
Heart of Storm

An orphan islander, who nearly became a victim of mindless witch hunting, gets a rare opportunity to enroll in the Academy, the bastion of human knowledge. Krito will find himself unwittingly become a central piece in the obscure plots that waited for the necessary push in all those countless years. Will Krito and his new friends survive through the upcoming storm or succumb to it? And what’s the deal with the so-called summoners, dragons, demons, necromancy and various alien abominations? Only one way to find out. TL note: This is probably the first fantasy novel that I've read, and it is in Russian language lol. Probably more than ten years past the last time I opened this book. The naming is a bit weird in this novel, like a mix of medieval German, Nordic, Japanese, Tolkienesque, and vaguely Russian, but the story is very creative and the arc endings absolutely bust a fat nutt. If you want to read in the original language, you can search for "Сердце Бури" in conjunction with the author's name "Петр Николаевич Науменко". P.S. If you find some inconsistencies, or feel like the story is jumping in some places, please let me know where. Thank you!

Shallowman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
314 Chs

Volume epilogue

We had already left the forest and were making our way through the Academy's grounds towards the guild. Grain and Levris were suspiciously wobbling, unable to stay in the saddle, so we seated them in the carriage.

This quest didn't bring us great wealth or universal recognition, but it brought us closer to old friends and perhaps slightly changed Hilda's attitude towards us. She started to trust us more and no longer believed she could handle everything alone.

"Oh, what did they serve us there, my head is splitting," Grain said, struggling to hold his head.

"Well, they didn't treat all of us that way. We didn't seem to drink that much," I chuckled, trying to imagine who could have gotten the poor couple drunk.

"Ugh, you! There's something else that bothers me," Grain sighed.

"What is it?" Katrina turned to Grain with a smile. "Everything ended well. We gained loyal friends and comrades, we stopped a dreadful monster, and the corrupt baron is no more."

"Yes, but it all happened too smoothly, as if someone deliberately planned everything," Grain halted mid-sentence.

I felt several glances burning into my back.

"Why did everyone immediately think it was me?" they all waited for my response.

"Krito, you couldn't have planned all of this, right?!" Katrina looked at me with doubt.

"Oh, come on," Seleria chuckled teasingly, "even for him, it would have been too complicated."

