
Heartless heart

What is destined to happen when a lover, who had been with her for the first sixteen years of her life and suddenly leaves, refusing to tell her his identity. He later returns nine years later, when she has a yet to be fiancee who she loved very much. He is determined to cross all boundaries just to get her back,... even if he has to harm her beloved. What happens, when she gets pregnant for the second male lead, which greatly infuriates the male lead. What would she do after learning their deepest secrets? Psst!,She is the heartless one we are talking about here.

Juliana_Abbey · Urban
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16 Chs

You are mine!!.

"Jessica ",Mike's regretful voice sounded as Jessica turned to leave. Although she had heard his voice, she did not even turn to look at him. The man has just left that thing he called extreme love take over and had dragged her from that place to here, pulling her in front of so many people like she was his property, the feeling that she hated the most.

Before she could take another step, Mike pulled her into his embrace and apologized, "Jessica, I am very sorry for that, I will never ever do that again. I just saw you staring at John, and I assumed that you liked him. I am sorry, please forgive me",he begged.

Okay, I will confess. Those were the exact words he use whenever he exhibits this behavior.

He let her go. She took a step back and looked at his regretful face... then, then, her most annoying soft thing in her she calls heart reacted again, and she forgave him AGIAN.

Mike gave her a peck on her cheeks and slowly and gently sent her back into his car.

The atmosphere was getting awkward when Mike asked her anything she only answered with a shrug or a 'hmm'.

She closed her eyes to rest and relieve the headache Mike caused.

They slowly reached her place. She opened her eyes to see them at her place, she turned to him and asked, totally ignoring the pleading looked he had on,"Why, are we here?".

Mike closed in on her as he stared at her small moist lips ... but she turned away her head. He took her hand and said,"Jessica, I said I am very sorry, please.....",he was interrupted by her, "It is fine Mike, I'm just feeling a little tired... Sorry for my behavior .See you tomorrow "she gave him a little peck on the cheeks and got down from the car.

"I will come for my car later ",she said at the window and walked away.

Mike was naturally happy that Jessica would visit him tomorrow. His foxy eyes followed after Jessica until she entered the mansion before ignited the car and drove off.

Jessica entered the mansion to Ken and her mother eating dinner. Since it was time for dinner, she did not bother to go upstairs.

"Mom",Jessica greeted as she sat down by the table .

"Jessica, your face looks terrible, who dared to hurt you",Her mother asked , concerned .

Ken, who had been studying Jessica from the moment she entered, had already noticed her reddened hand.

'It can be no one but that boyfriend of hers', thought Ken as he tightly clenched his fist, which was really itching to beat up someone.

"Nothing, mommy",she said and sat down by the table.

The house maid,Nancy, brought her food to her. Jessica never once looked in the direction of Ken since she entered the mansion. She was in no mood to argue with him. The thing is that Mike's possessiveness was getting much weirder and stronger than before anytime he does that

"Jessica, Ken is going to stay here with us", Jessica nearly choked on the food. She raised her head to stare at him.

He was eating really elegantly like the 'prince 'he is.

"Why should he stay here mommy?",Jessica asked her mother. If her mother is going to allow Ken to stay here, she can surely move to Mike's. She did not want to stay in the same house as him, although she would be going to work.

"His aunt has traveled, so he would be staying here",her mother answered her question.

"Hmm", Jessica hummed she had made up her mind to leave, allow the boy on vacation to enjoy his vacation and leave.

She was in a mood. After the dinner, she hugged her mother and went to her room.

About twenty minutes later ,there was a knock on the door. Totally forgetting that there was a male visitor in the house, she opened the door.

Seeing the face of Ken, she planned pushing the door close, but before she could do that, Ken was in the room. Having no choice, she silently closed the door and walked to him

" What do you want?,Jessica asked impatiently.

Ken stretched out his long arms and pulled her towards him.

Locking her into his arms, he asked, "Do you want me to deal with Mike for you?".

Jessica froze in shock. This man is really powerful. Just to know the identity of her millionaire, it would take a billionaire like him.

"No",she did not want him to hurt Mike, her love, so she bared her angry little catty at him.

Seeing how she was protecting her that damned boy subconsciously,he got angry and tightened his hold around her.

"If you really want to protect him then stay away from him, you won't like want I'll do to him ",he warned.

Unfortunately, Jessica did not take him seriously.

"You won't do anything to him, I dare you ",she joked.

"Hmm, my woman is growing up",he said as he bit her earlobe.

Jessica vigorously tried pushing him away, "Stop",she cried out, she had a boyfriend for Pete's sake.

"Why?, you are mine!",he confidently and boldly said, which in fact sounded very arrogant in Jessica's ears.

She was greatly offended so much that she bit him on the neck.

The pain made him frown, but didn't let go of her, but rather nibbled seductively on her ears .

This act made her give out a little moan, and HER act made him turn her over and pin her onto the bed.

He moved to her lips and slid his tongue into her mouth ,fiercely kissing her.

Jessica did not stop struggling she boldly and fearlessly kneed him in his manhood. A billionaire like him at the age of twenty five. Who knew how many women he had slept with.

Savoring the sweetness of her mouth, he increased his movement.

But when his thing was hit, who wouldn't stop?.Don't ask what thing.I mean, his THING.

He rolled over and stood up ready to leave and save himself from embarrassment. Before he left, he said, "....

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