
HEARTLESS-When A Heartless Feels

Mr. Robert, a retired army captain owns a property costing billions in addition to the diamond-set that he bought for his wife, Ms. Maubin but could not give her, faces the accusations of betrayal to his homeland.but he was saved because of his literal and faithful personality. His only daughter Robin lives with him after Ms. Maubin left him because of the betrayal and didn’t believe him. She married J. Black because he liked her.Heartless is the main character whose personality takes serious transitions.

AishaFaisal · Action
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23 Chs

At The Breakfast

Elles stands straight close to the door and gives a firm knock on the door of Robin's room but doesn't progress with any response which leads her to keep knocking for more than ten minutes but still fails to perceive any reaction. As a consequence, she opens the unlocked door herself and enters the room and finds it still dark, lamps and lights are turned off and the windows are curtained. She commences calling Robin while uncurtaining the windows and letting the fresh fine rays of morning sunlight enter the room. The entire room brightens up and makes clearly visible shadows of the obstructions present inside and a beautifully green scenery outside of the window.

"Robin! Wake up! Everyone is waiting for you on the table for breakfast. Hurry up! Get up! We will be late."

As soon as she catches her words, Robin readily opens up her eyes and swiftly raises up, flinging away her blanket and begins looking for the person who just spoke with the familiar words she got apprehended.

Observing her reaction, Elles proceeds to look at her as if she has become astounded and hence asks in a firm voice, "What happened, Robin? Are you okay?"

Robin seems nervous with the eagerness to settle her eyes over the person whom she expected to be present around her, "Where is he?"

Elles asks while taking a brief curious view of her room,

"Whom are you talking about, Robin? It is only me around you."

"Oh! Sorry, no, nothing … I felt as if he was calling me. I guess I misunderstood but why were you saying that we would get late?" Proceeds Robin in a slow voice while brushing her messy hairs away from her face with the help of her fingers.

"Oh! I was talking about being late for breakfast because everyone has woken up and is ready for breakfast! Do you remember? You are leaving us today and going back to your home. This is the reason we want you to have breakfast with us."

"Oh! Yeah, I remember. Sure! Why not! By the way, thanks for your admiration."

Says Robin with a slight smirk on her face while heading up straight.

"Actually, do you know what? My father also asks me to get up early in the same way as you just did, whenever we have to go to the hospital for his dialysis. That's why, I felt as if it was him, calling me to wake me up." She adds with her partially-opened eyes settled over the uncurtained glass window and seems drowned in her sweet memories.

"Hey, Robin! get up! We would get late. It's 9:00am." She speaks softly as if she is transcribing her father's accent.

"It means you are used to waking up late!" Elles endeavors in order to switch her grieved frame of mind into a delighted one.

A fair few mild laughs of both of these girls flashes up in the room.

Elles says "Anyways! Get up, young lady and get fresh! I am waiting for you in the dining room."

"Glad to hear that somebody is waiting for me. Nobody ever said that to me like this or should I say that nobody cared for me ever except my father. Huh! I didn't have any friends either." She replies with a solemn smile.

"People who are good don't need to show off their goodness because that is already shown in their personality through their positive thoughts and good deeds which they themselves often don't notice. You are one of them. You have such a nice, decent and gentle personality." States Elles while passing a lovely smile.

As she has nothing to react with, Robin retorts by replying with the same pleasant smile to Elles.

"Okay! Stop looking at me and go!" Elles states abruptly with acting funky.

Robin hastily stands up and runs to the wardrobe after setting her feet in the spongy slipper. Elles smiles with mild sad feelings inside herself for the reason that she got Robin as one of her good friends but suddenly came to know that she could not meet her again. She turns her way out of the room and soon departs.

Just after initiating a mild splash of water over her face with her hairs delicately tied back, Robin's attention is briskly snatched by her virtual image generated ahead in the mirror. Peering into her own eyes, she discerns the voices aroused within her mind which lead her to enter the field of imaginary vision of her beloved father that she can't otherwise apprehend. She perceives him saying,

"Someone has donated one of his kidneys to me!"

Her forehead contracts further, indicating her coherent focus over what she is memorizing.