"That's right," I replied indifferently, laying out obvious facts, "How could I have planned all of this? So many factors to consider. Let's say I planned to bring Asura to our guild from the very beginning. What could I have done? After all, her hatred for mages was evident from the first glance. But there was something different about her; she didn't hate all mages, just those in power, and I could have seen it as an opportunity. For instance, at the beginning, I could have tried to gain her trust, maybe arranging a chance encounter when we were both searching for treasures in the very first dungeon. That way, we would realize that we would have a hard time without each other. Then, I would have noticed a suitable candidate who could suggest uniting for the trial, on the condition that she works as our appraiser. During our journey, I would bring her guild closer to ours through numerous battles and simple gatherings. Later, I could earn her trust by giving her a special gift. When I found a meteorite fragment suitable for an excellent blade, I could have had an idea of how to do it. For example, I'd let her deliver the final blow to the sphinx so that the unprepared steel blade would be damaged by the flames. Then, I would allow her to enter the Golden Tomb, where she would have to leave her katana and receive my gift. I might have hoped for reconciliation, but her hatred for mages was too strong. However, she might have accidentally let slip her hatred for a specific person, Baron De'Grenor. It wouldn't take much effort to find out that he became the new feudal lord of her lands and, with the help of some friends at the treasury, that tax revenues in this province had increased two and a half times in the last five years without any new production. Clearly, he was squeezing her people for his own benefit, and her reason for joining the Academy would have been evident to me then. Next, I would have found a couple of relevant laws in the code of noble society and handed that little book to a young fellow who could use this knowledge at the right moment, not only pushing events in the right direction but also showing off his erudition to the beloved girl. Then, I could have made reliable and extraordinary weapons for the twins, something that could enhance their combat skills, but more importantly, it would have had several hidden functions, useless against common bandits whom Asura's guild encountered on their missions but very effective against large monsters that our guild usually fought. During the empire's attack, for example, I could have heard the name "Ultrasa" from a guard, but I wouldn't have found anyone in any source to whom it could belong. Hence, the name could belong only to someone who died or disappeared long before the age of humans. Then, I could have revealed my companions' abilities at the tournament by slightly manipulating the order of participants and saying the right words at the right moment. Most importantly, I would have given Seleria and Ragni a chance to fully unleash the power of the divine flame for the upcoming battle. From some wise old man, I could have learned about the release of ancient monsters and related it to the name I heard from the guard. Also, while digging in the library, I might have found the legend of the White Clan and, at the right moment, led all the people necessary for victory to the dragon's lair. And for this, someone could discreetly leave a leaflet with an offer from our guild to solve all problems, accidentally erasing the entire roster of participants except for Katrina. Of course, the Baron might have seized this opportunity. On the mountain, I could have planned the awakening of Seleria's power to preserve Rizel's mana in case of an attack on the fort. And I would have prepared in advance for the Baron's assault. As a result, the Red Princess would have become the ruler of dragons, and Asura would have saved her family. Then, for example, I could have intentionally brought Kageyuki with us to the Baron's tent so that she could lure him to the fort by offering him the only thing he desired—a contract that granted independence to the White Clan. Also, I would have ordered Vin to find this scroll, so she would meet us halfway, and the duel would take place not just anywhere, but in a field unremarkable except for the slow-growing grass. It was the very field where the White Goddess once bled, and its power permeated the entire glade. Perhaps, she could have granted her descendants incredible strength, enabling them to accomplish the impossible in critical situations. So, everything could indeed have happened according to my guidance. Well, except that I knew nothing about the northern mercenaries and thought there was another battle ahead. That's why I released the Red Lords early, so Sheraza could lead them at dawn. After all, if they had come earlier, they would have decided the outcome of the battle, and Asura would not have had the chance to fight for the right to rule the lands. The only mystery left is why Krig got scared of the dragons."

"It's simple, that scar on his cheek is from an attempt to assault a white dragoness," Hilda interrupted my tirade, "He has an unhealthy attraction to the opposite sex and even attacked one of the White Lords, for which his father expelled him from the council and declared his clan outlawed. You probably couldn't have known that."

"See!" I spread my arms, "I couldn't have planned all of this!"

"It's pouring out," Ragni managed to say only that. My entire speech took almost fifteen minutes, and no one could object to me.

"KRIIIIITO!!! IS IT ALL YOUR DOING?!?!" Katrina shook the air angrily, "GET HIM!!!"

I spurred my horse and galloped away, and all my comrades rushed after me. Only the carriage and Asura with Katrina were left behind.

"Asura," Kat sighed with guilt, lowering her gaze, "I'm sorry, but it seems all of this was part of his plan. If you don't want to have anything to do with us anymore, I'll understand."

"Katrina, if it weren't for all of you, my clan and I would have perished. I'm grateful to Krito, to you, and to all of you. I regret nothing," Asura's kind smile reassured the princess.

They caught up with me at the guild's gates. Algo knocked me off my saddle in mid-jump and toppled me before the entrance. Tall boots greeted me with impatient tapping. A young woman in a dress exuded discontent.

"Hello, Rumy," Algo waved at our instructor.

"Oh, just look at you! 'Hello, Rumy!' Didn't even wait for me, probably ate a lot of delicious food and took hot baths. And didn't even invite ME!" Golem grumbled displeasedly. "I work for you as a secretary, you know! Where do you get so much mail?! So, King of Leran asks his daughter to return quickly to take up her responsibilities. The Treasury of Verania acknowledges guilt for the loss of taxes by Baron De'Grenor and requests the remaining amount to be returned. The Rector came by to give approval for the purchase of provisions. And then there's this, I don't know who it's from."

"Hey!" Seleria stamped her foot, "You read the royal mail?!"

"Oh, don't worry, your father is an old acquaintance of mine; he won't mind. But as for this, you'll have to figure it out yourselves."

With those words, she handed me a letter with a bluish seal in the form of a wolf's head on the envelope.