
The Start of My Nightmare

One night I decided to stop at the bar to try and get lucky picking up a date for the evening after an arduous day of work, but all I ended up catching were a few insulting comments and a fist to the gut from a few drunken fellows for sticking my two cents into their conversation. I had just gotten home around 12:30 in the morning and wanted nothing more than to sleep off the pain and aches of life and douchebags. As I walk in the door my rescued police dog, Lucy for those who care, greeted me happily, eagerly waiting her nightly food refill and cuddle time. After another half an hour or so of feeding her and checking the mail, being mostly junk mail as it always is, I took her upstairs with me to my bedroom so that we could go to sleep. Lucy usually sleeps on the foot of my bed or near the door.

I had just started to fall into the sweet embrace of sleep and forget about the nights previous predicament, when I heard a light tapping on my bedroom window. It faces into my backyard towards the forest that surrounds my little neighborhood. It startled me but I eventually wrote it off as the wind or a tree branch hitting the window and decided to roll over and try to go back to sleep. But not even ten minutes later my dog, Lucy, started growling and in the stupor of exhaustion I just sat up a little and said "Lucy stop with the noise!" in a harsh tone. Forgive me, I was tired. But now that I think back it wasn't just any normal dog growl. Her ears were laid flat backwards and there was a slight whimper to her growl as if she was actually scared of something.