"But somebody said, you left me forever!"

"Someone violently knocked on the door and entered as soon as I opened it!" Scene, within her mind, changes further and she suddenly captures Ritcher, roaring aloud in his worried accent, within her mind.

"Someone is waiting for you at the reception."

A drop of tear just leaves her eye and emerges with the water on her face, departing from her face at the point of her chin.

"I don't know what the hell is just going on with us! But … I am coming back, dad!"

She speaks to herself with her accent turned determined then proceeds her eyes back to the tap she left open a few moments ago and gets busy with washing her face and removing her worry and tiredness of the entire unslept night.

Lowering her head, Elles heads her way down to the dining room where all of her siblings are already waiting for her, seated calmly on the wooden chairs with beautifully etched translucent glass in center, the dining room seems well-settled. Mrs. Albert is busy in cooking flatbreads and assisting the maid in the kitchen, calling her husband, Mr. Albert for breakfast. Suddenly, Tiger sets his feet in the dining room. Sunnie greets him with love and delight, turns contented, catching the sight of his presence.

Tiger calmly walks closer to the chair and sits adjacent to Sunnie then speaks to himself, exhibiting jovial expressions, "I guess Lara likes chocolate."

Lara happily turns to him and cries aloud, "Do you have chocolates?"

"Na! Obviously not!" He refuses with downcasted lips, peering into her face while expecting her grievous reaction.

She desperately whispers to herself in a very low voice "Oh man!"

He slowly brings out chocolates from the pocket of his jacket and presents it to Lara with a pleasant smirk. Lara bursts into happiness and becomes amazed. He then proceeds his eyes to Elles who was looking at the chocolates but progresses her eyes at him, as soon as she perceives him watching her. She silently reacts with a noble smile then sees off his face and settles herself on the chair. He abruptly brings out a bracelet and a couple of colorful bangles from the pocket of his jacket and leaves them on the glass table in front of Elles. Sunnie keeps staring at Tiger with a dejected smile as if he can read the unsaid feelings within his heart and can feel the ache he can't express along with the reason for bringing such lovely presents for his sisters.

Tiger gives a short glance at his face and conveys in a very low voice "Hey! My Love, They are my sisters too, don't feel sorry for me. Welcome back to the present my friend! By the way, I have now become persistent with it!"

"No matter what other people think about you, you are and ever will be my Tiger, our beloved friend and we are sure that you are neither Heartless nor will take any disdainful step which you might regret later." Retorts Sunnie in a very low voice while firmly holding his hand and bowing closer to him.

Mr. Albert suddenly sets his feet in the dining room and says aloud to his wife: "You have been too late today!"

Mrs. Albert commences providing explanations apologetically and settles herself on her chair for joining the breakfast. Suddenly a very delightful and fresh voice of "Good morning" dazes everybody. It is Robin, entering the dining room. Everybody is amazed to perceive her waking up early whereas Elles is glad to see her and passes a pleasant smile. Robin seems to be excited while glancing at Elles and Sunnie. She progresses her sight within a moment over everybody present in the room for breakfast then firmly walks closer to Elles and establishes herself on the chair adjacent to her, facing Sunnie ahead.

As soon as Sunnie perceives her smiling, he whispers silently creeping closer to Tiger with super jovial expressions loaded over his face, "Did you see? My friend woke up on time today."

Tiger glances at his face for a while with one of his eyebrows raised up and asks "Did you just call her your friend? … Oh, Yeah! I can see." He ends up in an ironic accent.

Sunnie, suppressing his laughter within his tightened lips and picking up the fork, speaks softly, "Hi, Robin! How are you feeling today? I hope you had a peaceful night. You got up at the perfect time. "

Discerning the distinguishably soft accent of Sunnie, Elles recognizes that Sunnie wants to annoy Tiger, being his close, frank friend, and he is acting dramatically in front of Tiger just kidding for fun. She glances at Tiger's valiant face for a while, expecting an angry reply.

Tiger, interrupting their conversation while pouring tea in his cup, he passes an abrupt response to Sunnie's statement solemnly, "No! We are late today!"

"No! She woke up two hours ago." Sunnie readily replies in a formal accent without waiting for a second but actually telling a lie.

