he kissed me back" Sasha said

"Whoa!!" Soraya and Shirley screamed

"I feel like I'm in heaven right now!! I don't wanna wake up!!! Gosh!!!!" Sasha screamed,running upstairs

Soraya and Shirley exchanged glances

"She's insane" Shirley muttered

"I wonder what it would feel like,when I finally kiss Giovanni" Soraya said dreamily 

"In your dream" Shirley laughed and Soraya glared at her 

"Have you heard the latest news girls?" Sasha came back downstairs,she already undressed and now wearing a light nightie

"What news?" Shirley asked

Sasha smiled and showed them a picture on her phone

"Is that Vanessa and Valentino?" Soraya asked shockingly 

"Isn't this becoming more interesting? I can't wait for them to fall in love,more dramas coz Becky is definitely gonna run mad" Sasha said and they laughed

"Let's show her this tomorrow" Shirley said

"Sure,I can't wait for her to confront Vanessa again,tomorrow won't be boring" Sasha smirked and they laughed


It was around 10pm,the street was covered with total darkness,The rain was falling heavily,loud thunderstorm making sounds every minute. Inside the rain was a girl of about six years old crying as she wandered in the rain all alone.

"Mom...Mom!!" She kept calling and would scream each time the thunder sounded. 

All of a sudden,she saw a man in all black,he was backing her so she couldn't see his face,and then she saw a lady struggling from his grip,the man had a sharp long knife in his hand too. Within a twinkle of an eye,the man stabbed the lady three times

The little girl gasped and immediately turned to run away but she didn't go far before a hand grabbed her from the back and she screamed out,her whole body shaking in fear as she finally faced the person holding her,it was the man,he was still holding a knife in his hand and the lady's blood covered his body. 

"Hey little one" He said in his husky scary voice and let out a scary grin

The girl only kept on crying.

"Did you saw that earlier??" He asked and the girl slowly shook her head

He pulled her up with her dress,the rain still pouring on them

"Very good,you didn't see anything. Don't ever say a word to anyone about this or...." He raised his knife up

"I will kill you" he whispered and smiled at her

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" The girl screamed out 

I WILL KILL YOU....the voice kept ringing in her head until she passed out

Vanessa screamed out as she jumped out on her bed,her body was filled with sweats as she pants heavily. It's the nightmare again. And somehow she doesn't even recognize the killer's face,it was as if a part of her memory was wiped off,she couldn't remember what happened next. 

Vanessa exhaled and checked the time,it was almost 9am. 

"Gosh" She muttered and fell on the bed again,their class starts by 12pm today.

The door suddenly opened and Gigi walked in

"Pumpkin are you okay? I heard your scream" She said

"I'm fine" Vanessa muttered 

"Are you sure?" Gigi asked and she nodded

"Getting dressed already? I'm f**king starving,lets go for breakfast when we are done" Vanessa said and Gigi nodded

Vanessa got down from the bed and walked into the bathroom,Gigi also left the room.



Erica entered Angelique's room,she was just done dressing up

Angelique turned back immediately and they smiled at each other

Erica walked over to her and kissed her deeply,Angelique reciprocated,kissing her back in the same pace until they both lost their breaths. 

Angelique broke the kiss and bite her lips

"I need to tell you something" Erica said 

"What is it?" Angelique asked but almost immediately the door opened and Quinn came in,they moved away from each other and Quinn raised her brows. 

"What's.....going...on?" She asked suspiciously 

"It's nothing" Angelique immediately said

"Then why do you look so shocked??" Quinn asked

"Oh come on" Angelique chuckled 

"Let's go to the cafeteria,I'm hungry" Quinn said and went out

Erica also followed her

Angelique sighed out and grabbed her bag before going after them


"Quinn" they heard Finn's voice as they were about going into the cafeteria

The girls turned back at once,but then Quinn rolled her eyes and ignored him,she almost continued walking but Finn grabbed her hand and dragged her away

"Finn!" Quinn shouted and Finn stopped walking

"Why are you ignoring my calls and messages?" He asked

"Because I'm not in the mood to talk to you" Quinn snapped

"Why?" Finn asked 

Quinn rolled her eyes

"Tell me why" Finn said 

"I saw you kissing Sasha last night" She muttered 

"That was...."

"It wasn't a mistake!" Quinn snapped

"So....why are you mad about it?" Finn asked and Quinn frowned

"Seriously?" She mumbled

"I don't know what exactly is making you angry..."

"I told you I don't like that girl for you okay??...."

