
The Forgotten Echo

The grand hall reverberated with Elsa's anguished words, each syllable a shard of broken promises.

Edward watched, torn between empathy and disbelief. The woman in the blue dress—his mother—stood there, her heart laid bare for all to witness.

Emily, the cousin-turned-rival, wore her betrayal like a badge of honor. Her eyes locked onto Liam, the groom, who had once been Elsa's confidant.

Edward wondered how love could twist into such treacherous shapes, how loyalty could crumble like ancient parchment.

Elsa's voice trembled. "Five years ago, Liam, you proposed to me. You promised that our backgrounds didn't matter, that love transcended status. And now?"

Why this betrayal?"

Emily scoffed. "Sis, don't dwell on the past. Liam and I have been together since you left for America after breakup. Our love is stronger and pure than your."

Edward clenched his fists. Never in life he thought he had traveled through timeand space, to witnessed this family drama unfold, and now he stood on the precipice of revelation.

His mother's tears mirrored the rain outside—the storm that raged within her.

"But it was emergency from American branch in our company and uncle send me there as representative, we never break up"

"You even promised me when I will come back you will marry me " Elsa said.

Liam, the heartbreaker, sneered. "Elsa, stop being pathetic. We are already over now ruining our special day won't change anything."

"How...."Elsa words cut off from harsh scolding.

"Enough of this nonsense "

But then an old man stepped forward—a patriarch with a face etched by time and secrets. Elsa's grandpa. His favoritism was blatant, his words a slap to her wounded pride.

"You're are already this big still fighting with your sister," he said to Elsa. "You're becoming insultfor Our Carter family."

Elsa was look at the man who is also her grandfather, who never love her in whole 24 year of life . He always favors men over women .

Her father was head of family and her grandfather's proud but unfortunately died in car accident her mother took the hold of business when it was in crisis and make name for family.

But still grandfather of her heartlessly snatch all rights from her and give it to his son as he was true blood of Carter and even she fight everything was still same.

In year after her father's death she also died from cancer, 15 year old Elsa lost her only family member and face crisis with her so called family.

Edward's chest tightened. His mother, abandoned by family, had fought battles he couldn't fathom. And now, in this fractured moment, he realized that Elsa's pain echoed his own.

Arthur, the enigmatic friend, observed it all. "She is your mother, Edward," he whispered.

But Edward shook his head. "No," he said. "How can this weeping woman be my mother? She's a stranger, lost in her own tragedy."

Arthur's gaze held ancient wisdom. "Sometimes, the strongest hearts break the most. Elsa's tears are the forgotten echoes of love denied."

As the engagement ceremony continued, Edward retreated to a shadowed corner. He wiped his tears, his mind unraveling. Elsa's vulnerability haunted him—the same vulnerability that had driven her to fight for love, even against betrayal.

And then he understood. Family wasn't just blood; it was the shared ache of existence. Elsa, Liam, Emily—they were all threads in a tapestry of longing. Edward vowed to weave a new chapter—one where love triumphed over time, where Elsa's tears found solace, and where he embraced the woman who had suffered silently.

For in this tangled web of past and present, Edward discovered that sometimes, the most fragile hearts held the greatest strength. And perhaps, just perhaps, he could mend what time had torn asunder.