

Fate of love is a puppy love story of two people from different backgrounds. Meet Jesse the handsome and easy going guy. He is from a poor background, but yet girls follows him around because of his cute and handsome face, and his smiles is enough to make a girl fall madly in love with him. With his cute face, and girls chasing after him, Jesse use it to his advantage, but not in the negative way. Meet Sharon the only daughter of Don Roman, she is born with a silver spoon and has lived in luxury all her Life. She is beautiful and very quiet, a girl who does everything she is asked do by her dad without complaining. Both will meet when Sharon comes back to Korea after living in American all her life. Jesse will become her driver, both will become close friends and eventually falls in love with each other, but will the pressure from Sharon's dad allow them to be together, will they fight for their love or allow Fate to decide for them. Fate of love .......if truely we are meant to be together. A story full of love and heartbreaks.

Succie_Brown · Urban
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15 Chs

chapter 3

Sharon arranged her clothes inside her box, and Nadia her American friend asked.

"Are you sure about this Sharon, you are going back to Korea?".

"That what my dad wants".

"Then what about what you want Sharon". Nadia asked again.

Sharon sighs and sits on the bed.

"When it comes to my dad, I have no say in life, he makes decisions for me, which I have to obey he was the one who sent me to America when I was just 3 years old, and he strictly told me never to return to Korea, and now he wants me back, what am I going to do there in Korea".

"But that where you came from Sharon, yes you have been in America all your life, but you still look so much like a Korean girl".

"I know that Nadia, but just like you said I have lived in America all my life, I have adapted to the life here, I know no one in Korea, and you already know Korea right, they have a certain language, how they speak, how they write, and even their food, is so different from the ones I have gotten used to here in America". Sharon said in a sad tone.

"So tell your dad you can't go back to Korea".

"I can't do that Nadia, I can't disobey my dad, he is a monster when he is angry, and that what I don't want to see"

"So what are you going to do now".

"Am going back to Korea, I hope I do find someone who I can become friends with".

"Okay Sharon if you say so".

Sharon looks at her and bits her lips.






"Are you sure about that Violet". Nikky asked Violet as they walked down the street.

"Yes am sure of it Nikky, Jesse likes me". Violet said smiling.

"And what if he wasn't referring to you Violet".

"And who else will be be referring to Nikky, those carzy girls only chase after him, because he is so handsome".

"And what about you Violet". Nikky asked.

"Yes Jesse is handsome and cute, but that not the only reason I love him Nikky".

"Fine, whatever Violet". Nikky said and scoffs.

"I wonder why he hasn't told me he loves me yet". Violet said blushing with a smile.

"Can you please don't get your hopes high up yet, remember Jesse has a lot of girls, that throws themselves at him, and these are f**king damn rich".

"Who cares if they are rich Nikky, the important thing is that Jesse is not dating any of those girls, and I won't let anyone have him".

"You don't own him Violet".

"Well I do Nikky, and now that I know he has feelings for him, I won't allow anyone to take him from him, not even you".

Nikky looks at Violet in surprised.

"Me!!!!, Come-on Violet we have friends for so many years, you should know me by now, I don't like guys who are so handsome just like Jesse, it makes me feel insecure, but if truly you are the one Jesse is indirectly referring to, then am cheering up for the both of you". Nikky said giving Violet a high thumbs up and Violet blushed so hard.






Sharon sits quietly inside the plane going to Korea, as she writes on her dairy, apart from Nadia, her dairy was the only one she talks to since she was calm quiet and not well socialize.

*Dear diary, am going back to my world, or should I say a world am not familiar with, a world where I know no one, a world which came to me all of a sudden, I wonder what awaits me in that world, will I find love.... happiness....or may be sadness, that I can't tell...*. Sharon covers her dairy and looks at the window wishing she could have a say in her life.






Janet sits by the roadside looking so sad and Jesse approach her smiling.

"Mom, I got you your food you.......what wrong mom". Jesse asked when he noticed the saddest in her face.

"I haven't sold any of my slippers Jesse, every one keeps ignoring as if I and my slippers are invisible".

"That not a problem mom".

"And why not Jesse, are you going to buy all of this, you don't even make enough money for the wines you make". Janet said looking angry, because to her, Jesse was adding to it .

Jesse smiles and said.

"Don't worry mom, your slippers will just be sold in a twinkle of an eye".

"And how Jesse, are you a magician, just go home Jesse, you are just adding to my problem".

"Mom!!, Relax, just trust me on this okay, am going to help you sell all your slippers". He said with a smile, making him more cute.

Janet watch him, as he picks up a few slippers waving it in the air.

"Come and buy your slippers, is the best you can find in Guryoung, Ms to you want to buy a pair of slippers". Jesse said smiling.

The girl looks at him and nods quickly.

"Of course I will, how much is it". She said blushing looking at his cute face.

"Just a thousand won".

"Really, am going to take five". The girl said smiling and Janet looks at her with surprised.

"Okay ms".

"You are so handsome". She said smiling.

"And you are beautiful too". Jesse said with a smile and Winkle at her.

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!, Am going to 10 of these". The girl said again lost in admiration, and Janet was more shocked.

"You want ten". Jesse asked with a smile, and the girl nods admiring his cute face.

Jesse Gives her ten slippers, and she took it with her eyes crushing all-over Jesse.

"You can keep the change, I hope we see next time ".

"Me too beautiful". Jesse said and winkles at her again, and the girl blushed so hard and leaves.

"Who wants a pair of slippers". Jesse said smiling, and to Janet's surprise, lots of girls gathered around Jesse.

"Me! Me! Me! Me". The girls said jumping.

"I need four".

"I need 8, oh my God, you are so handsome, can we take a picture".

"How about I buy all of these slippers will you go out on a date with me". One of the girls said touching his cheeks.

And Jesse smiles, making the girls who gathered around him loose control the more.

"No, am going to buy all of this, don't go out with her but me". Another girl said.

"No, go on a date with me, any going to double the price". Another said.

"No it should be me, I can pay triple times the price of all these slippers, go on date with me". Another girl said.

Janet just look at them in shock, here she was trying to sell a pair of slippers, but couldn't and now these girls are even fighting on who is going to buy all the pairs of slippers, just to go on a date with Jesse.

And for the first time, she was so happy to have given birth to a handsome and cute son, she just watch them as they continue gathering around Jesse, who keeps deceiving them with his cute smiles and winkles.