
Heart Of Thorns: I have Choosen To Become the Villianess

How can you not be kind to the ones you love? It is your responsibility to always make them happy, to always trust them and to surrender everything you own to them. This was always the thought Roxanne had in mind toward her fiance whom she wanted to spend all her life with. She never knew that she had fallen into the wicked schemes of her step sisters, stepmother and biological father. These schemes were to gain possession of her late mother's shares in the company that was willed to her and the person she had thought was the man of her dreams conspired with them. The day Roxanne discovered that she had been deceived and betrayed by the one she trusted the most was also the day she lost her life in a horrific car accident. However, it wasn't the end of her life but a new beginning. Roxanne woke up back in the past when she was still 15 years old and was given a second chance to change the outcome of her life and this time her heart was not filled with roses. Damien Creed is a man with two identities. His reputation as the rich, handsome, domineering heir to the Creed family makes him one of the most prominent members of the elite society of the world. As an aura user in the Mystic Secret Society, Damien is the youngest member of the 8-star aura society. He is called the demon because of his distinctive black aura which was rare. Damien is ruthless, cruel, indifferent and powerful. However, when the dark demon meets the angel with a thorned heart, both of them fall in love. Roxanne and Damien's world would intertwine and everything they knew would crumble as devious secrets and schemes were revealed. As a result both Roxanne and Damien would be forced to fight as one in order to protect what they own. However, the question remains if their bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles they would face. *Please support this book by voting with your power stones, golden tickets and gifts to encourage the author. #The cover isn't mine, so credits should go to the owner because I only downloaded and edited.

LadyDaisy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13

After having dinner with her grandparents, Roxanne followed behind the maid that was leading her towards the room where she would be staying. Earlier Madam Walter had ordered the maids to prepare the guest room that was located on the second floor for her.

Because of her unexpected visit, they were not able to prepare her own bedroom for her so she had to manage staying in the guest room until her room was ready.

"Young miss, this is the room Old Madam asked you to stay temporarily until your real room is prepared for you to stay." The maid said.

"Thank you for bringing me to the room." Roxanne thanked the maid. The maid smiled and bowed and left the room to give Roxanne some privacy after making sure that she didn't need anything else.

Roxanne started in the room after the maid left. The room had not much decorations except for the gray painting colors on the wall. There was a big size bed placed in the middle of the room and a bedside table, with a wardrobe. There was nothing fancy about the room, its decorations in the room were simple and 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐈t was indeed a guest room.

Placing her backpack on the bed Roxanne headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up a little bit to calm herself. Few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head.

"I forgot to bring pajamas along with me. What do I wear to sleep?" Roxanne muttered after realizing that she hadn't brought her night dress along with her. She was too occupied with getting out of the Smith Mansion, she only packed two pairs of clothes along with her and forgot about the night dress.

Roxanne walked towards the wardrobe hoping that she would see spare clothes she could wear. When she opened the wardrobe she was surprised to see that a set of night dresses was neatly placed in the wardrobe.

"This is a perfect fit. The maids must have prepared this already and have forgotten to tell me earlier." She said after wearing the night dress and seeing that it was a perfect fit for her.

She walked towards the dressing table in the room prepared to dry her hair. It has always been her habit of drying her hair as she wouldn't have a comfortable night with her hair all wet.

It took her some 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 minutes before she finally finished drying her hair because she didn't use the hair dryer instead she had to airdry her hair naturally. Roxanne had always considered it a punishment to her hair using hairdryer, she preferred taking her time to let her wet hair dry naturally.

Roxanne tied up her long hair in a bun and got up from the seat and walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Just as she sat down on the bed, her mobile phone which she had placed on the bedside table buzzed in the quiet room.

She stretched a little bit and grabbed her cellphone before looking at it, she realized she had several missed calls and unread messages.

'30 missed calls and 10 unread messages all from Wendy.' Roxanne muttered gently and read out the notification on her phone.

'She must have been worried.' Roxanne sighed as she pressed the green call button and dialed Wendy's number.

"Roxanne! Are you okay?" The worried voice of Wendy yelled on the other side of the phone.

"Why weren't you returning my calls? Are you deliberately ignoring me? I was worried that something had happened to you, I was about to come over. Did you meet your grandparents? What was their reaction?" Wendy kept throwing different questions at Roxanne, not giving her the chance to talk. Roxanne was left speechless as she continued to listen to Wendy who didn't realize that she wasn't giving Roxanne space to talk.

