
Is that an Angel?

Great I become a burden to other people once again. I collapse and cause trouble for my friends to carry me back home from the badminton field.

Well, hello I am Jake Cravy. So from the past i was always become a burden, especially for my mom. I'l put the detail later on so we continue.

My friends bring me home then they treat me because my mom weren't home because she went to the shopping district with my sister. I made them to promise not to tell my mother, and they say okay.

After several minutes pass for them to make sure I'm all right they said that they want to go to continue the badminton.

"Well, sorry guys i made you guys stop playing for about 20 minutes" I say.

"It's okay your home and the field is close enough" Kaleb says. Kaleb Smith was my best friend he was asian with muscular body black eyes and black hair. He was very tall so he seems like he was 18 but he was just 15 like me.

"Can I play with you guys again?" I reply hopefully.

"Uh, its better not too because you are pretty unstable"Kaleb reply slowly. The other two just stare at me with, what is that look? Pity?

"Well, okay I will take a rest at home you guys go I think I will be just fine.

"Okay bro take care" Kaleb said.

Then the three of them leave the house and leave me alone. I just get up from the sofa than take some water to drink. Refreshing a cup of cold waters after playing badminton plus i just collapse.

I quickly take a bath and grab my phone then go downstair too sit on the sofa again, but after I see the sofa full of my sweat. Uh, disgusting so I take a napkin then clean the sofa before sitting on the sofa.

Unlike usual I feel bored to pay video games on my smartphone i just felt like just thinking what have I done in my 15 years old life.

I always felt unsecured.

"What if they hate me now"

"What if they troubled by me?"

"What if.."

My tears fell down by think all of this it was very frustrating. Well there is to many chance for what do they think, and it may be positive. I shook my head then keep thinking all my worries. This stuff always drive me crazy why can't I live a normal life. Why I'm always a burden to others, I just want to know why. In the middle of thinking my mother and sister come home bringing a lot of cloths i came outside to help them bring those cloths.

"You come home early, what happen? You said you will play badminton with your friend until 7 p.m" My mother say. She was gorgeous with that long white dress and kind personalities. Blue eyes brown long hair. She was the same height as me, although she is already 38 years old. She looks like 20s .

"Nothing happen I just get too tired to play again" I said.

"But it is 5 p.m and you tired already? Why? It is unusual for you to get home this early" My mother ask me again.

"Nothing, i just tired" i reply shortly.

My mother decided not to push me more and she just accept my reason. Then she start to cook dinner. She cooked early because she said she want to make a special dish , a dish that i like a lot. It takes one and a half hour to get it done than we had dinner.

In that moment I didn't think anything, but when I start to eat I resist and think "this is very hard to make and my mother just make the dishes for me, such a burden" Then before my mother ask me what happen I chow it down.

Then I do my daily routine then i say goodnight to my mother and sister then i went to my bedroom and i fell asleep for tomorrow and tomorrow is Monday.

The next day I quickly took a bath wearing my uniform then go to school on time. I went to a school in Boston, when I arrive. There I met Kaleb and the others which waving to me and they serve a spot for me.

"It must be hard for them to keep this spot for me, I supposed to come earlier so I can pick the sits freely" I thought. But still I sat down in that reserved spot. Then we had a chat for several minutes until the bell ring meaning the class will be started soon.

The teacher comes in with a new female student she is very pretty and all of the class start to whisper. Even my friend start whispering too.


"Yeah she is"

"From where does she transferred?"

But I can only stare her. She has blond hair a pair of clear golden brown eyes, she is at the same height as me. I think she is Korean based on how she looks.

"Silence, we have a new transfer student, please introduce yourself" My homeroom teacher says.

"Hello my name is Joanne Clare, I am a transfer from south Korea nice to meet you" She said softly.

Everyone is so amazed by how she looks and by her attitude. Everyone stared at her and she stared at me back with a smile. She is very pretty when she smile, especially when she smile directly to you.

"Okay, please have a sit over there" the teacher says.

Well, it is the only spot which is empty and it is directly in front of me she walk to that desk and before she sat down she waved at me and say hello to me.

What is this feeling? Love in the first sight? Nope of course it is not I just amazed by her. Then we continue to study until it is break time. Then Kaleb came to me and say

"Bro, she is so pretty and nice i think she went to the canteen wanna go to accompany her?" Kaleb said.

"Nah, you go but I will be right here eating my bread" I reply.

"Well I don't dare to accompany her either so I just accompany you with the four like us. By the way did you like her?" Kaleb asked.

"Nope" I reply shortly. But I know deep down in my hearts my heart says maybe.