
Hearts of Sorrow

An average romance story of a suicidal girl and a boy with a secret meeting eachother with a fateful encounter....

Kamitomo · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Two differently fragile hearts....

Yumi Segawa stood before Rishi Meghwani, her now ex-boyfriend, her heart shattered into a million pieces. The pain of betrayal cut through her like a knife as she confronted him about his infidelity. Rishi, a shameless bastard who had played with her emotions, stood there, unable to meet her eyes, a pathetic excuse on his lips. Yumi's voice trembled with anger and hurt as she ended their relationship, severing the ties that once bound them.

Leaving Rishi's presence, Yumi returned home, seeking solace within the familiar walls. But as she entered her apartment, an unexpected note awaited her, delivering yet another crushing blow to her already wounded heart. Her foster parents, the only family she had left since her parents' tragic death in the September 2001 plane crash, had decided to part ways. They had found new partners and no longer had space in their lives for her. Yumi was left alone, abandoned by those who had promised to care for her.

The weight of her despair pressed down on her as she desperately clung to the fragments of her shattered life. In a moment of sheer desperation, Yumi found herself standing on a bridge overlooking a vast river. The swirling waters below seemed to reflect the tumult within her soul. It was here, at the edge of the abyss, that she contemplated ending her pain.

Just as she prepared to take that fateful step, a sudden presence interrupted her darkest thoughts. Akira Tanakawa, a 17-year-old high school student and the youngest son of the esteemed businessman Hiroshi Tanakawa, appeared before her. Akira, taking an evening stroll in the area, had caught sight of Yumi's despair. With swift determination, he intervened, pulling her back from the edge and saving her from the clutches of her own despair.

Breathless and shaken, Yumi shared her anguish with Akira. She revealed the devastating chain of events that had led her to this moment, from her broken relationship to the leaked photos that now plagued her. Deeply moved by her pain, Akira made a promise to her—a promise to mend the broken pieces of her life and help her confront her problems head-on. He urged her to come to his house, to find solace and a fresh start in his family's mansion.

Yumi, reluctant to burden Akira with her troubles, initially refused his offer. But Akira's unwavering determination and concern for her well-being convinced her to relent. Unbeknownst to Yumi, Akira possessed the means to bring justice to the person responsible for leaking her photos. Utilizing his connections, he ensured that the culprit would face the consequences of his actions.

As morning broke, Yumi found herself back in her apartment, recalling the promise she had made to Akira the night before—that she would never again contemplate taking her own life. The weight of her recent struggles still hung heavy, but she held onto the glimmer of hope that Akira had ignited within her.

Days turned into weeks, and Yumi found herself withdrawing from the world, too scared to face the judgment and ridicule that awaited her at college. Unbeknownst to her, Akira remained in close contact, aware of her self-imposed isolation. Concerned for her well-being, he arrived at her apartment, determined to persuade her to embrace life and face her fears head-on.

Their conversation quickly escalated, emotions running high as Yumi lashed out at Akira. The frustrations and pain that had plagued her spilled out in a torrent of words. "What do you know about my life?" she cried, her voice filled with anguish. "Do you even understand how hard it is to face reality???"



Yumi's words struck Akira like a blade to the heart. He had always understood the wide chasm that separated their ages and experiences, but her outburst hit him harder than he expected. In that moment, he felt the weight of his own limitations, the harsh reality that he could never fully grasp the complexities of the adult world.

His eyes welled up with tears, a silent testament to the burden he carried within. Without a word, he turned away and hurriedly left the apartment. Rain poured from the darkened sky, drenching him as he sprinted towards the waiting car, his thoughts consumed by the impending storm of his own mortality.

Yumi, realizing the impact of her words, couldn't bear to let him slip away into the rain-soaked night. Determined to understand what had brought him such pain, she raced after him, clutching an umbrella to shield them both from the downpour. With every step, her heart pounded, desperate to reach him before he disappeared from her life.

Finally catching up, Yumi grasped Akira's hand, halting his escape. She held the umbrella over their heads, providing a sanctuary from the rain, and implored him to open up, just as she had shared her own struggles with him.

Together, they retreated back into the warmth of the apartment, seeking refuge from the tempest outside. They dried themselves off, their eyes meeting in a shared vulnerability. Akira took a deep breath, the weight of his secret threatening to break free.

Tears streamed down Yumi's face as Akira began to speak, his voice laced with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. He revealed the painful truth that had haunted him for so long—the fragility of his internal organs, the ticking clock counting down the few years he had left. His frailty meant he would likely never reach adulthood, and each passing day was overshadowed by the fear of not waking up in the morning.

The reality of Akira's condition crashed over Yumi like a tidal wave. In that moment, she understood the depth of his love for life, his relentless pursuit of joy despite the looming shadow of mortality. It was a love that burned brightly, driven by the knowledge that his time was fleeting.

Without hesitation, Yumi enveloped Akira in a tearful embrace. The weight of their shared pain and the realization of their fleeting moments together fused them in that instant. In the warmth of their embrace, they found solace in each other's arms, two souls united by the fragility of life.

As the rain continued to pour outside, their tears mingled, carrying with them a mix of sorrow, acceptance, and an unspoken promise—to make every moment count, to navigate the storms together, and to find beauty in the fleeting nature of their connection.....

[by leaking photos, i was meaning to write leaking nu*es]