

Living a peaceful life was all she ever wanted but it seems those things she wanted was cut short by someone after some years of living a low shadowed life. Aubrey a 23 years old girl who lived with her family. Her Father, Mother and twin sister. Yeah you read it right. She is a twin. She turns out to be last child cause she came out late. They were a happy family till something happened to their priceless last bunny Aubrey. She was knocked down by a moving car that got her to a wheel chair. Her family forced the person behind her predicament to get married to her who turns out to be.... Zaike Kyler a business tycoon in County Ka. Known for his business and his popular company ZK Corporation. After coming back from a club drunkenly he never intended to run over Aubrey but he did and out of pity for what he has caused to the girl he decided to listen to her parents and married her without his parents consent. Aubrey life change to a more chaotic drama after living with Kyler. How will she survive with all the dramas going on in her life?? Will Kyler fall in love with Aubrey and give her a deserved happy ending?? LET'S FIND OUT

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11 Chs

Handsome And Cute

Kyler was driving home when a call came across his phone. He connected it to his ear bod and place it on his ear.

"Hello baby"A girl voice rang.

"Melissa"Kyler called.

"So am over your house please come home i have something to show you."She said loudly.

Kyler immediately parked his car away from the road, "You're where??."

"Your house of course. What is it??"Melissa was shocked on why his voice suddenly changed to a worried one.

"What are you doing there??"Kyler asked angrily.

"Why talking as if am no longer your girlfriend huh?? So am no longer allowed to step my foot into your house??"Melissa frowned.

"You know am married right??"Kyler asked.

"Oh married my foot. Married to that dumb, useless,dirty and lowly creepled girl. I have no business with her and am sure she's aware you have a girlfriend so she's none of my f*cking business. Just come ok am waiting for you"Melissa shouted before she hanged up.

Kyler hit his hand on his head in frustration. He's surely going to die quickly if this madness continue. He turned on the ignition and entered the road again.

"What is??"Melissa asked.

"Nothing Ma'am"Lina shook her head.

"Then why are you staring at me??"Melissa questioned.

"You look Beautiful My Lady that's why am staring at you"Lina replied with a bowed head.

"Oh my, Atleast you have eyes to see good and eye catching things"Melissa famed proudly.

She has been praised by people wherever she went to because of her beauty.

No body can walked past her without turning back to stare at her. She has always being the central of attraction where ever she goes to.

She has received a lot of proposal from different high influential men but she never liked or wanted any of them. All she ever wanted was to be loved and pampered by Kyler.

After all her years of chasing after him she finally got him and she isn't going to let him off so easily.

"Get me some glass of milk my mouth tastes sour"Melissa ordered but Lina didn't heard her.

"What are you still doing here??"Melissa asked with a little bit of irritation on her voice.

"Sorry Mi lady i didn't heard you clear."

Melissa walked to her and released an heavy slap on her face.

"You must be stupid. You want me to repeat myself again so you will get the message clearly. You little ugly duckling listen to me very carefully. You better not be one of those maids who tends to seduce their boss just so they will get pregnant and bear him a child in order to be incharged of his properties and wealth. If you're that type then get ready to meet your doom cause i will so much dealt with you that you will regret ever be born"Melissa warned deadly.

"Go get me a cup of milk useless pig "Melissa shouted and Lina immediately turned back and ran off.

"Urhhhh gawd what's with all this silly maids"Melissa scoffed loudly before she turned towards the door and saw Kyler walking in.

"Baby"She called loudly before she rushed to him and hugged him tight.

"I miss you so so much"She muttered.

Kyler wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her hair. Melissa wasn't a short girl. She's 5.3 feets tall while Kyler is 6 feets tall.

Yet Melissa loves heels alot matching her height with Kyler.

"Hope today wasn't stressful??"Melissa grabbed his collar pulling him towards her wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Not with you around"Kyler smiled.

"Awwnn you're so sweet"Melissa gushed before she broke the hug and stared straight at Kyler.

"What??"Kyler asked.

"How could someone be this strikingly handsome and cute at the same time??"Melissa asked with fluttering lashes.

"Guess i was created like this."Kyler replied proudly