
Heartstrings and Hatred[BL]

"You always this serious? Or do I just bring it out in you?" "Maybe it's because you act like a child." Kai leaned in closer "Or maybe it's because you secretly like the attention" Evan blushed slightly "In your dreams." --- At Crestwood Academy, where academic excellence meets intense competition, sophomores Evan Lockwood and Kai Wentworth are star athletes on the same soccer team but bitter rivals since a feud ignited during their freshman year. The animosity between them reaches its peak when a heated argument over a locker room prank escalates into a public showdown during soccer practice, drawing the incredulous attention of the headmaster. The feud between Evan, known for his stoic demeanor amidst chaos, and Kai, the irreverent prankster with a knack for comic timing, originates from a playful but ill-timed prank in the locker room showers. Kai, seized with the idea of school spirit day, stealthily swaps Evan's shampoo with a bottle of bright blue hair dye. Unaware of the switch, Evan proceeds with his usual routine, only to discover his hair has turned an alarming shade of blue, sparking laughter among their teammates. Fuming with embarrassment and feeling targeted, Evan confronts Kai in the locker room after practice, demanding an explanation for the prank. Kai, trying to suppress his laughter and maintain innocence, insists it was all in good fun and meant to be temporary. Evan, however, feeling humiliated and betrayed, reacts with angerescalates into a public showdown during soccer practice Faced with the threat of suspension from their beloved soccer team, the headmaster intervenes with a whimsical ultimatum: either resolve their differences and learn to work together, or risk losing their positions and tarnishing their academic records. Reluctantly forced into cooperation, Evan and Kai must set aside their pride and confront the absurdities that have divided them since their freshman year. As they navigate their newfound partnership amidst the pressures of team dynamics and personal pride, Kai's humorous antics and Evan's deadpan reactions create moments of hilarity amidst their clashes. From chaotic team practices to disastrous attempts at working together, their journey from adversaries to reluctant allies is filled with unexpected challenges and uproarious escapades. "Heartstrings and Hatred" weaves together themes of rivalry, redemption, and the unpredictable nature of relationships at Crestwood Academy, where laughter and growth go hand in hand both on and off the soccer field --- You know, you should smile more. It suits you." Evan rolled eyes "I’m not here to entertain you." Kai replied "Who says you're not entertaining me already?" "Keep dreaming."

devilreeny · LGBT+
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10 Chs

What's wrong with me?

Kai lay on his bed, his mind swirling with confusion. He couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that had been building up inside him. Evan and he had been spending a lot of time together lately, especially since they started working closely on the gala. Yet, Kai had noticed himself reacting strangely to Evan's touches—small gestures that shouldn't have mattered so much.

"What's wrong with me?" Kai muttered aloud, as if trying to convince himself. He had never felt this way before, and the confusion only compounded his frustration. Was it possible that he liked Evan? The thought startled him, and he immediately slapped his cheek lightly, trying to dispel such notions. Sure, Evan could be cute, especially when he was angry, but that didn't mean Kai liked him romantically. At least, he didn't think so. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the confusing emotions that seemed to be surfacing at the most inconvenient times.

Sighing, he raised his body from a lying position to a sitting position and glanced at his laptop. Maybe watching something would help distract him from his swirling thoughts.

He opened Netflix and started browsing for a movie, hoping to calm his nerves. Just as he was settling into a comedy, his phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number.

"I need help," the message read.

Curious, Kai quickly typed back, "Who is this?"

"It's Evan," came the reply.

Kai's heart skipped a beat. Why would Evan need help, especially when they had just parted ways a few hours ago? He felt a mix of concern and curiosity. Nervously, he responded, "What do you need help with?"

"I need to talk. Can I come over?" Evan texted back.

Kai's mind raced. This meant Evan would be coming to his home, and the thought made him nervous. Despite the awkwardness, he couldn't just leave Evan in a lurch.

"Sure, I'll text you the address," Kai replied, his fingers trembling slightly.

Evan quickly responded, "Thanks, I'll be there soon."

Kai jumped up, quickly tidying his room and trying to calm the nervous excitement building inside him. He ran downstairs, calling out to the housekeeper.

"A friend is coming over. Can you let him in when he arrives?" he asked. The housekeeper nodded, and Kai returned to his room, trying to focus on the movie but failing miserably.

When the doorbell rang, Kai's heart skipped a beat. He heard the housekeeper letting Evan in and moments later, there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in," Kai called out, trying to keep his voice steady.

Evan entered, looking slightly flustered. "Hey, thanks for letting me come over. I didn't know who else to ask."

"No problem," Kai replied, gesturing for him to sit on the bed. "What's up?"

Evan sat down, his expression serious. "I need your help with something personal. I know it's sudden, but I didn't know who else to turn to."

Kai nodded, feeling a strange mix of relief and nervousness. "Sure, what do you need help with?"

Evan hesitated for a moment before speaking. "There are some issues at home. I don't really want to go back right now."

Kai's concern deepened. "Is everything okay? What kind of issues?"

Evan shook his head slightly. "It's complicated. I just need some time away from there."

Kai nodded understandingly. "Got it. You can stay here as long as you need. What about your mom? Won't she be worried?"

Evan sighed. "She's not picking me up today, so it's fine. No worries."

Kai gave a reassuring smile. "Alright. Make yourself comfortable."

Evan nodded, loosening his tie and unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt as he settled onto the bed. Kai couldn't help but notice Evan's movements, his gaze lingering for a moment on Evan's chest before quickly looking away.

"Thanks, Kai," Evan said, glancing around the room. "I really appreciate this."

Kai shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "It's no problem. Want to watch a movie or something?"

Evan nodded, relaxing a bit. "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Kai turned to his laptop, scrolling through Netflix. "How about this one?" he suggested, pointing to a comedy.

"Looks good," Evan agreed, moving closer to the laptop screen to get a better view.

Kai felt a shiver run down his spine at their close proximity. He could smell Evan's cologne, a subtle scent that made his head spin. Trying to focus on the movie, he pressed play, but he couldn't ignore how aware he was of Evan's presence next to him.

As the movie played, Kai found it hard to concentrate. Every laugh from Evan, every shift, only made Kai more aware of the closeness between them. Despite the confusion and nerves, he was glad to be there for Evan. Whatever his feelings might be, helping his friend was what mattered most.


"Can I ask you something?" Kai inquired as they stood outside his door, Evan having finally decided it was time to head home, despite Kai's offer for him to stay for dinner.

"Sure," Evan replied, his tone a mix of curiosity and exhaustion.

"Why did you come to my place instead of going to any of your friends' houses? I mean, we fight a lot," Kai said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Evan hesitated for a moment, looking down at his shoes before meeting Kai's gaze. "I don't know... I guess I felt like I could trust you. And I didn't want to burden anyone else with my problems."

Kai nodded slowly, understanding dawning on him. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Even if we fight sometimes, I'm still here for you."

"I know," Evan said softly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, Kai. I appreciate it."

Kai smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth and relief. Despite their differences, there was a bond between them that went beyond their arguments. As Evan turned to leave, Kai couldn't help but feel grateful that he had been there to help his friend in need.

Although they had their individual differences.