
Heart Of Thorns: I have Choosen To Become the Villianess

How can you not be kind to the ones you love? It is your responsibility to always make them happy, to always trust them and to surrender everything you own to them. This was always the thought Roxanne had in mind toward her fiance whom she wanted to spend all her life with. She never knew that she had fallen into the wicked schemes of her step sisters, stepmother and biological father. These schemes were to gain possession of her late mother's shares in the company that was willed to her and the person she had thought was the man of her dreams conspired with them. The day Roxanne discovered that she had been deceived and betrayed by the one she trusted the most was also the day she lost her life in a horrific car accident. However, it wasn't the end of her life but a new beginning. Roxanne woke up back in the past when she was still 15 years old and was given a second chance to change the outcome of her life and this time her heart was not filled with roses. Damien Creed is a man with two identities. His reputation as the rich, handsome, domineering heir to the Creed family makes him one of the most prominent members of the elite society of the world. As an aura user in the Mystic Secret Society, Damien is the youngest member of the 8-star aura society. He is called the demon because of his distinctive black aura which was rare. Damien is ruthless, cruel, indifferent and powerful. However, when the dark demon meets the angel with a thorned heart, both of them fall in love. Roxanne and Damien's world would intertwine and everything they knew would crumble as devious secrets and schemes were revealed. As a result both Roxanne and Damien would be forced to fight as one in order to protect what they own. However, the question remains if their bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles they would face. *Please support this book by voting with your power stones, golden tickets and gifts to encourage the author. #The cover isn't mine, so credits should go to the owner because I only downloaded and edited.

LadyDaisy · Fantasy
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Chapter 16

The Walter family's international enterprise was a very known company both inside and outside the country, which made the Walter family more influential due to their other international relationships with other foreign companies and business partners.

Apart from her family influence, Evelyn was popular because of how good she was in business. After Evelyn started working in the Walter's family business, there was never once had Evelyn lost a business contract that she bidded for that she didn't get. Probably, Roxanne took after her mother in that aspect.

Evelyn was also popular because of her beauty, she was the beauty of the Walter family and also the country number one beauty. Her beauty couldn't be rivaled by anyone in the country.

The whole society thought that Evelyn was going to end up marrying one of the young masters from the other two top families. Everyone believed that there was no other family that Worth to marry Evelyn except for the remaining two top families.

But the whole society got shocked when the news of Evelyn's engagement with Anthony Smith. Although the Smith family is also a very rich family in the country, their rank is among the ten richest Third-tier class families in Country H. They were below the Walter family who were the third richest and powerful First-tier class family in the whole country.

Paul Walter, the current patriarch of the Walter family. At first, Old Walter was reluctant to let his only daughter enter the Smith family. But he had to honor the promise his own father, Goerge Walter made to his best friend, Landon Smith.

The promise that was made between both families was supposed to be meant for Old Walter but unfortunately because both families gave birth to the same sex of child the promise was passed down on Evelyn and Anthony.

The Smith family had purposely let out the news about Evelyn and Anthony's engagement because they were scared that Old Walter was going to cancel the engagement and marry Evelyn to some other rich family. Letting out the news of the engagement would stop Old Walter from canceling the engagement. They knew that Old Walter wouldn't want to cancel the engagement because it would be a big blow to the Walter family reputation and also Evelyn's reputation as well in the country.

When Old Walter heard the news, he was furious and wanted to stop the engagement just as the Smith family presumed but Evelyn had to stop Old Walter. After much pleading from his daughter Old Walter finally reluctantly allowed his daughter to marry into the Smith family.

Five years later after Evelyn married Anthony was when she found out about Anthony and Martha with his two daughters. She also realized that he was also after her properties and shares she had in both the Walter company and other places she has shares too.

Evelyn knew that the engagement between her and Anthony was not because they love each other but an arranged marriage and she was not expecting him to love as she also didn't love him. They were just merely carrying out their responsibility to get married. But she did not expect him to marry and have a Mistress and two children without her or her family knowing. He tried to use her as his pawn to elevate the Smith family.

