
HEARTLESS-When A Heartless Feels

Mr. Robert, a retired army captain owns a property costing billions in addition to the diamond-set that he bought for his wife, Ms. Maubin but could not give her, faces the accusations of betrayal to his homeland.but he was saved because of his literal and faithful personality. His only daughter Robin lives with him after Ms. Maubin left him because of the betrayal and didn’t believe him. She married J. Black because he liked her.Heartless is the main character whose personality takes serious transitions.

AishaFaisal · Action
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Are You With Me?

Tiger soon falls asleep with his tilted head supported with his bent arm, keeping himself in the sitting position with his face being consistently touched by the wind through the opened train window performing with his short curled locks on his forehead whereas Robin is still enjoying the views and fresh air through the window with her eyes closed and her bound hands placed over a small wooden table attached with the window. She feels free as soon as she turns her eyes at his face and finds him sleeping.

Half an hour passes smoothly, afterwards the train conductor's aloud calling wakes him up from his deep sleep. As soon as he gets free from him, he inhales a deep breath and instantaneously recovers back into his senses. Suddenly, he becomes shocked when catches sight of the blank seat in front of him. Turned worried, He commences to look for her in the entire train carriage. As soon as he reaches the gate, he finds it opened and becomes stunned to perceive that Robin is entertaining herself with the fast blowing mild cold wind while sitting all alone at the portal letting her legs hang outside. He hastily runs towards her, holds her arm savagely and pulls her up with harsh and violence. She becomes terrified when suddenly finds him angrily pulling her closer to him.

"Aren't you afraid of anything?" He brutally cries with an ear splitting voice with an aggressive tone.

For an interval, she keeps observing his daring face , peering into his indignant eyes while sensing his wrath and valiance and finds mild scared emotions somewhere within his expressions and proceeds with a feeble, faint, low voice, "Are you?"

"This is not a joke! Your responsibility is not a joke! Go back to your seat." He fiercely screams aloud with terrorizing accent.

Staggering and shivering, she walks back to her seat with mild water in her eyes and face turned pale and keeps sitting there quietly,might be drowned into deep oceans of memories and trying to suppress her scared sighs. Still standing at the gate in the same position with a depressed exhibition of multiple thoughts, for a moment, he discerns the lady's words that just suddenly crossed his mind,

"Beware! She can make you fool and run away. She is not as innocent as you might consider her!"

Shaking his head and letting slip all of her incorrect notions, he walks and sits back in his seat in front of Robin and keeps glancing at her instantaneously while pondering silently,

"As soon as I got back into senses I thought the lady was right and she tried to make me fool and ran away but I feel I was wrong! Her face exhibits that she is absolutely terrified."

Suddenly, he breaks the ice and tries to speak softly, "Robin! Are you ready? At the next station, we will leave the train."

She gives a brief nod and seems as if she is still scared.

"Be easy! Let it go!" He adds in a very low voice.

"Do you remember your Uncle Maxwell?" He turns to the main point.

"How do you know him?" She becomes amazed when she catches his Uncle's name with his tongue and proceeds with speaking softly in a low voice.

"Your father told me that all of your property documents are given to him to keep them safe. He is his most trusted friend indeed!" He solemnly retorts.

She considers keeping silent better as if she doesn't know how to react along with her face exhibiting astounded expressions.

"You will ask him to get all the property documents of your father." He keeps adding instantaneously.

"I don't think that he will hand them over to me." She retorts sedately.

"Listen! I will give you the code chip which you will use to take the documents. He is the most trusted friend of your father but beware! Don't talk about me in front of him. Don't tell him anything about me. I will guide you through the pathway of the building to reach his office conveniently and I will myself stay out of that building." Tiger passionately adds.

"But! But why can't I tell him about your help? You progressed with all sorts of obstructions and helped me in the best way you can. You tried your best to fulfill my father's command. He would be proud of you!" She keeps speaking in a low voice.

"Robin, Robin! No!" He tries to keep soft rather than being violent, suppressing his anger.

"May I ask the reason? … Heartless! I trusted you! I spent three days in your custody! Isn't it a big deal?" She speaks with mild water in her eyes.

Feeling the waves of confusion and sorrows crashing within his chest while sensing mild congestion, he reacts by lowering his head, having nothing to speak. She discerns at his lowered face and asks slowly; "Heartless! Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of being known by him? If you are, then tell me the reason straight away?"

