
Heart Of Thorns: I have Choosen To Become the Villianess

How can you not be kind to the ones you love? It is your responsibility to always make them happy, to always trust them and to surrender everything you own to them. This was always the thought Roxanne had in mind toward her fiance whom she wanted to spend all her life with. She never knew that she had fallen into the wicked schemes of her step sisters, stepmother and biological father. These schemes were to gain possession of her late mother's shares in the company that was willed to her and the person she had thought was the man of her dreams conspired with them. The day Roxanne discovered that she had been deceived and betrayed by the one she trusted the most was also the day she lost her life in a horrific car accident. However, it wasn't the end of her life but a new beginning. Roxanne woke up back in the past when she was still 15 years old and was given a second chance to change the outcome of her life and this time her heart was not filled with roses. Damien Creed is a man with two identities. His reputation as the rich, handsome, domineering heir to the Creed family makes him one of the most prominent members of the elite society of the world. As an aura user in the Mystic Secret Society, Damien is the youngest member of the 8-star aura society. He is called the demon because of his distinctive black aura which was rare. Damien is ruthless, cruel, indifferent and powerful. However, when the dark demon meets the angel with a thorned heart, both of them fall in love. Roxanne and Damien's world would intertwine and everything they knew would crumble as devious secrets and schemes were revealed. As a result both Roxanne and Damien would be forced to fight as one in order to protect what they own. However, the question remains if their bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles they would face. *Please support this book by voting with your power stones, golden tickets and gifts to encourage the author. #The cover isn't mine, so credits should go to the owner because I only downloaded and edited.

LadyDaisy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: Find out her motives.

 In the courtyard at the back of the mansion. It was a grand space, surrounded by lush, blooming foliage and flowers. The cobblestone paths were designed to form exquisite artwork that could be clearly seen from higher grounds. 

This courtyard provided an excellent backdrop to the architectural beauty of the Walter mansion, and became a significant feature of the home.

The elderly couple, surrounded by the courtyard's lush beauty, contentedly sip their tea as they enjoyed this beautiful scenery.

They were enjoying the peaceful environment when the old butler of the family walked up to them.

"You have a guest, Master Walter." The old butler informed the old walter who was sitting next to his companion.

"A guest?" Old Walter asked the Butler in a surprised tone.

"Were you expecting someone today?" Mrs. Walter asked as she continued to sip her tea.

"I am not expecting anyone today." Old Walter replied.

 "Philip, where is the guest from?" He asked again.

"The young lady is from the Smith family." Philip replied.

"Smith Family!" The Walter couple said simultaneously.

"Why is someone from that damn family here?" Mrs. Walter slammed her hand on the table furiously.

"Calm down, Anne. Don't get upset like that." Old Walter patted his wife's hand. "We don't know who came from the Smith Family."

"I don't care as long as the person comes from that family." Old Madam said furiously.

"Philip, what is the name of the visitor?" Old Walter asked. He knew why she was angry when she heard the name Smith.

As Philip looked at the old couple, he smiled. "I was told that she addressed herself as Roxanne Smith. She also stated that she was the daughter of our young Miss Evelyn." Philip said.

"What?" Mrs. Walter, who was acting like she wasn't interested in the conversation, exclaimed in shock when she heard Philip. She turned to look at her husband who had the same expression as her.

"Philip, are you sure of what you're reporting to me?" Old Walter asked.

Philip nodded his head. "I am sure of it. That was what the guard told me." He confirmed.

Earlier, one of the guards told him that a young lady was seeking an audience with the Old Master. He too had the same expression when the guard told him the name of the person.

"If it is true, then I must see her right away." The Old Master remarked as he slowly rose from his chair.

"Where is she right now?" Old Madam asked Phillip as she too rose from her seat.

"I came as soon as the guard informed me. So I assume that she is at the front gate." Philip replied.

"Bring her inside. We must find out her motives and intentions. And if this is one of Smith's schemes, I won't hesitate to take action against them this time." With a threatening look on her face, the old madam said as she advanced towards the mansion.

Old Philip bowed his head and left to escort Roxanne.

Outside The Mansion.

Roxanne's mind races with anticipation, despite the fact that it has only been ten minutes since they called the main building.

The guard announced from the microphone, "Miss, I'm sorry for the delay. You can enter now."

The imposing black gate opened automatically and Roxanne stepped through the gate.

The Walter residence was built in a typical medieval-style European building.

Even so, Roxanne was not prepared for the awe-inspiring sight that greeted her eyes, as she saw an old man approach. She was immediately struck by the air of sophistication and authority that he carried with him. It was because of his Butler suit he was wearing which confirmed her suspicions that he was indeed a servant of the family.

"Are...you the young lady that wanted to speak with the Old Master?" The old man asked as his expression changed from surprise to disbelief in his eyes.

Roxanne was taken aback for a moment as she studied the old man's face. His expression was one of disbelief, as if he had just realized some terrible truth about her identity. The old man looked at her as if he thought she was a ghost from the past, reincarnated in the present.

Technically speaking, she was actually a ghost that transmigrated.

"Y-yes I am." Roxanne replied as she nodded her head.

"Follow me young miss." The old man said as he led the way to the main mansion. His expression was back to being serious. 

Roxanne followed closely behind the old man to the main hall.  When they entered the living room, the old man asked her to sit down on an empty sofa.

"The Old Master and Madam will join you soon. Is there anything the young miss would like?" The old man asked after she sat down.

Roxanne looked at the old man. "No, I am fine, thank you sir." She rejected his offer with a polite smile on her face.

The old man nodded his head and left the living room. After he left Roxanne pulled out her phone from her pocket and texted Wendy.

{I am inside the mansion and I have five minutes left, so you don't have to worry anymore.}

"Now, I just have to wait for a response," she thought, after sending the message.

A notification popped up on her phone immediately after the message was sent. It was from her friend, letting her know that she had already seen the message and was responding to it.

"She is fast." Roxanne muttered as she read Wendy's message.

{Okay, just call me after you've settled everything out.}

"Tsk, she just wouldn't give up."

Roxanne quickly typed her message and hit the send button, before slipping her phone back into her pocket.

She looked around her, taking a moment to admire the grandeur of the living room and the fine details that were incorporated into its creation.

Roxanne took her time to appreciate the beauty of the room. She knew fully well that the old man she had seen earlier was the family butler.

She couldn't imagine what kind of reaction the Old Master and Madam would have when they saw her. She was certain that they must feel the same astonishment that the old man had shown.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice the footsteps, until they were right behind her.

"Are you the young lady asking to have an audience with me?" A cold and stern voice asked.



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