
HEARTLESS-When A Heartless Feels

Mr. Robert, a retired army captain owns a property costing billions in addition to the diamond-set that he bought for his wife, Ms. Maubin but could not give her, faces the accusations of betrayal to his homeland.but he was saved because of his literal and faithful personality. His only daughter Robin lives with him after Ms. Maubin left him because of the betrayal and didn’t believe him. She married J. Black because he liked her.Heartless is the main character whose personality takes serious transitions.

AishaFaisal · Action
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The wall calendar exhibits CROSS marks over the dates revealing the transitions of three days kept lodged by young Robin and her cousin Ritcher, in the hospital.The third sunrise spectates that the doctor grants them to let them perceive the patient. Robin enters the ward with her body shivering and unconstrained tears continuously shedding from her eyes leaving her cheeks soaked and dropping from her chin.

"Robin! Is it you my dear?" A slow faint voice touches her soul.

Gathering all her strength while confining her tears within her eyelids, she responds in a quavering voice "dad! I will never trust anyone and I will never leave you alone."

"but someone said… you left me forever!" A broken voice leaves a shivering earth in her body.

"No! It was a rumor, of course. But also, don't you leave me forever." She reacts with a sudden response.

"No dear! Have you got to know? (Takes a deep Breath) some strange angel has given me … one of his kidneys!" Mr. Robert replies while trying to smile mirthfully.

"Hah! Really? Thank God! … Wow! … Dad! You will ever live with me! … Ever!" She exclaims instantaneously, becomes truly amazed while pinching herself trying to believe in reality.

All of a sudden, her sight snatches someone's presence at the ward mouth and she finds Doctor Ed who asks Robin to proceed out of the ward.

"Dad! I am going to discuss it with the doctor to get further details about it but I am just coming back."

Robin walks out of the ward after giving a firm statement in a low voice whereas the nurse goes in. Dr. Ed, who is yet waiting for her in the corridor, explains to her that "It is a difficult task for him to talk for long. He is too weak. Let him have some rest."

He hastens away hurriedly after conveying a short message.

Ritcher advances closer to Robin and states "There is a girl waiting for you at the reception. She is saying that she is your friend."

Robin progresses to the reception with swift firm steps but she becomes a little bit astonished as soon as she catches the sight of a young girl, sitting on a plastic chair with a bookit in her hand and waiting for her yet. She readily recognizes Robin and walks closer to her with a frank beautiful smile and says "Hi Robin! How are you doing now? I heard about your dad and felt truly sad for him. Thank God he is better now."

While observing her curiously, she seems physically aggressive, shutting her away she states defensively "Excuse me! I don't know who you are. Do I?"

The girl retorts with the convention of smirks at her best,

"Hey Robin! Have you forgotten me? Come on! It is not only me who is waiting for you. You have to meet all of them. We were all waiting for you. You will soon recognize who we are." Robin walks out of the hospital gate along with the girl into the silent and dark vehicle passage, where she finds no creature yet even nothing other than humans.

Looking for somebody curiously and thoughtfully, the strange girl seems a bit nervous. She whispers to herself while faking a smile. "Where are they?"

All of a sudden, a black car approaches abruptly with a dead swift speed and brakes for a while in front of them. A few men step out and readily take their positions as a pre-planned target. One of them wraps her eyes with a black cloth and the other speedily binds her hands behind her after grasping them tightly and taping her mouth then pushes her wildly into the trunk of the car. The scene ends within a few seconds and the car runs away at a dangerous speed, leaving the strange girl with a pile of notes in her hand and a villainous smile over her lips.