

Raymond and Yvonne concluded on calling Susan over to plead with her to reconsider and not add more to the one on the ground.

Susan entered and was led by Mercy to the sitting room, where they were sitting, waiting for her. "Wow. Ray, this house is beautiful." She said on entering the sitting room.

"Thank you. Sit down, Susan."

Susan pouted, "Won't you hug your fiancee? When was the last time you saw me?" She hugged him and pecked his lips. "That's more like it." She looked in Yvonne's direction, "Oh, the side chick is here."

"Hey, Susan." Yvonne forced a smile at her.

Susan moved closer to her, "Would you also want a hug as well?" Yvonne moved away, shaking her head negatively. "If you say so."

She sat down across Raymond, Yvonne, and Mercy. "Let's get down to business. Why am I here?"

"Clara told me you were called for an interview concerning this voice recording."

"Yes, later in the day. I was told an hour ago, how did you know?"

Raymond hissed, "Forget it. The main thing at hand is this interview and we want you to use it to clear Yvonne's name from this mess."

Susan looked from Raymond to Yvonne then back to Raymond, "You said?"

"You would tell them she was framed and that the recording was forged..." He hadn't completed what he was saying when she burst out laughing. "What's funny?"

"What you said just now."

"You won't do it or you can't do it," Yvonne spoke up.

"Both." She glared at her. "Do I look like a fool to you? Trust me, I would only worsen the case."

"What should we do to make you reconsider?"

"Hmm..." She looked to the ceiling in thoughts, "You could run away and never return." She looked at Yvonne with hatred.

"It's out of it. Another thing."

"I know you won't want that. How about you kiss me?" She winked. "It's been so long we kissed."

"Only a kiss and you would do it?"

Yvonne wanted to protest but he stopped her, "Kitten if that's what she wants then it's nothing. I just want this rumor gone." Yvonne left the sitting room.

He stood from the chair, "Let's get it done with." She wasted no time in kissing him as she got to him. He released from the kiss as it was taking too long.

Susan held onto him, "Yvonne is a bitch. She's taking you away from me but I won't let her do that completely."

"Susan, leave her out of our issue. She hid by disguising for months, and after I found her, I went after her." He moved away from her.

"Yes, you love her and that's the hateful part. She had it planned out, don't you see it?"

"Maybe I'm too blinded by her love to see it."

Her expression changed, "That's the main reason, I don't want her to be happy and would continue to torment her."

"Susan..." She paid no heed to him and left the house in anger.

Yvonne left the sitting room, mainly because she don't want to see them kiss. She came back after Susan had left.

Mercy joined them when it was time for the interview. it was shown live on TV and other social media.

"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Best Times TV Station... My name is Edward Gloria." The camera was moved to her right, "And here with me today is The New York magazine Top Model, Susan Fabian..." Susan smiled, "Welcome to the show, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Gloria."

"Huh... Since the beginning of this week, different issues have been coming up concerning you, Mr. Raymond, and his assistant, Ms. Yvonne."


"First, we would like to know more about the relationship you have with each one of them if you don't mind."

She clears her throat, "The relationship I have with Yvonne is not the same with Raymond. Yvonne and I have been best friends since childhood while Raymond and I are lovers and also engaged. We are getting married soon which is the day after tomorrow."

She clapped excitedly, "Wow, The wedding we've all been waiting for. I'll be honored to be invited to the wedding."

"You're already invited. Feel free to come." They laughed.

"We would take it that you were the one who introduced them to each other and got the job for Ms. Yvonne as his assistant?"

"Yes. I am. I took it that I was helping a sister in need."

"You've seen the pictures taken of Mr. Raymond and Ms. Yvonne?" Susan nodded. "What do you have to say about it?"

"I..." She breathes out. "It came as a shock to me when I saw it and I felt betrayed... I should have suspected that something like that would come up but I didn't."

"Please, shed more light on what you said."

She adjusted herself on the chair, she was sitting on, "Some days after she had been given the job, I noticed she was behaving strangely from before and asked her about it but she told me, it was the stress from work and I forgot about it."

"That's an act of ingrate. When did you do the video recording?"

"The day I went to confront her about the pictures of her and Raymond."

