
Heartless heart

What is destined to happen when a lover, who had been with her for the first sixteen years of her life and suddenly leaves, refusing to tell her his identity. He later returns nine years later, when she has a yet to be fiancee who she loved very much. He is determined to cross all boundaries just to get her back,... even if he has to harm her beloved. What happens, when she gets pregnant for the second male lead, which greatly infuriates the male lead. What would she do after learning their deepest secrets? Psst!,She is the heartless one we are talking about here.

Juliana_Abbey · Urban
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16 Chs

Castrated dog

My mother was laughing at me.Can you believe it?.

She rushed to help me after controlling her laughter, a tiinny tiny bit.

"Do you know that you are walking like a castrated dog?",my mother asked as she helped me to the dining.

"Stay here, I will be right back ",she said as she walked away.

Nancy walked over and handed me a liquid to drink. From the smell of the liquid, I could clearly say that the liquid in my hands um....mint tea.

Although I don't know what it does to the body and since it is a herbal something, I will simply take it in like that.

After drinking the solution, I turned on the television and started watching some cartoons, before I noticed my mother walking down the stairs with sweat face and a dusty book in her hands.

"What are you holding, mummy?",zi asked as she took her seat by me .

"Nancy!",she called and Nancy came running inside.

"Please get a rag for me",my mother ordered, putting the book on the floor.

"Ok",Nancy said and went back to get the rag.

I was still staring at the dusty book when Nancy arrived. She past the rag to my mother and went back.

Mummy brought up the book and cleaned it. Sorry, I mean dusted it clean after all the dusty dusting, the original form of the book came into sight.

Itwas a diary and an old one at that.She looked at me and passed the book to me.

"This is my diary I got when I married your father till he died.I want you to continue with yours ",my mother added as she handed over the diary to me.

I do not!,like writing and secondly I am a Thursday born who does not like repeating the same thing day after day, after day....

"Make time for yourself, okay?",my mother patted my head.

"When would you make your marriage public ?",the nosy woman asked.

When she mentioned the word, marriage, I have just remembered, Did Mike give my mother any bride price?,If he hasn't.....Oh no. How can I criticize my love like that. I am sure he wants to prepare everything on our wedding day.

"We would do so during our upcoming wedding ",I informed her and she looked surprised,

"You guys would be having a wedding?",my mother asked excitedly.

"Yeah,I will show to the whole world, the mother of my beautiful me",I praised her but...

"Eho,who said I will be attending the wedding because of you?,I will only be going there to eat a wedding cake",my mother stated.

😒😒😒,I just stared at the woman from the corner of my eyes and wondered , whether I should go and learn psychology.

I looked at the dusty book in my hands and decided on opening it when I get home.

Although the book looked old,it possessed the aura of an ancient book with some exquisite features on it.

" Let's go outing ",my mother announced as she pulled me up.

"Ouch",I winced.I could still feel the pain between my legs.

"What wrong?",my mother asked with a panicked expression as she helped me sit back down.

"Mummy,my ....it's still hurting ",I complained to her .

"Phew',my mother chuckled, 'It the whole population of wedded women all over the world and others,take only a night for the pain there to disappear, but as for you,It is around 12pm and you are here, complaining to me!",my mother lectured.

My face turned pitiful (as i can sense it)and stared at my mother. I really want to rest.

She was about to speak when my phone suddenly started ringing upstairs. I immediately rushed upstairs to get it.

"Hello ",I said,panting.

"Jessica?.What's wrong?",It was obviously Mike. I controlled my breathing and answered,

"Nothing, hubby ",in my sweetest voice ever.

"Hmm?",he asked in a warning tone.

"Okay, I was ran to get the phone when it rang ",I confessed in a silent tone.

"Oh, I think I didn't work well yesternight, if you are so energetic as to ran up the stairs to answer your phone ",Mike teased and immediately, my face turned red.

"oh?,let's see what I would do to you tonight ",I teased .

"Are you teasing me?",he asked in a surprised tone,"Oh, let wait and see who would have the upper hand I this.See you later bye".

Chuckling slightly, I placed the phone down on the bed.

Raising my head, I was really shocked to see my mother, smiling foolishly at me as she leaned on the door.

How much had she heard, I was not sure. She stared at my legs and asked,

"What made you RAN here like that?",stressing on the word, 'ran'.

Oh, shit. Did I ran in front of her just now?.Ahh!,I don't want to go to the mall with her or else, we would return tomorrow.

"And who taught you how to speak like that?",she asked again, stressing on the word, who.

I blushed very hard, thinking about the person who taught me with some words.

"Mommyy...",I stressed. I really don't have any explanation for the two questions.

"Don't you mommy me. Either you answer both my questions or we are going shopping ",my mother said with a look on her face and as for that look, hmm...it was only brought out when she is on the winning side.

Okay, she is my mother so I will go with her.And that's the only reason why I am going with her not because I can't answer her questions.

"Okay, mom, I will go with you",I agreed.

"Humph",she sneered, "Get dressed young woman, cus we are going shopping ",she screamed as she ran away to....maybe, her room.

I sometimes find my mother very childish. Even at forty something, she behaves like a teen.