
Hearts Entwined: HHC (Outdated)

In the bustling city of Sakura Falls, lies Harmony High School, renowned for its picturesque cherry blossom gardens and its unique approach to education. Amidst the blooming flowers and vibrant hallways, a tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery unfolds. Enter Sora Tanaka, an ordinary yet charming high school student whose life takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself at the center of a whirlwind of emotions. Sora Tanaka, a kind-hearted and optimistic young man, enrolls in Harmony High School with dreams of making lasting memories. Little does he know, he's about to embark on an adventure that will test his emotions, friendships, and personal growth. As he navigates the complexities of high school life, he quickly becomes the unexpected object of affection for several girls, each with their own unique personalities, backgrounds, and secrets.

LordSanctify · Realistic
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12 Chs

Beach Romance Arc (1st Year)

Sora would be outside, as he was jogging and training with his father at gym.

Sora: *smirking* "Let's See."

Satou: *observing* "What are you doing Sora?"

Sora: *confidently* "Imma try to push myself past my own limits."

Satou: *worried* "Just don't hurt yourself, okay."

Sora would Nod as he jogged off to the weights.

Sora would bump into a woman who was about his height, she would laugh as she introduced herself as Yoru Miyamoto, who was Freshmen in College.

Sora: *smiling* "oh are you okay??"

Yoru: *worried* "I-I AM SORRY."

Sora: *calming her down* "It's Okay."

Sora walked back to where his father was at.

Sora: "Father."

Satou: "Hm?"

Sora: "I'm going to get something to drink."

Satou: "Hurry back so we can get our stuff to go back home."

Sora: *nods* "Alright..."

Sora would walk as he then looked directly in the mirror, as he seen himself.

Sora then got bored and just yelled as he went to get water then walked to the bathhouse room.

Sora sat in it with his Father who hopped inside it as well.

Sora: *yawned* "So.... Dad"

Satou: *whistling* "HM?"

Sora: "there's some girls in my school who I think are all in love with me..."

Satou: *cheering* "ALLAT BOY."

Sora: "Dad, what is this feeling I am currently being..."

Sora: *sighing* "Is this what we call love??"

Satou: "I can't answer things for you, it's only up to you to come to terms with the one you truly love."

Sora and Satou would have a touching father son moment before they got out of the bath and went to the locker to grab their things.

Sora picked up his Phone, where he would receive a message from Aika on his phone.

However it was sent to everyone in the group chat, the message read:

"Hey, Sorry for asking this but does anyone want to go to the beach with me in Kyoto tomorrow."

To Which Everyone Agreed to Aika's Offer

Sora would hurry as he put on his clothes and belongings.


We fast forward about 3 Hours later.

Sora would be up as he then packed his stuff for the beach.

Sora then chuckled as he then walked downstairs to get ready for quick jog.

Sora: *stretching* "Alright let's go for a minute."

Sora would head out of the house as he then jogged for a good minute.

But it was about 30 or so miles so maybe more than a minute.

Sora: *panting* "I think I overdid it.."

Sora then noticed the same girl that he met in the gym.

Sora would hide so he doesn't be seen so he found a bush and hid there.

Yoru would walk past as she slightly noticed Sora, and waved slightly.

Yoru would be seen walking with someone, who looked like a punk and delinquent mixed.

???: *eyeing yoru* "anything wrong?"

Yoru: *chuckled slightly* "Katsuro it's nothing..."

Katsuro: *sighing angrily* "Alright, whatever you say."

Sora sighed as he walked off but then stretched as he didn't care that much.

Katsuro stopped, and asked Yoru, "Who is He?"

Yoru: *shrugged* "I have no idea."

Sora: *confused* "I wasn't here for you."

Sora smacked his face for being idiotic, "i was just jogging."

Katsuro: *smirked* "I like you kid, so why don't we crack a deal."

Sora eyed Katsuro, then asked, "What type of Deal?!..."

Katsuro lifted Sora up by the collar, "My brother Tsukasa, told me about you dumbass."

Katsuro: *sighed* "thankfully, i am-."

Sora would then laughed before stretching.

Sora would extend his hand out and slug his fist to the right, causing it to slug katsuro.

