

Mercy asked Raymond to come back home, telling him some problems had occurred at his company.

He called up his pilot to arrange a quick flight the next day. Susan requested to go back with him to New york. He accepted without any argument, his thoughts were on the problem his employees were facing in the company.

He mailed Clara of his arrival and asked her to get a rented apartment for him. She called him to give feedback on his request, "The costs of the rented apartments are high, Sir."

"Check among the once you've seen, pick the one that would be up to my taste, and do the needful. I would need it by tomorrow."

"Sir, what is wrong with your house? Why are you looking for rented apartments? You have a well standard house."

"Do what you are asked to do, Clara." He said irritated.

"Okay, Sir." He ended the call in anger.

The next day, he arrived in California at 7 am on the dot. He called Clara, "The address to the apartment."

"Good morning Sir, Check your mail, I sent it to you last night." She said sleepily.

He ended the call before she could complete her sentence, He told his driver the address and they drove off to the place.

Soon, they got to the place. His driver took his luggage into the house. Susan rushed inside while Raymond followed her from behind, typing away on his phone.

"Why are we staying in a rented apartment?" Susan asked looking around the place. "Why aren't we staying in your house?"

"If I had a house, we would have been in the house by now and not here." He went to the kitchen to drink water.

She shook her head negatively and laughed in disbelief, "You are telling me now that since you came here... You haven't gotten a house?" He nodded. "So where have you been living?"

"I have been scouting with a friend. Susan, I want to rest before going to the office today." He went upstairs to the bedroom to rest.

Susan watched him leave. She couldn't believe what he said, "How would a multi-millionaire not own a house... Since 5 years that he has been here?"

She went to their room to also rest her head, she couldn't get enough sleep because of the packing and other things. Raymond had slept off before she entered the room. She climbed into the bed and turned to his side but was met with his back.

She watched his back for some time and sighed. Raymond has never slept facing her before even by mistake, always with his back turned to her, neither has he touched her before.

He was always with a neutral expression when he's with her or his parents, his mother has pleaded with her countless times to bring back the Raymond they used to know but what can she do, she has done all she could.

He became that way since the day Yvonne left, she never knew he took Yvonne so dear to him and was jealous of her, wishing it was her instead. His phone and laptop are filled with Yvonne's pictures, the same with his pocket wallet.

She believed with time, he would get over his first love and would fall in love with her. She had tried seducing him but it went in vain, he didn't fall for her seduction.

An hour later, Raymond woke up to the ringing of his alarm, he heard movement beside him, Susan stirred beside him, he turned in her direction, and he sighed.

His house is perfectly okay and can accommodate both of them but, he has never brought a girl into his house before. Why would he bring Susan into the house?...

He built the house in memory of his first love and believe she would be the first girl to enter the house when he finds her.

He stood up from the bed and went to prepare for work. Susan woke up when he was about to knot his tie.

She sat up straight from the bed and went toward him, "You are almost prepared for work." She collected the tie from him to knot.

"Yea... I don't think I would be comfortable with the tie." He removed her hand from the tie, took it off, and returned it to the closet.

She sighed, "I can't stay home by myself." She told him as he came out of the closet.

"Are you planning on going out?" He wore his suit and carried his briefcase.

"I would like to follow you to work, Ray. Please."

He walked out of the room, "I would wait downstairs."

She quickly brush and took her bath. She selected a mini brown gown and heels, applied her makeup, sprayed herself, and left the room.

She met Raymond eating, "Baby, am sorry I didn't prepare breakfast. I overslept."

"When have you ever prepared any meal." He washed his plates and went out of the kitchen. She went after him.

"Good morning, Sir Ma'am." The driver greeted, opening the car door for them.

"Morning," Raymond answered. They entered the car and drove off.

Clara had informed Yvonne of Raymond's arrival before she came to work. Entering into the company, no employees were seen clustering around, talking, or doing unnecessary things. Everyone was busy with one thing or the other.

Yvonne was restless, knowing Raymond was coming today. She had tried imagining what his reaction would be, his expression, She couldn't wait.

She went to the restroom to ease herself. She heard the restroom door open and close, indicating someone has entered. She did her business and came out, suddenly she was bumped into and fell.

"Ouch!!!" She shouted, patting her butt to reduce the pain.

"Where you blind that you didn't see me coming?" Someone yelled at her.

She looked up to see a familiar girl about her age, scowling at her. She tried to recollect where she had seen the face from.

"Are you deaf? You bitch." She screamed again.

"A bigger bitch will surely identify the smaller one." Yvonne stood up, glaring at her. "You are too loud, at least reduce your voice."

"You, employees, don't have manners and need discipline. I told Ray to..." Yvonne blocked her out as Susan kept talking.

She moved back in shock on recognizing the girl, The girl is someone she knew, her childhood best friend. She was here with Raymond.

She held on to the restroom door with all her might to balance herself, "Yvonne, don't you dare break down in front of her. You have wasted enough tears on these things." She said to herself.

"You are now afraid of me? Huh? You are getting fired this minute." Susan smirked, thinking it was fear swerving in her eyes.

"Afraid..." Yvonne smiled, "I wish. Look into my eyes properly and you would find out." She stepped closer.

"Get away from me. What the hell is your name? Ray would fire you right now." She moved back to avoid body contact with her.

"Excuse me, I have better things to do with my time."

"You..." Susan screamed in frustration.

Yvonne gave deaf ears to what she said and went out of the toilet. Susan saw red at the way she was treated.

The door open up again, Yvonne entered but not fully, "You asked for my name earlier, just remembered that. My name is Yvonne Malconde."

All the color drained from Susan's face, she gasped with her mouth open wide. "No... no... I knew you looked familiar." She murmured.

"I love your reaction but it wasn't yours I wanted to see but of your fiance's." She smirked

"Don't you dare..." She glared at her and said in a low voice. Yvonne laughed and walked out leaving Susan in shock.

Susan paced the toilet, "No it's not possible. They suddenly disappeared into thin air, how come she's in Mond Enterprises. All my effort can't go to waste." She looked into the mirror by her side. "Raymond belongs to only me and me alone." She went out of the restroom.

Mercy called Raymond 3 times but he didn't pick her calls. She was happy thinking of how he would be jubilating Yvonne was back and angry, she did not tell him.

He called her back in the night, "Baby sis."

"Big bro, I called you earlier but you didn't pick up."

"Am sorry. I saw your missed call just now and I called back."

"Or you were enjoying your day with a special someone." She said teasingly.

He hissed, "If you are talking about Susan then am not in the mood."

"Susan? I am not talking about Susan." She said confused.

"Who are you talking about? You know I don't have a girlfriend too. Less I forget, why did you lie about a problem at work."

"I wanted you to come back early, knowing you were not happy in New york." She said sadly.

He laughed, "I told you that or you guessed?" Smiling.

"It has been like that since 5 years ago."

He sighed, "Mercy, I believe I would find her one day."

"Did you see your assistant?"

"Unfortunately, I did. She is weird and her voice seems familiar."

"Her voice or face?" She asked confused.

"She uses a veil and sunshades, saying it's recommended."

She gasped and shouted, "What!!!"

He moved the phone from his ears, "Mercy, what is it? Do you know her from somewhere?"

"Not at all. I'll talk to you later." She said in a rush.

"Take... care, Sis." He ended the call.

Mercy looked confused, "Why is she covering her face? I thought she would be happy to see him too. What could have gone wrong?" She thought.