
Heart Of Thorns: I have Choosen To Become the Villianess

How can you not be kind to the ones you love? It is your responsibility to always make them happy, to always trust them and to surrender everything you own to them. This was always the thought Roxanne had in mind toward her fiance whom she wanted to spend all her life with. She never knew that she had fallen into the wicked schemes of her step sisters, stepmother and biological father. These schemes were to gain possession of her late mother's shares in the company that was willed to her and the person she had thought was the man of her dreams conspired with them. The day Roxanne discovered that she had been deceived and betrayed by the one she trusted the most was also the day she lost her life in a horrific car accident. However, it wasn't the end of her life but a new beginning. Roxanne woke up back in the past when she was still 15 years old and was given a second chance to change the outcome of her life and this time her heart was not filled with roses. Damien Creed is a man with two identities. His reputation as the rich, handsome, domineering heir to the Creed family makes him one of the most prominent members of the elite society of the world. As an aura user in the Mystic Secret Society, Damien is the youngest member of the 8-star aura society. He is called the demon because of his distinctive black aura which was rare. Damien is ruthless, cruel, indifferent and powerful. However, when the dark demon meets the angel with a thorned heart, both of them fall in love. Roxanne and Damien's world would intertwine and everything they knew would crumble as devious secrets and schemes were revealed. As a result both Roxanne and Damien would be forced to fight as one in order to protect what they own. However, the question remains if their bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles they would face. *Please support this book by voting with your power stones, golden tickets and gifts to encourage the author. #The cover isn't mine, so credits should go to the owner because I only downloaded and edited.

LadyDaisy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: Back again

"Anne, come on, get up!" A voice called with urgency.

Roxanne woke up gasping for air. Her chest pounded rapidly as she breathed heavily. Beads of sweat dripped down her face completely soaking her clothes.

She wiped sweat off her face with the back of her hand. After a moment, she was able to examine her surroundings, which left her with a long stare of utter confusion.

Roxanne had no recollection of how she had gotten there. She felt a wave of anxiety wash over her as she realized how unnatural her current situation was.

Everything felt so real to her which was very uncomfortable. "Was this another prank?" Roxanne wondered to herself, as the fact that she was in this room was beyond comprehension for her.

"Here...How did I get here? I.....I thought I died when the car hit me? Or is this one of the procedures I must pass through before being sent to heaven?" Roxanne asked herself confusingly.

"However, if that were the case....then this one weird procedure...."

"Anne, I know you have been up late studying, but we have to leave now!" The same voice called out again.

Roxanne recognized who the voice belonged to. When she turned to the source of the voice, her expression was a mix of surprise and shock as she stared at a face she hadn't expected to see.

She blinked her eyes in surprise. "S-Sally? What are you doing here? Roxanne asked puzzled.

Sally had a puzzled expression as she paused for a moment to observe Roxanne's face before speaking. She walked toward Roxanne and placed her hand on her forehead.

"What are you saying? Did you hit your head on something?" Sally asked Roxanne in a concerned tone as she carefully searched for injury signs.

Roxanne gently pushed Sally's hand away from her forehead. "What are you doing?" Roxanne asked. "I'm totally fine."

"Now that you know you're not sick, there's no excuse to stay in your pajamas all day! So put on your clothes and let's get out of here." Sally declared firmly as she removed her hand away.

Roxanne's gaze widened in shock as realization dawned on her, when she felt Sally's warm hand on her head.

"No...it's impossible."

In order to confirm what she was thinking, Roxanne raised her hand to her face and pinched herself. "Ouch! It hurts!" She exclaimed, rubbing her cheeks.

Seeing Roxanne's strange behavior, Sally furrowed her brows and asked. "Are you crazy? Didn't you know it would hurt in the first place?" Sally asked. Though she sounded a bit annoyed, there was a hint of worry in her voice.

Roxanne backed away and shook her head. "No," she replied, her gaze fixed on Sally, who looked concerned and angry at her. "I'm not crazy. I know I died when the car hit me." She was dumbfounded as she spoke to herself.

"Oh, I get it now. You must have had a really horrible dream or nightmare." Sally said, "This is exactly why I always complain about you staying up all night. Maybe you should get some more sleep because I doubt you're awake."

"Dream or Nightmare?" Roxanne muttered in daze. She tilted her head to the side, trying to recall what had happened to her.

She remembered how she walked out of the mansion after discovering that her family and fiance had set her up. She didn't notice a vehicle was approaching her, and then she was suddenly struck by the same vehicle.

Roxanne shuddered a bit when she replayed those horrible scenes. The pain she felt when her body collided with the truck almost almost made her faint again.

"It feels like I'm having a terrible nightmare, ugh!" A sudden ache made her groan in pain. Her face turned pale as she clutched her head in agony.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sally hurriedly asked as she held Roxanne who groaned in pain.

"Damn it!" Roxanne cursed through her gritted teeth. "It's like my head is about to explode," Roxanne gasped. Her breath came in short, ragged breaths, as she firmly grasped her head.

'This isn't a dream.' She thought to herself. 'The pain is too real.' Roxanne felt a lump in the back of her head. Confirming that the ache was real and not a dream.

"Roxanne, are you okay? Maybe it's better to rest, or see the school nurse. I will take care of our homeroom teacher." Sally said, concerned that there was something more serious going on with Roxanne.

"No, it's okay," Roxanne shook her head firmly.

"I'm going to school, I need to keep up with my studies."