Anthony knew that if the Walter family found out before he married Evelyn the engagement would be canceled and he needed Evelyn to be the bridge between the families so that he can use Evelyn to gain access to the Walter family reputation to build the Smith family reputation who were just a mere third- tier family.

After discovering the truth, Evelyn didn't file for a divorce instead she willed all her properties, including all her company shares to her daughter and changed her surname to Walter. After giving her properties to her daughter, Evelyn planned to make Anthony and the Smith family pay for lying and tricking her and her family into the engagement.

Evelyn Walter was known as a nice, gentle and kind young lady in the country but only her family knew how cruel Evelyn was when someone messed with her and her family. But unfortunately before she could even carry out her plan, she died mysteriously.

It was after Evelyn's death that Old Walter discovered the whole truth but it was already too late because his daughter was already dead and her daughter, Roxanne was sent away from the country before he even got the chance to use his influence on Anthony.

As a smart man, after Anthony figured that Evelyn willed her property to her daughter he knew that the Walter family would also find out so he had to send Roxanne away from the country before the Walter family came.

Old Walter couldn't help but feel guilty for the death of his daughter, he always blamed himself for letting Evelyn get married to Anthony.

Opening the door, Old Madam saw her husband standing in front of a frame with his hand folded behind his back.

"What are you doing standing there for, old man?" Her voice rang out in the gallery as she walked toward where her husband was standing. She knew he was staring again at their daughter's picture.

Old Walter didn't look back when he heard his wife's voice, he waited until Old Madam walked beside him before speaking. "How long have you been there?" He asked because he didn't sense Old Madam's presence in the room not until she spoke.

"I just came in." Old Madam replied curtly. She had her suspicions that he would be in the gallery room, because after having dinner with Roxanne Old Walter was nowhere to be seen. Her suspicions were confirmed when she asked Butler Phillip where Old Walter was and he told her that he saw Old Walter in the gallery room, which was what made her come here as well. She knew that seeing Roxanne and her resemblance to her mother would trigger his past buried pain, she couldn't blame him, seeing Roxanne also reminded her of her daughter.

"You know you can't stand for too long. You need to take care of yourself, old man." Old Madam said. "Even though you're triggered to come here because of Roxanne's resemblance to Evelyn, you should worry about your health." The old lady added, her voice filled with concern.

"That child looks exactly like her mother, yet her attitude and the way she reacts to something is none of what Evelyn possesses, not even that bastard from the Smith family. The air surrounding her is different and strange." Old Walter couldn't help but voiced out his mind as he thought wandered off back to the expression Roxanne had on her face earlier. He could tell just based on the way she acted and her attitude that Roxanne was not just an ordinary girl. She has some secret that she was hiding and currently not letting anyone know about.

"I know, earlier when we mentioned about her uncle she had a very dangerous and secretive expression on face. But no matter what she's up to or whatever secret she has and not letting out, as her grandparents it's our duty to protect and support her no matter what." Old Madam said. She could also relate to what Old Walter said about Roxanne. As long as Roxanne was her daughter's child and her granddaughter she wasn't going to mind. Eventually, when Roxanne deem them trustworthy enough she would definitely tell them her secret.

"You are right. We have to make her trust us enough for her to open up to us. She must have been through a lot we don't know about. If only I was able to protect her and her mother back then." Old Walter said with his voice lazed with regret.

"Now, now. I've told you that Evelyn's death isn't your fault, you had to honor the promise made. And about Roxanne it was because of that sneaky scumbag from the Smith family fault."

"I would give Keith a call and tell him about Roxanne. I'm sure he would be shocked but it would also be better if he comes here tomorrow and sees her for himself." Old Madam added.

"Okay." Old Walter replied. Letting Keith know about Roxanne's appearance was the right thing to do. Evelyn was the only female in the Walter family and Keith as an older brother doted on her so much but after she died, Keith tried to find out which country Anthony sent Roxanne to. But now that Roxanne was here he should know about her.



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