
Lunch, and Going Out

After one more game, which Nicole ended up losing, my mom called us to eat lunch. Getting out the room, I noticed that she is somewhat depress of her loss which ended up with me consoling her.

"It's okay, you still won the first game after all."

"You're right, but it's still depressing. Losing doesn't really feel good."

"Just keep on playing, and you'll get better. Maybe in the future you can even defeat me."

"Right, I'll use you as my goal then!"

"You've got to work hard then."

As we walk towards the table, the aroma from the dishes tickles my nose so I walked faster.

"Hmmm, smells delicious. And there's so many dishes." I looked at my mom, and said "You sure did overworked yourself for lunch, didn't you?"

"I have to impress Nicole after all, hehe. You two, hurry up and wash your hands."

"Got it, come on Nicole. The sink's over here." I pulled Nicole towards the kitchen where the sink is. Since our dining table is in the living room where the television is placed at, we have to walk a little distance to go to the kitchen.

"Auntie's pretty energetic, isn't she? She even cook so many dishes. I just caught a glimpse of the table but i'm pretty sure I saw at least three." Nicole said as she washed her hands.

"Mom's like that every time someone's coming over, but at most we have two dishes almost every single day. Typical Filipino hospitality."

We went back after I finished washing our hands.

"Come on Nicole, come sit here." Mom called over Nicole while pulling the chair which is next beside the chair I'm always sitting on. I looked at her with my 'I know what you're thinking' expression, which she just laughed at.

"Thanks auntie. Your cooking really smells delicious, I can't wait to have a bite."

"Hoho, wait when you taste it. You might even forget your name from your first bite."

"You're exaggerating mom. Anyway, let's eat. I'm getting hungrier because of the smell."

"Okay then. But before that, let's pray."


"Man that was delicious."

"Truly delicious. I'm really lucky. I never thought that she would agree"

"Well, maybe she likes you that much. You seem really happy eating her cooking earlier."

I pat my stomach as I sit on my chair. After we finished eating, as my mom was cleaning the table, Nicole asked if she could help her clean it. When they got back from the kitchen, Nicole's smile was so wide it almost reached her ear. Apparently, she asked my mom if she could learn her technique, which my mom agreed easily. This really smells trouble.

"Do you want to play again?"

"Is it okay? Are you not playing?"

"I've played enough last night. Just keep on playing on my account for now, so that you can enhance your play better. This approach is better for you since you already have the basics down. This time you'll play rank."

"Are you sure? Doesn't this game have demotion feature? Are you not afraid of being demoted?"

"Don't mind the small details. This way you will get better at playing sooner."

"Okay then. Let me try again."


Nicole played for about three hours. Every game she played this afternoon was a complete defeat. My account got even demoted in the last game in which Nicole decided to stop playing for today. I actually don't mind being demoted. After all, I get to see Nicole's various expression from watching her play. Seeing those from her at the price of being demoted is totally worth it indeed. To distract her from her defeat, I decided to invite her out.

"I'm gonna roam visit my grandparents in the farm, you wanna come with me?" Since the sky became cloudy, not rain clouds, I'm planning of going out to move my body. It's not good for the body to just sit all day after all.

"At your farm? I can go there?"

"Of course. It's not healthy to just sit all day, let's try to move a little bit. Let's go to the farm and roam around. We can also eat fruits out there."

"But how will we go there?"

"You'll find out soon, come on let's go."

After I turned off the computer and unplugged it, we went to the kitchen where my mom was busy preparing food.

"Is it done yet?"

"Almost. What about Nicole?"

"I'm bringing her with me. Mom, let me borrow your helmet. And a separate package for two."

"Oh. It's with your aunt, ask her for it. Take it from her and I'll prepare your share. Nicole, would you help me?"

"Yes, auntie."

My aunt's house is directly behind our kitchen, so we have a door installed there for them to easily get inside. After I took the helmet after asking them for it, I returned to the kitchen and found out that they already finished preparing the food so I also went down to follow them. I took my own helmet and keys near the main door of the house and went to the garage. The moment I saw Nicole, I noticed the spark in her eyes. 'It's those eyes again' I thought as I get near them.


Sorry. Been visiting the hospital lately.

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