To truly comprehend the situation, Roxanne cannot miss out on the chance to attend her classes. She may not understand what is happening, but she knows one thing for sure.

She was now in her old dorm room that she shared with Sally during the time she studied in abroad.

"But you shouldn't push yourself too much," Sally suggested.

"Don't worry," Roxanne replied. "I'm just feeling overwhelmed."

"Well," Sally said hesitantly, "If you are sure. But please let me know if you need anything."

"I need to go to the bathroom." Roxanne said while rushing out of the room.

"Okay," Sally said, nodding in agreement. "I'll be here if you need anything." With that, Roxanne stood up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom, not giving Sally time to say another word.

After closing the door behind her, Roxanne calmed herself down and assessed the situation logically. "Okay I must have died when the car hit me, and somehow I have travelled back in time.

But that's something that only happens in fictional stories." Roxanne mumbled silently.

However, that was the most reasonable explanation Roxanne could come up with at the moment.

In front of the sink, she turned on the tap and washed her face. Lifting her head up, she grabbed a towel from the shelf. Roxanne glanced in the mirror and lowered her head, then raised it back up.

The face that stared back at her in the mirror looked very young and attractive. The skin on her face was smooth and soft. Her black eyes of this stunning young woman shone whenever she winked her long and curly eyelashes.

This was exactly how she looked when she was younger. Roxanne chuckled as she remembered how she had spent a fortune maintaining her looks before dying.

Though both of her eyes are striking and alluring, they also carry a hint of coldness and indifference in them. Her long, golden blonde hair cascaded down her back, framing her delicate features and making her look even more stunning like a living portrait.

Looking into the mirror, Roxanne realized that it wasn't just her face that looked younger but also her entire body.

"I have really been transmigrated. And this beautiful face is mine. Until now, I never knew I was this stunning when I was young." Roxanne said, as she admired her face in the mirror.

Roxanne looked at herself in the mirror before laughing viciously. "This is amazing. I can't believe heaven has given me another chance to get my revenge."

She remembered everything Bruce and Sandra had told her before her accident. Even though all of these events had yet to take place, it didn't mean it wouldn't happen in the future, if she didn't plan ahead before then.

"Well, if this is a second chance, I won't be as delusional as I was last time. Then I'm gonna make sure I get my revenge on that lousy family and the bastard Bruce with my own hands. This time I will call the shots." Roxanne said out loud with a determined look on her face.

Roxanne grinned revealing her bright white teeth. Now that her body had changed, Roxanne who was just accepting the fact that she had been reincarnated was confused again.

"Now that I have been reborn, what year did I return?" Roxanne wondered.

However, based on her current looks, younger age, her dorm room, and Sally's presence. Roxanne knew she was still in high school, but didn't know what year she had returned to.

Before Roxanne had the chance to think about it. Sally's voice rang out from the room, followed by a knock on the door.

"Roxanne are you okay? We must hurry if we don't want to be late!"

Roxanne popped her head out and looked at Sally. "What's today's date?"

"It's the 12th of March, 2022," Sally replied in a hesitant tone.

Roxanne stared blankly at Sally when she heard her words. "Holy shit...this is real, and I'm back." She mumbled.

"Hey, are you all right?" Sally asked.

"Yeah," Roxanne replied, "Um...why don't you head to class first? I will be there shortly." Roxanne suggested, focusing her gaze on Sally.

Sally raised her brow as she stared at Roxanne. After considering Roxanne's words, she replied. "Fine, whatever. But you better not be late." Sally said struggling her shoulders as she walked out of the room and closed the door.

Roxanne sighed after watching Sally leave the room. Sometimes Sally can be difficult to get rid of.

Roxanne glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that she had twenty minutes before her class began.

Without wasting time thinking about her transmigration, Roxanne dashed back into the bathroom. She quickly took a shower, dried her hair and changed into her school uniform.

Checking the time again to ensure she wouldn't be late, Roxanne gathered her things and left for her class.

Thanks to her memories, she still knew her way around the school premises. Roxanne walked to the teaching building and arrived at her classroom on the third floor.

When Roxanne entered the classroom, Sally waved at her signaling her to come over.

Wow, it feels good to be young again.' Roxanne thought as she walked towards Sally.

"Here, I saved you a seat." Sally tapped on the empty seat next to her. It was the one by the window in the third row from the back.

"Hm..." Roxanne hummed as she dropped her school bag on the desk and sat down.

In less than three minutes, the bell rang. Roxanne watched their homeroom teacher walk in with a pile of books in his hand. "I was right, I transmigrated." Roxanne thought. She placed her elbow on her desk, using it to support her chin as she looked out of the window with a serious face.

"March 2022....that means I will be fifteen this year. I also have five years before I fall into the schemes of my relatives, which I was unable to realize in my past life." Roxanne muttered silently.

As Roxanne processed all the knowledge she had just gained, she didn't realize the class had ended.

"Hey, we're done today." Sally said as she poked Roxanne's hand.

"You must have found today's class particularly interesting," Sally remarked as she finished packing her books, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"You were so deep in thought that you lost track of time." She added with a knowing smile as she zipped up her bag and prepared to leave.

Upon hearing Sally's words, Roxanne gave her a small smile. It was true that she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she forgot about the world around her.

Roxanne was grateful for Sally's understanding. She also appreciated their teacher's not noticing her inattention.

"I guess I was," Roxanne replied with a wry chuckle. "Let's go," she said as she stepped out of the classroom.



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Roxanne was quiet for a short while as she tried to process all this knowledge that she had just acquired.