Tiger becomes astonished and readily turns his eyes at her, "Hey! I am not afraid… I am not afraid of anything. (His tongue slips out of hesitation ) Actually, I just want to say that indeed you trusted me and also your father trusted me but your uncle might … He might not trust me and might create some obstructions in our way and don't you want to meet your dad as soon as possible?! I wish I could have done this task tonight and have dropped you back to your home. Robin! Try to understand the situation and believe me. I don't have time anymore to waste! I hope you will understand and will not argue with me anymore."

"Oh! Okay! … Hah!" She suddenly passes a mirthful laughter as if she wakes up back into her senses which leads him to confusion.

"What happened? Why are you laughing?" He asks solemnly while raising one of his eyebrows.

"Oh, nothing! I was just laughing at myself! Did you notice my frame of mind was absolutely changed for a second! (passess a mirthful smirk once again) What I began to think about you, forgetting how courageously you saved me from those kidnappers?" She replies with her earnest innocent accent.

His face turns dejected within a microsecond while sensing a sudden earth of regret and dejection within his heart. He begins feeling downhearted and his emotions are becoming intense due to her honest sincerity and her blind faith over him. He is feeling regretful over the decision he has taken and the commitment he has made with that lady and betraying such a pure blind trust for the first time in his life after becoming heartless! He ponders How much she has begun trusting him even though he wanted the same. He wanted to develop her trust in him to break it one day but now why is he feeling sorry and grieved over that? His words generated within his mind are "She made me different. Actually, all the mistakes are mine. I should not have helped her. I should have let Black kill her. Why did I want to save her, to save a young girl, after the passing of a duration of 5 years?"

Letting a few unsaid minutes pass smoothly along with letting him peer at her face consistently, she speaks to wake him up, "Are you okay? Why do you fall into such deep thoughts again and again?"

Train intends to stop with a whistle. Tiger gives her a sign to follow him and they move to the opened gate of the train and keep standing there until the train stops absolutely. Walking out of the railway station swiftly, Heartless hires a taxi. He seems to be performing every step hastinately while having deep sighs, looking slightly frightened and possessing anger as well, along with worries and confusions. With the swift speed of the taxi, they proceed to the gate of a tall ancient building built up in a dark and utterly silent area.They cover a certain distance on foot because he stopped the taxi at a distant point.

Robin asks while entering the building, "Does anybody live here?"

Tiger retorts while opening the lock, "No!"

"You have its keys, it means it is your house." She suggests.

Tiger, stepping up the stairs, "Two other men also have this building's keys."

"Lit the lamp, please. I can hardly see anything. I am following you like blinds." She speaks in a low scared voice while firming her grip over his hand.

Tiger suddenly stops on her words and ponders silently , "You are truly following me like blinds!"

"Why are you stopped?" She mildly shakes his hand.

Tiger does not reply to her and continues stepping up the stairs and finally they proceed into a large dark room with a table table placed in the center and many cupboards standing on the right side. On the left, multiple cartons are scattered side by side and over one another. Tiger lights up the hanging bulb by standing on the table and lets Robin take a curious view of the entire room in the yellow colored sodium light.

"It seems like a warehouse of criminals and rascals … Scary!"She speaks in a low voice while constantly moving her eyes in the room.

"Your observing power is great." He replies.

Getting busy with his work, he hastinately brings out a bag from the cupboard, opens it, and places different things inside it. As soon as Robin turns her face aside and catches the sight of the guns and pistols scattered in the boxes, she is left unmoved with a mild sigh, expressing her fear, "Huh!"

Hearing her considerably deeper breath, his attention is snatched at her face and he subsequently follows the direction of her eyes.

"Oh! the guns! Don't worry! They have not been loaded with bullets." He replies with an ironic smile.

"Are they usable?" She asks.

"Yeah! Do you want to use them?" He reacts with a question, suppressing his devilish smile.

"No! Never!" She readily replies.

Tiger burst into a mild laughter for a while, forgetting his confusions and sorrows.

Tiger gives her a bulletproof jacket, "Wear It!"

"What? Do you really think that I need this? I mean, you are scaring me!" She asks as if she has become frightened.

"Don't think too much! It is just for your safety." He solemnly replies while wearing a bulletproof jacket himself.

Here is your code chip and these are certain documents which are not truly necessary but for your uncle's satisfaction, you must keep it. There is a hidden device I have, by which I can listen to you and all the conversations between you and your uncle. You can talk to me through this. You can hear me also. I will guide you on what to do next." He adds.