Katsuro: *holding his nose* "How dare you?"

Sora: *looking at katsuro, laughing* "Try not to annoy me."

Katsuro would be walked away with his girlfriend, Yoru who also hates Sora now.

Sora then jogged back home, like nothing happened.

A Couple Hours After the Situation with Katsuro and Yoru

Sora would get into the shower and wash himself off.

Sora: *sighing* "..."

Sora would then get out the shower as he then went to his room.

Sora would then put his clothes on.

Sora would grab his stuff as he noticed a minivan waiting in front of his house.

Sora: *confused* "Hm?"

Moriko chuckled as she said, "My sister is driving us there."

???: *Waving* "Hey Sora."

Sora: *smiling* "Hey Fumiko"

Fumiko smiled as she then asked everyone else if they are ready.

A Hour Later; they arrived to the beach

Sora noticed Aika, Emi, Hana, Luna, Natsuki, Rin, Moriko, Yuki & Mia, all in their swimsuits.

Hiroyuki walked with Daisuke, who wanted to get snowcones.

Sora would blush at most of the girls trying to gain his attention, but sora wanted to give each girl the same amount of attention.

???: *smirking, deviously* "Who is Sora?"

Sora: *confused* "I am Sora.."

Sora looked up at the stranger, confused.

Sora would walk with the stranger who then laughed as he continued laughing.

Sora would get annoyed from the stranger's constant laughter.

Sora: *sighing* "Now tell me who you are."

???: *smirking* "my name is Riku"

Sora: *unamused* "cool."

Sora was about to walk off, but Riku chuckled randomly.

Riku: *grinning, smugly* "you think we'll let you leave after what you did to our leader..."

Sora: *confused* "Your Leader?"

Katsuro would finally show himself, looking at Sora.

Katsuro snapped his fingers as 100 other men from his Delinquent Crew, "Kamikaze" showed up.

Sora: *looking unamused* "this is lame..."

Sora would stare at all 100 members, as they glanced back at him.

Sora: "this seems like a all out 1 v 100..."

Sora would get into a fighting stance now, as then stopped speaking.

Katsuro: *smirking* "take care of this son of a bitch, who ruined my face."

Sora would walk up as he then ran at the possible 100 Kamikaze Members.

Renjiro: *smirking* "It's your lucky day."

Renjiro would try to slam Sora, but Sora Avoided Renjiro's Grab.

4 Other Members of Renjiro's Group were surrounding Sora, who observed the situation.

Sora would point and counted about 100 men in front of him.

Sora smirked before dashing at the four members of Renjiro's group, without hesitation Sora would then axe kick one of them.

Sora looked behind him as he elbowed someone behind him in the temple.

Sora dashed forward and palm striked the last guy from Renjiro's side, knocking them out.

Sora: *sighed* "This is not very fun..."

Sora would dash at Renjiro then he used the wrist, sending it into the nose of renjiro.

Renjiro's Pupils went blank as blood dripped from his nose.

Renjiro would cough as he would feel like passing out but then he stared at Sora.

Renjiro would throw a punch at Sora, causing sora to block.

Sora would skid about 1ft away due to Renjiro's Punch.

Sora and Renjiro would then go all out in their fight.

Sora would throw his punches as Renjiro did the same thing.

Katsuro was confident about Renjiro's Ability to win this battle.

Sora would ended up laughing as he then used all his force in his uppercut as he then slammed it into Renjiro's chin.

Renjiro would spit out blood, before collapsing on his backside.

Sora would notice a couple people left.

Sora would laugh menacingly, as he noticed about 70 more delinquents in front of him.

About 20 minutes of basically Sora packwatching about 60 of the kamikaze delinquent group members.

Sora would look up at Yoru, who just arrived after saying she dealt with some people about sora's age.

Sora would stop for a second, as he shouted, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS?"

Yoru snapped her fingers and she pointed at sora's friends knocked out on the side over by two or three guys apart of the Kamikaze Group.

Sora would begin to Laugh but something snapped within him as he dashed at The two or three last remaining low ranked kamikaze members who tried to fight back but it was too late.

Sora knocked them out instantly, without any remorse.

