
Heart of the Dragonborn

“Nobody knows how much time they have left or when they are going to die I am Amelia Dragon heart the last of the Silverstone Dragon riders for the past 100 years millions of riders gathered in the Capital of our great city Dragonia to celebrate all the births of each baby dragons, the quests the riders conquered and battles the soldiers had won but this all changed on fateful night when the dragons just vanished without a trace most say they left Dragonia while others say they went back to Dark lands where they could once more fly freely but in order for you to understand what on that cold and stormy night I have to take you back to the very beginging

cheshirekitten · Fantasy
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It's been 12 years since the dragons of Dragonia has vanished without a trace or explanation the people have searched high and low all hope was lost until she was born the one girl who would not only save the people but save the dragons for extinction Amelia Dragon heart the last of the Dragonbloods will have to set out on dark and trying journeys in ordered to learn the truth not only about what happened to the dragons but about herself she is Dragonia's last and only hope.  Will she be able to save her people form annihilation by bringing back the dragons or will she fail like many have before her.