"How do you know that?" He puts forward a sudden question with mild frustration with both of his eyebrows raised straight up.

"Why do you want to know?" Sunnie replies with another question in a childish voice.

"I had no idea that you have such a friendly nature, Robin! I wish we could have spent more time with one another." Interrupts Elles, stating with determination.

Robin replies, pouring juice in her glass, she has no idea of the scene and their recently taken silent decision within their minds, "Yeah! We had great fun."

Sunnie, while taking a spoonful of rice, speaks with a disclosed smile, "We are now friends. Right, Robin?"

"Oh, really? I hope everything is okay!" Now turned irritated, Tiger speaks ironically.

Sunnie's tightened lips, which are suppressing his laughter, don't let him speak anymore and he is left smiling and staring at his plate while intaking spoonful of rice instantaneously. Mr. ALbert, his father frowns at Sunnie with slight anger and an aligned forehead, asking him to stop this weird drama. His mother just keeps smiling silently, considering it better than interrupting them.

Robin suddenly addresses Sunnie, with her eyes settled over her breakfast stuff, still unaware of the entire stage play, "Sunnie, I guess, you said that you know gymnastics very well."

"Yeah! I did … But that is not under my practice anymore." He readily replies.

Tiger interferes, "So, what? It is not a big deal, I guess. I also know that very well, in fact, it is still under my practice."

"Ah! I think she was talking to me." Sunnie turns formally innocent.

With a fork in one hand and a knife in the other, Tiger replies with no more than a deep exasperated sigh along with elevated brows.

Sunnie, whispering in his ear, still annoys him "My friend, I hope you are not feeling jealous!"

Tiger swiftly ends up his breakfast by engulfing his last bite and promptly proceeds out of the dining room. As soon as he leaves the room, everybody bursts into a roar of laughter, flashing up the room for a while except their solemn father, Mr. Albert..

"Sunnie! What was that? You shouldn't have behaved in such a weird way with him. You know very well what things he likes and what he doesn't!" Scolds Mr. Albert, angrily.

Sunnie explains while instantaneously taking small sips from the glass of juice in his hand, "Relax, dad! I was just kidding. I didn't want to hurt him and I know he wouldn't mind."

Mr. Albert speaks in a gentle tone, "He is your friend, my son! What if he gets angry?"

"Sorry uncle. It was me whose mind generates such weird ideas. He loves his friend a lot. It was my fault." Interrupts Robin, feeling sorry while telling a lie.

"Well! We had a joyous breakfast today. Hadn't we?" Speaks Elles joyously, to switch the topic and prevent further sorries.

"Hope he must not have turned angry." Retorts Robin, solemnly with a worried forehead.

"Hey! You didn't even know what's going on, Robin! It's okay, He is my friend and I know he doesn't mind such little dramas." Instructs Sunnie.

"He is such a nice and gentle personality if you are able to apprehend his concealed nature. Otherwise, he is Heartless." Mr. Albert leaves a mysteric statement before standing up. Mrs. Albert follows him, after summoning the servants to clean up the table.

"I am thankful to God for granting me such a perception of recognizing a human's nature based on one's soul." She speaks to herself with a minute's long slow brief nod.

"I wish he could recognize yours too!" Sunnie captures her words, spoken slowly, and replies with a solemn prayer for her.

"Sorry, I didn't get what you meant!" She bows forward in order to hear clearly.

"None of your use. But … he is stubborn or you can say consistent … He doesn't change his mind once made up. You need to pray for yourself and your father's safety. Just keep calm in your entire journey until you reach back to your home and try not to distract him with you." Instructs Sunnie solemnly while passing a mirthless smile.

Robin gives a brief nod but seems to have sunk in deep thoughts and worries as if she has considered his instructions as an alarmed warning, being constantly stared by the eyes of Sunnie and Elles.

"He saved me when that cruel guy wanted to kill me. He said he is working for my father and saving me on his command then … " Robin suddenly leaves her statement incomplete with her eyes settled generally over an empty juice glass.

"Just stop over-thinking about it! Have patience … Everything will turn out well." Consoles Elles, putting her hand over Robin's hand.