Roxanne didn't bother to interrupt Wendy, she knew that Wendy would eventually realize that she wasn't speaking. This was always Wendy's habit whenever she was worried and Roxanne was amazed that she still hasn't changed the old habit.

"Hello….hello, Roxanne? Are you there? Hello." Wendy called out when she realized that she was the only one speaking and there was no response from Roxanne.

"I'm here. Took you long enough to realize that I wasn't speaking." Roxanne said with sarcasm in her voice.

"What? How could you– why aren't you answering my question? Were you planning to ignore me?" Wendy asked.

"I wasn't. How do you expect me to answer your questions when you won't give me the chance to talk? You keep throwing questions at me." Roxanne stated the fact making Wendy on the other line cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

"It's your fault for making me like this." Wendy retorted back with a pouty face after a brief moment of embarrassment.

"Are you trying to put the blame on me? You didn't give me the chance to talk." Roxanne argued.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Just why the heck weren't you answering my calls? Are you okay?" Wendy said. She knew that it was hopeless because she couldn't win if she continued to argue with Roxanne.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Roxanne said faintly. "I was busy, that's why I couldn't pick your calls." She added.

"So, tell me what was Old Wilson and Old Madams reaction towards you. Tell me everything that happened." Wendy inquired, totally forgetting her argument with Roxanne. Knowing what happened was more important than keep arguing about something she knows she can't win.

Roxanne furrowed her brow for a few seconds when she heard Wendy's question. "Well, nothing much happened. They accept the fact I was their granddaughter." Roxanne said briefly.

"That's all?" Wendy asked, she was expecting more than what she had just heard from Roxanne.

"Yeah. I already told you nothing much happened. They treated me much better than I expected." Roxanne replied with a calm tone. She knew exactly that it wasn't what Wendy was hoping to hear.

"You?...Are you joking with me right now?" Wendy asked.

"I'm not. It's exactly as it happened, I told you." Roxanne said but Wendy wasn't buying it.

"Are you for real?! You mean that is all you've got to tell me? I have been patiently waiting here so that I could get full details of everything from you. But this is all you have to say!!" Wendy screamed over the phone. She couldn't believe that all her time of waiting this was the little detail she was going to receive.

'Patiently waiting? Says the person who has been calling and texting messages restlessly.' Roxanne thought in her mind but she wouldn't dare to say it out because she definitely received an earful from Wendy.

"There, there, calm down. We both know that you were patiently waiting. But you only did that because of no other reason but to gossip, which I'm not down to do tonight with you." Roxanne said, the corner of her lips raised up into a sly smile. She knew what Wendy wanted but seeing her snap wasn't going to be bad either.

"You…..Rox-Roxanne….how dare you….!" Wendy shuttered, her whole body trembled as she yelled at Roxanne.

Roxanne broke into a small chuckle when she heard Wendy yelled her name.

"Well, you know you are right at some point. But since you already know what I'm aiming for, spill it out now!" Wendy said, after she quickly regained her composure.

Roxanne smirked when she noticed that Wendy had regained her composure. She decided to choose another path to make Wendy snap.

"I would love to tell you everything but we have a little problem." Roxanne said casually.

"Huh? What problem? Tell me the problem?" Wendy asked. Completely oblivious to the fact that Roxanne was trying to snap.

"Oh well, I'm too lazy to talk tonight and it's pretty late already. You should rest. I know that I want to sleep so you should do the same too." Roxnne replied in a lazy tone.

"What? Don't you dare to give me that tone, young lady. Do you think that after waiting for so long, your little excuse of 'it's pretty late.'would do the trick to make you escape." Wendy yelled. "You better start spilling before I make a trip to the Wilson Mansion just to make you talk." Wendy threatened.

'This…is she serious?' It was true when Roxanne said she was tired but she could still tell Wendy what happened but she just wanted to taunt and tease her a little bit.

"If you know that you want to have your precious sleep on time. I suggest you begin to talk now." Wendy said.

Seeing that Wendy is determined to get what she wants, Roxanne sighed in defeat knowing how persistent Wendy could be if she continued to refuse to tell her.

"Fine, I will tell you. At least you will let me have my rest after I tell you everything that happened." Roxanne finally surrendered to Wendy and started to explain everything to Wendy who listened attentively to her without interrupting Roxanne.



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