Sora: *sighing* "...this was quick."

Sora laughed again but he stopped, waking his friends up.

Moriko: *waking up* "what happened..."

Sora: *sighed* "Some people were targeting me for what i did to tsukasa.."

Sora: "but i'll end it from here i guess."

Sora: *sighed* "Daisuke, Moriko & Hiroyuki, carry everyone outside now."

They nodded as they carried everyone outside.

Meanwhile that was happening.

Sora would Follow Yoru & Katsuro up to the rooftop for the final match.

Sora would eye Katsuro but was blindsided by yoru who tried to throw kunais at Sora.

Sora looked slightly before successfully dodging the kunais being tossed at him.

Sora then cockily said, "How about you two just fight me together... but just know i am still going to win."

Sora then striked Yoru's Gut before kneeing her on the mouth.

Yoru would bleed from the mouth as she was on the verge of losing it.

Sora would walk up to Yoru but then Katsuro would whack Sora who then instinctively sent a right hook to his jaw, causing katsuro to land onto the boxes.

Sora sighed as he realized something was off, but then Kaede appeared randomly trying to grab him.

Yoru gave Kaede a Thumbs up, which caused Kaede to thumbs up Yoru back, as she ran to Sora with a bat in one hand as she dashed then jumped striking downwards.

Sora stopped moving for a minute after getting struck by the bat, causing him to bleed.

Sora would laugh for a while, but it was monotoned tho like something out of a horror game or a anime.

Sora then laughed as he then whacked Kaede on the back of his head.

Sora would be freed from kaede's grip as he then roundhouse kicked her into the boxes, causing her to pass out.

Sora then lifted Yoru up, by the neck as he then gut punched her stomach, causing her to pass out from the impact of the strike.

Sora then dropped her next to Kaede as he then faced Katsuro, smirking.

Sora would wait as his hands were hurting a bit but he was ready to finish this.

Katsuro would notice his girlfriend Yoru and his sister Kaede, knocked out by Sora.

Katsuro angrily rushed at Sora, as he then started to attack him blindly.

Sora would begin to dodge quickly since each attack was readable.

Sora then sighed before elbowing Katsuro on the Temple, causing katsuro to collapse on the ground.

Sora begins to walk off but he then sees katsuro trying to get back up so he lifted him up by the collar.

Sora: *coldheartedly* "If you target my friends again, then i will find you and kill you understand."

Sora then smirked before hammer fisting Katsuro's cheek causing him to pass out again.

A Hour After The Situation Unfolded and Ended.

Sora would sit by the rock in the beach as he looked upwards in the sky.

Aika would appear behind Sora, with Emi, Hana, Luna, Natsuki, Rin, Moriko, Yuki & Mia behind her.

All of the girls would cheer and support Sora, as a whole.

Sora smiled as he supported them and cherished them as friends.

Sora: *looking at everyone* "I want to cherish these moments with all of you guys."

As The Day Ended They decided to head back to Sakura Falls.


Sora was laying in the bed as he then heard a knock on the door.

Aika would be the one knocking on the door, sora then opened the door.

Sora and Aika faced each other and then she kissed him first.

Sora blushed as he was suddenly kissed Aika.

Aika would let go of Sora before walking home for the night.

Sora and Aika blushed and realized that they both might be in love with each other.

-Short Preview of Next Arc-

It was the beginning of the new semester and Sora was officially a 2nd year student at Harmony High.

Sora's Hair was a bit longer than it was when he was a 1st year student.

Sora would get a text by Yuki & Mia who were in the same group chat with Aika and Others, letting them know that they made it to class already.

Sora would wish them good luck, via text.

Sora looked out the window as he thought to himself, "what should i accomplish now... maybe my grades, personality and behavior needs a bit tuning out..."

Sora chuckled softly as he stared at where the sensei would stand at.

A New Student Walked inside the class, he bow'd as he then spoke finally.

???: "My Name is Hanuel Tsukumo"

Hanuel would glance at Sora, who then eyed at Hanuel as well.

Hanuel would then jumped on the desks as he tried to fight Sora but thankfully Hiroyuki intervened as he separated and told them to fight later or something.


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