

Living a peaceful life was all she ever wanted but it seems those things she wanted was cut short by someone after some years of living a low shadowed life. Aubrey a 23 years old girl who lived with her family. Her Father, Mother and twin sister. Yeah you read it right. She is a twin. She turns out to be last child cause she came out late. They were a happy family till something happened to their priceless last bunny Aubrey. She was knocked down by a moving car that got her to a wheel chair. Her family forced the person behind her predicament to get married to her who turns out to be.... Zaike Kyler a business tycoon in County Ka. Known for his business and his popular company ZK Corporation. After coming back from a club drunkenly he never intended to run over Aubrey but he did and out of pity for what he has caused to the girl he decided to listen to her parents and married her without his parents consent. Aubrey life change to a more chaotic drama after living with Kyler. How will she survive with all the dramas going on in her life?? Will Kyler fall in love with Aubrey and give her a deserved happy ending?? LET'S FIND OUT

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11 Chs


ZK Corporations....

Everyone was sited in the meeting hall waiting for their CEO. After the some hours of them waiting the door was pushed opened and Kyler walked in elegantly.

The female staffs couldn't help but drool over him secretly for they couldn't risk losing their jobs if been caught in their silly acts.

"Good Morning Sir"They immediately stood up and bowed at him. Kyler took his seat before the rest did.

"Go on"Kyler commanded coldly. His usual cold and emanating eyes as returned back while he used the calm look for Aubrey and her family.

"Sir the stocks exchange business improved their company shares"Someone reported.

"To what cost??"Kyler asked.

"50 percent% shares"He smiled.

"Just 50% shares and you're happy??"Kyler asked with a frown.

"I--I--I--thought you wo--wo--would be happy"He stuttered back in fear.

"I should be happy that I got 50% percent shares??"Klyer asked.

"Am--Am--sorry Sir am going to get more shares from them"He immediately bowed his head.

"You better do that or else..."Kyler trailed off.

"That's all i have to say now all of you get lost"He commanded and they immediately stood up.

"You"Kyler pointed his hand at a particular girl and everyone stopped.

"Me"The girl asked.

"Come"He commanded and the girl started walking towards him.

"What did i say you all should do??"Kyler asked with a bit of irritation vivid on his face.

They immediately turned back and squiried out. The girl stood in front of Kyler without looking at him. Her eyes were down.

Kyler eyes trailed off her body. She was putting on a blue skimpy skirt that stopped below her thighs,with a well ironed sleeved that pushed out her b*obs.

"Kneel"He commanded and she immediately knelt before him.

He shut his eyes tight and shut it opened again. He immediately changed of heart.

"Get lost"Came his next statement.

The girl was shocked by his sudden statement but she didn't dare stay in that position any longer. She stood up and ran out.

"Boss"Secretary Ava greeted with a bow.

"How is it??"Kyler asked before he stood up.

"It all went great as usual"Secretary Ava replied with a smile.


"Umm Sir please permit me to ask something"Secretary Ava pursed her lips. She wasn't sure of his answer to what she said.

Kyler turned and stared at her wondering what she had to ask to seek permission from her, "Go on."

"Err umm it's about your bride--"

"What about her??"Kyler deep voiced cut her off.

"Nothing nothing don't mind me."She immediately shut her mouth so she won't get him angry.

Kyler backed her before he asked, "What's next on my agenda."

"You have no meeting to attend to today,i mean there's literally nothing for you to do today."

"And tomorrow??"Kyler asked.

"You have a meeting with chairman Yang and also conference to attend."

"Hmm get me alerted about the time."Kyler turned back and walked out leaving Secretary Ava behind.

"Oh gawd he's just too cold."Ava whispered to herself.