"But Heartless! Basically, the problem is … what if he would ask me about my father and my arrival…" She puts forward a question.

"Yeah, yeah! I am telling you about each and every point one by one. You would just say that he can't come here himself as you are far distant from our house. By the way, you will not need to explain anything because everything is mentioned in these documents and he knows very well that your father is on the bed. Listen, don't tell him about the misfortunes that happened during these eight days." He explains.

"But … " She wants to say something.

Tiger, ignoring, "Listen! Here is a rough map of his office showing the directions and others. The building consists of twenty-five floors and you have to go to the twenty-fifth one. Look at this map very carefully. Your task is not as difficult as you are thinking it to be."

He explains to her the directions and pathways of the map within a few minutes.

"Any question?" He asks at last.

"But are we planning…?" She begins to ask.

"Stop asking useless questions?" He frustratedly asks.

"But you asked "any question"?" She replies exasperatedly.

"I mean irrelevant questions! Okay, now wear it, place this device and keep the code chip and other documents inside your jacket." He instructs him solemnly.

His phone rings, he walks out of the room and closes the door firmly, receives the call, and begins to speak, "Everything is going quite well. Send your man at 9:30 pm… Don't worry, your daughter is safe."

After a moment's silence, he suddenly becomes quiet and stationary as if he has undergone a shock whereas the lady on the phone keeps asking a question aloud, "Hello, why are you quiet? I just asked if she has begun trusting you or not?"

Tiger bursts into a loud angry scream, "Of course! She began to trust me after our first meeting even though I am not trustable."

"Are … you, okay?" Lady on the phone turns amazed to hear him speaking angrily for no reason.

"Yes!" He speaks with an exasperated sigh.

Lady, on the phone, speaks with an ironic smile,"She is not as innocent as you think. I hope that everything will go quite well. She must not create a problem at the very end. Place a hidden camera on her"

Tiger is astonished by her words and ponders, "How selfish that lady is? What type of mother is she who can't even understand the nature of her own daughter!"

"Tiger!" Lady on the phone calls him aloud.

"Yeah! I will!" He frustratedly replies and proceeds readily with cutting the phone call with great anger. Suddenly, a scene of hospital of a few days back just crosses his mind when he perceives Robin sitting over the stairs with soaked face and saying,

"Mom! You had to be here today!"

He holds his head with his hand as if he is feeling a headache. He walks back into the room and catches the sight of Robin, standing near the table with her back at the door. He walks closer to her, pats her shoulder and says, "Some people don't have friends because God wants them to be kept connected with Him!"

"Don't you think that sometimes he sends angels like you for help?" She retorts with a mirthful smile.

Tiger takes his eyes off her and turns.

"I don't know why but I am not feeling better right now." She adds while possessing mildly worried expressions.

Tiger hastinately turns his eyes at her face and becomes worried.

"I am feeling anxious." She adds.

"You don't need to worry about anything." He speaks while taking out a letter to ask her for her signatures over it.

Ignoring the letter, she turns her eyes to him and holds both of his hands firmly, moving closer to him, she settles her eyes peering into his' then progresses with kind soft words in her faintly soft and absolutely solemn accent , "Are you with me?"

Perceiving her sudden reaction, he becomes too nervous and confused and gets lost in the sea of thoughts being continuously starred by her with his eyes settled within her's, turned bloodshot. Subsequently he begins to gather all of his strength and proceeds with speaking in a decisive way within an audibly low voice, "Yes! I am with you. I am with you everywhere, every time, always…forever!"

She passes a mirthful smile and seems as if she is satisfied now.He reacts with the same pleasant smile while silently taking the letter back into his bag without getting her signatures then moves to the cupboard and picks up a micro-camera from one of the shelves and walks back closer to her.

"This one's just for your safety!" He speaks while fixing the camera on the button of her shirt then calmly asks with a pleasant smile.

"Are you ready?"

"Always ready!" She retorts with the same pleasant smile.

"Let's go! … Wait, wait! One last thing!" He turns his way towards the opened cartons followed by Robin's eyes who turns to look at him. He picks up a selective pistol from the box then moves towards the cupboard and takes out the bullets. He puts up two sets of bullets, loads one of them in the pistol and keeps the other one within his bag then firmly holds her hand and subsequently leaves the building. He has hid the pistol within his jacket. They cover a certain distance by foot and then hire a taxi. He seems relaxed and tranquil possessing a pleasant and soft smirk over his lips as if he has changed his mind and has felt something within his heart.