"Why?" Finn asked

"If you're going to keep on asking me questions,then let me go" Quinn said 

"I don't know why you don't like her" Finna said

"I just don't like her,so stop being around her,it's annoying. How could you even kiss her last night? For what? Not like she's pretty or something,I'm prettier than her..." She stopped and bite her lips

Finn chuckled

"Seriously? You think you're prettier than her?" He asked and Quinn shot him a glare

"I hate you" She pushed his chest and turned back

"Hey sis,come on I know you're more prettier okay?" Finn pulled her back 

"You're taking me for a joker" Quinn rolled her eyes

"Fine,I will stay away from her,happy now?" Finn asked and Quinn nodded slowly

Finn kissed her head and held her hand

"I love you" He whispers

"I hate you" Quinn scoffed and began walking away

"You're joking right?" Finn chuckle behind her


"What is this?" Becky asked as Sasha showed her the picture

"Is that not Valentino and Vanessa?" Channel asked

"Exactly" Shirley grinned

Becky swallowed hard and fold her fist

"That bitch" she muttered and Sasha immediately took her phone from her

Becky walked away,Channel and Jessica followed her immediately

The S3 turned to each other and laughed out

"Gosh,I can't wait for the drama" Shirley said and fanned herself with the hand fan In her hand



Vanessa and Gigi settled down with their trays of food and Gigi groaned

The cafeteria was quite crowdy this morning,not too much tho but a lot of students are in there. 

"Hey girls" Erica and Angelique joined them

"Long time no see" Gigi grinned

"Seriously? You were having fun with the golden boys last night so we couldn't talk" Erica said 

Vanessa chuckled and sipped from her vanilla yogurt 

"Why do you love Vanilla so much? I kinda hate it" Erica said

"Say that again" Vanessa frowned

"Oh wow" Angelique laughed

"I can really kill for the love of Vanilla" Vanessa chuckled

"I see,obviously" Erica nodded

Soon,Quinn also came over. 

"So you've settled your clash?" Gigi asked 

"How did you know?" Erica asked

"We saw them while coming in" Vanessa said with her mouth full

"Easy,you're gonna choke" Quinn said

"I'm starving,seriously" Vanessa said and they laughed

" The golden boys are here!!"

 "Valentino date me please!!"

"Reed I love you"

 Virgil and Terence look so unreal

"They really look hot" Gigi smiled as they stared at the boys till they sat down,only Vanessa was not looking up,she was more concerned about the food

"Valentino is looking at you" Angelique tapped Vanessa and she looked up,the golden boys are in the booth next to them,Valentino smiled at her before looking away

"Did he just smiled at you?" Quinn grinned

Vanessa continue eating without saying a word

 Senior Giovanni!!

Another screams started and Vanessa looked up,Giovanni was walking in with Pierce and Ace,their eyes met and Giovanni winked at her

 He winked at Vanessa!

 Did you see that???!!

 I'm jealous!!

Vanessa looked down immediately but then Giovanni sat down beside her,causing more commotion 

Gigi winked at Vanessa

"Hey,what are you doing?" Vanessa whispers to Giovanni

"Is it bad to sit down beside the most prettiest girl I've ever seen?" Giovanni asked and Vanessa became speechless. 

Valentino was staring at them and the way Giovanni was sitting with Vanessa was making him mad already.

"Valentino are you okay?" Virgil asked

"I am" Valentino muttered and tried looking away from them 

Becky came in with her friends,she was looking so angry but she walked past Valentino and went straight to Vanessa

"Hey bitch" She hit her hand on the table and Vanessa looked up

The students also turned at some point to watch the drama

"What is it this time?" Vanessa asked

"Well,I will like to ask you a question" Becky smirked and Vanessa raised her brows

Becky moved to the middle of the cafeteria

"Everyone listen up" She clapped her hands together

"What the f**k is she doing?" Gigi asked 

"You all know Vanessa claimed to hate Valentino right?" Becky asked loudly 

 Everybody knows

Isn't it obvious??

"What is she planning?" Reed muttered

"But I guess nobody believed me when I said she was a pretender who only want Valentino's attention,now I have the proof,she's a f**king bitch who only want his attention! And she also wants Giovanni for herself alone,such a slut" Becky said 

"What is she saying? Is she crazy?" Erica scoffed

Valentino got up and grabbed Becky

"Stop being childish...."

"Leave me alone!!" Becky yelled and pushed him off


 Giovanni and Valentino??

 That sounds impossible

"Hey Vanessa,why don't you choose between them?? Giovanni Or Valentino??" Becky smirked

"How dare you bitch!" Gigi got up immediately but Vanessa pulled her back

"Don't" Vanessa said

"We want to know Vanessa, Who do you want? Giovanni or Valentino??" Becky asked and walked closer to her,glaring at her hatefully. 

"You don't have to know,nobody cares about your shits" Valentino said and grabbed Vanessa's hand

"Come with me" He pulled her up from the seat but Giovanni grabbed Vanessa's second hand

Vanessa bashed her lashes as she stared at Giovanni and then Valentino

Becky's hands were shaking as she stared at the scene in front of her

What's going on??

 They look like they are going to fight

"Let her go" Giovanni said and Valentino glared at him

"And why should I do that?" He asked

"I also want to know who she wants" Giovanni said and smirked at Valentino 

To Be Continued.