
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasy
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# 4

Next day... It was really hot that day... Fans were on and everyone was busy in sleeping or chatting..we had 3rd language class...when Miss Leena came to our class she started to teach a

chapter of the book It was a long chapter a story of God and it was really boring we were all feeling bored to hell ..... then.. Mark called Rik..

Mark : Hey Rik have you brought you tiffin today..if yes..then what have you brought today in tiffin....

Rik : Fried rice....i guess I don't know

about it..I didn't get time to take a look at my tiffin since I was gonna be late..

Mark : whatever you brought doesn't matter I will have it all share with me okay...or else I am gonna starve to death...( looks at Seth ) what about you Seth what did you bring today.....

Seth : Egg roll....my father prepared it..

Mark : wow..!! I am going to have it...spare some for me.. don't you dare to finish it alone...

Seth : fine fine.. you brat..!!

Mark : good. by the way Rik and Seth aren't you feeling bored listening to this meaningless chapter...i am bored to death let's talk about something...so get rid of this boredom...

Seth : fine.. but what is the topic going to be..?

Rik : Seth..! come on.. you know naa what kind of topic he gonna choose.. he is really good on that topic... so obviously he gonna choose porn

Mark : wow bro..how do you know me so well....were we lovers in our previous life.. or twin brothers in this life but were parted in the hospital..

Rik : come on stop saying silly things I was never your lover in the past life nor you brother in this life.. nothing in us matches that indicates a twin...but I will obviously know about you. cuz we have been friends for a really long time

Mark : Lol.... you got a point..

Seth : okay okay now stop laughing... if teacher sees us we are dead meat...

Mark : well Seth do you know... Rik is a very good pervert....but hides it under his skin..

Rik : Hey stop it..! she is a girl don't tell her. ....

Mark : So what if she is a girl...i don't consider her as a girl in fact we are good buddies ... right Seth..

Seth : exactly.....you are right Mark...Rik let me remind you again.... don't treat like a girl....okay..i am different from them so never....!

Mark : right understood.....if you didn't you better understand...

Rik : yea yea I got it.....i got it. I will listen to you guys..

Miss Leena : ( looks at Seth..) ( angry) since you are so free Seth read the next paragraph of this chapter loud and clear without any mistake.....if there's is any mistake three of you will stand outside the class....

Seth : *gulps* ( shockingly stands up) Shit...! I am dead...i don't even know the next para..which is the next para..!( whispering to Jack)

Mark : how will know.. I was chatting with you all.

Seth : damn..! we gonna get punished now..... what to do... ( looks at Rik)

Rik : ( whispers to Seth) here Seth this part... read this paragraph...

Seth : oh thanks... ( starts reading...)

After some time....Seth finishes reading the whole paragraph.... without any mistake.. loud and clear.

Miss Leena : good sit down...Seth( starts explaining)

Seth : * sit's on her chair* phew..!! finally it's over..waah that was a bare escape..luckily you were paying attention Rik..thanks a lot because of you we won't be punished..

Rik : welcome...but I should thank you... you read it perfectly so miss Leena felt good and she didn't punish me and Mark anymore....

Seth : lol.. if you two get punished I will also join you..!

Mark : am I invisible..... why don't you thank me..

Seth : why should I.. I barely escaped this time..

Mark : that's the reason I should be thanked I made an adventurous experience for you...if you succed you will be praised and if you don't you would be punish... lol.. 😝😝

Seth : what a useless reason.. 😑

Time never waits for anyone specially when it is one of the golden time of your life...Days started flying faster than you can imagine.... although time was short but this made three of them closure... every language period was the period they met and the time when they enjoyed talking and chatting happily...

One day..in language class Miss Leena was teaching a chapter which had God and Goddess as it's character...it was an ancient story where demons and all exist..in this story the male lead had 7000 sons.....

After Miss Leena finishes explaining the chapter.... she gave everyone to revise the chapter..... Liya a topper student who was sitting beside Seth...called Seth and asked....

Liya : hey Seth..! I have a question...

Seth : what..question ?

Liya : In this chapter the story is stating that the male lead had 7000 sons..

Seth : yea so. ?

Liya : but I don't understand How did the male lead had 7000 sons.... ?

Seth : what..!!

as soon as that question fell into Mark''s ears he turned and burst with laughter....

Mark : ( controlling his laughter) you don't know...

Liya : nope..

Mark : lol...Through the process called porn....😆

Liya : what....? porn..what is this..( confused)

Seth : pffff...

Mark : well well according to my assumptions I guess he fucked all the women 70 times a day that's why he had 7000 sons....or maybe more than that...

Seth : ( laughing hard) stop it....!! she doesn't understand anything...

Liya : but what is the meaning of porn....?

Mark : lol. ... you don't know....?

Liya : No...

Mark : ( shock) really.. for real..?

Seth : hey..hey Mark stop it..she is a nice and innocent girl she doesn't understand this kind of stuffs...

Mark : but she is too innocent..

Liya : ( still confused) hey..!!! guys come on tell me the meaning of porn or I will ask Miss Leena...

Mark : fine..go go asked miss she will give you loads presents... *laughs* you don't even have to share with me..

Seth : Mark she will really go.... stop it... ( whispers)

Mark : ok fine.... let me tell you in simple porn is a fish... who lives in land...

Liya : what how can it be possible....?

Seth : * surpress laughter.. * yes yes... it's a fish that can live in land I have seen it in the discovery Channel....

Mark : yea yea...

Liya : oh .. but how can a fish help the male lead to have 7000 sons...

Seth : well ....( coughs) it's a tough question for us to answer. * holds laughter*..

Mark :it's a long process..it takes a long night...when you will get married you will know about it....😝