
Chapter 2: Dama Scene

Her pupils focused on the iron designed on the ceiling, it twirls and chime with the blinding light as the sun rises. Grace can feel the soft bed beneath her even the the heavy arms cupping her slender waist. She looked behind her and saw a man that scared years of her life. She could never forget the real life nightmare that broke her heart in pieces.This man was seated next to the driver, I dont recall him ganging up on Dinah or I just did not pay attention that I can't make out his figure but I do remember him not caring even if we got bullied inside the blue van.

Carefully and quietly as possible she gathered her shiny black straight hair to avoid brushing his symmetrical face and handsome nose. She studied his face, his wavy brown hair cupped his face, his lips is pinkish for a man and his adam's apple highlighted his handsome chin. His skin is too pale for a man. If he could just put on a wig, he can be a trending actress. Wait! Grace perish the thoughts as she scold herself. How can she allow herself to get distracted? You have to get up and escape right now no matter how ideal this man looks, he is still one of the reason why you losed your friend.

She blink the tears forming in her eyes. She successfuly get down from the kingsize bed. The cold marble floor reminded her of the bruises in her feet. She realize that she is not wearing the same clothes she had yesterday this white dress made her thoughts go abysmal that it sent chill to her bones.

She is about to grab the doorknob but a strong and heavy force pulled her back to bed. She realized that this man is so sly. He tied an iron chain lengthy of a dog chain and crafted it like a bracelet, handcuffed in her left wrist and to his right wrist. "So where are you going early this morning future wife?" He whispered as he nibble on her right ear.

Grace can feel her whole body crumbles and shake in fear. Her lips tremble at the thought that this man hath defiled her while asleep. "I won't marry you!" she uttered in gritted teeth. This man just caress her hair and opened his eyes. His dark marble eyes stared at her and said. "Mnn you will. Why don't you take a shower future wife?" He said as he get up from the bed escorting Grace to the shower room. "I won't remove this chain. I'll wait behind this slightly open door." He said winking at her. Grace felt the heat rush unto her face as her rage tick from her heavy breathe. "I don't feel safe being around you, not to mention taking a bath." He entered the black tiled bathroom and grin at her "then should we take one together? It will be an honour." as he step closer to her and she step backward. "choose carefully future wife. I stay outside or be with you inside" as he raised his right eye brow playfully. Grace just gulp in and pushed him behind door, as she get in the bath tub she heared him chuckle just behind the slightly open door.

It is now his turn to take a bath so Grace is seating on the marble floor newly dressed with something he picked. It's a long brown fluffy dress with violet beads on the linens. Grace observed the house and it look marvelous. It is a wooden house vast enough for a family and the windows are paper made covered in satin glasses, so are the doors inside except his bedroom and the comfort room. All things are round and is painted in gray and blue. Her nose caught his shampoo, a cue for her to get up because he is done. Grace have no choice but to follow him. He is taller than her, she is just up onto his shoulders. His steps are huge she have to double her steps to catch up or the iron chain will leave a mark unto her left wrist.

The kitchen is designed like of a mini bar painted in blue he gestured her to sit infront of him as he prepares their breakfast. "Here you go future wife, by the way I have updated your parents that we will have our wedding ceremony at your church this week end and they happily agreed." he informed as he bite the sandwich he made, paired in coffee. Grace spit the coffee inside her mouth in disbelief "what are you saying? You made plans with my parents? Are you forgetting the hell that you have put us last night? "

He grab the remote and open the t.v beside the aquarium wall. "This popular celebrities are sentenced to life imprisonment under the case of violating women, rape and abuse. As the t.v showed a established shot of the gang. The evidence were submitted by a unkown source and the authorities are still investigating who the sender might be." The t.v got switch off.

"Due to the interview, I got labeled as a rapist. So I submitted the evidences communicating that they should not reveal me. Besides I am not an actor, I am a movie director." he expanded.

"Then what were you doing inside the van?" Grace inquired. He swallowed the last bite of his sandwhich and answered "I got so drunk that I entered the wrong van, I got so intoxicated that I slept like a log, the next thing I knew I am in that woods left alone. So I walked farther and witnessed how they gang up at your friend, I took a video of it and after hours of waiting I heared you cry and followed you."

"Then why do you insist on marrying me?" Grace questioned tilting her head.

"Your whole church levelled me as your rapist and I have to take responsibility and marry you. You've been sleeping for two weeks that your churchmate planned the wedding event for you." He elaborated as he stir his coffee. Grace felt betrayed at the thought but she knows her parents have a purpose for this, but it still pained her that they would allow her to marry her rapist. Hold on a minute he just said "insisted" then does that means nothing happened between us? Grace concluded and voiced out

"You said insisted then does that mean nothing happened between us?"

He gulp his last drop of coffee and leaned closer to her and stared at her brown and blue eyes. "Why do you think a drunk guy bring home a unkown woman? Your thoughts are too pure and kind future wife." Her left blue eye and right brown eye grew wide at the realization. "Plus you can't go against your parents and church." He said as he got up, his index finger lift her chin to make her look at him. "By the way future wife, my name is Lull Tyre Synth."