"Oh... Okay." She looked at the files with her then back to Susan, "Now, the question on everyone's lips is, why did you record the conversation and secondly, what made you record it?"

"My intention on that day was just to confront her and leave, that's all but I had to do otherwise because I needed an advise." Susan shrugged, "I know it doesn't sound convincing but that's the truth."

"It doesn't in all sense do though but why then did you leak it out to the public?"

"I wasn't the one that leaked it out."

"Who did?"

Susan kept silent for some time, "A friend of mine who felt sorry for what my best friend did." She sighed.

"About Ms. Yvonne, did you two have some kind of issue before now?"

"From the voice recording, she's doing all this to take revenge for what happened 5 years ago."

Gloria nodded her head, "Yeah, she said so in the recording and we are curious to know that part."

"It's not my story to tell but I could give you a summary. She's doing this for her late father..." She bent her head. "A minute silence for him please..." She sobbed. "That part is a touchy subject to me."

Gloria gave her a handkerchief to clean her tears, "I'm sorry."

"It's all good, we would reach there at some point even if you hadn't brought it up." Susan sniffles.

Gloria turned to the camera, "We would take a short break and when we get back, the untold story would be revealed. Thank you."

After the break, Susan gave details of Yvonne's dad's death and what happened before he died, adding more lies to the story.

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Susan Fabian. Thank you for this wonderful night." Gloria smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine, Gloria." Susan smiled widely at the camera.

"Stay tuned cos we aren't true with the story. Next time, same time tomorrow. Thank you." They ended the interview.

Back in New York, Raymond's parents were also watching it, "Oh, God. I can't believe Susan could behave like this." Raymond's mom said.

"You are not sure if the voice recordings are lies." Raymond's dad countered.

"I'm sure 80% are lies" She shook her head.

Still in New York, In the shadiest part, A man is seen looking at the TV with a cold look. "She thinks this would work?"

"Sir, would it ruin our plan?" Jasper bowed.

He switched the TV off, "She should do hers sensibly while I'll do mine but she would bear the consequences it ruins mine. See to the end of the interview, I have somewhere else to be."

"Okay, Sir." Jasper left for his office.

Yvonne and Raymond were waiting for Susan outside her house, "You are a devil." Yvonne yelled at Susan.

She laughed hard, "The side chick is angry."

"You said if I kissed you, you will not worsen the situation and I did but you did the opposite."

"Aww." She cooed. "I know you enjoyed it too."

"You slut..."

Susan raised a hand to stop him, "Don't you dare. You have done enough. Do you think a kiss will do the trick? Huh! Think again, love." She pecked his lips. "Goodnight." She went into her house.

Everyone woke up to a video from Raymond, he posted the conversation he had with Susan before she left for the interview.


"Yvonne is a bitch. She's taking you away from me but I won't let her do that completely."

"Susan, leave her out of our issue. She hid by disguising for months, and after I found her, I went after her."

"Yes, you love her and that's the hateful part. She had it planned out, don't you see it?"

"Maybe I'm too blinded by her love to see it."

"That's the main reason, I don't want her to be happy and would continue to torment her."


He told of his history with Yvonne and Susan from 5 years ago, how his best friend, Justin got the job for Yvonne as his assistant, how Yvonne disguised herself for months till the night of the party, and other things that had happened.

He ended his video with, "Susan brought up these rumors to blackmail Yvonne into leaving me. The only person I'm in love with is Yvonne Melissa Malconde and won't replace her with anyone."

"CEO OF MOND ENTERPRISES, RAYMOND RUSSELLS ADMITS, HE'S IN LOVE WITH MS. YVONNE MALCONDE." Was the video that was shared and is being talked about everywhere.

Raymond's parents called him immediately they saw the video, "Raymond, you shouldn't have posted that video."

"Mom, I told them the truth and you know it. Susan should have cleared her name instead of adding more lie to mess things up."

"I know but..." His mom sighed.

"Mom please, I'll talk to you later." He ended the call.

Yvonne was beside him when he received the call, "Don't you think this would affect your career?"

"I don't care, Kitten." He pecked her forehead and left the sitting room, leaving no room for discussion.

An hour later, a knock was heard at the door, "Who's there?" Yvonne asked from inside. She opened the door, "Wow!!!" She said in shock.