
Heart of Atlantis: Whispers of Love and Destiny

In a calm coastal Mediterranean town, Delphine, a beautiful young woman, enjoys a quiet life with her family and her best friend Dorian, the son of a fisherman who shares her love for the sea. However, Delphine's life takes a bewildering turn when a mysterious figure named Ethan enters her world and unveils a startling secret: she's a mermaid from Atlantis. As she grapples with this newfound identity, her heart becomes entangled in a complex love triangle. Ethan's revelation sparks a series of events that thrust Delphine into the heart of a brewing civil turmoil in Atlantis, a realm inhabited by the original descendants of the Atlanteans, merfolk, djinns, and other mystical beings. Delphine must confront her feelings, grapple with her newfound powers, and make decisions that could shape the fate of Atlantis. Among power struggles, ancient rivalries, and a struggle for supremacy, Delphine finds herself standing at the crossroads of destiny. Will she embrace her mermaid lineage and wield her unique abilities to bring harmony to the troubled waters of Atlantis? And in the process, will she find the courage to untangle her heart's desires?

QueenOfWands · Fantasy
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74 Chs

The First Meeting

Delphine's impatience grew stronger.

This moment was the perfect opportunity for her to discover something more about the enigmatic guy, and she was determined not to let it slip away.

Normally she was a shy individual who wouldn't dare approach someone under different circumstances, but that time she felt a surge of determination welling up within her.

She managed to cast aside her shyness, summoning the courage to take action.

Delphine's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and possibilities.

She assumed that if the mysterious boy was indeed present, he must have been a fellow student from their school.

However, she couldn't fathom how she had never noticed him before.

Her memory scanned through the hallways, classrooms and common areas at school, but she couldn't recall ever laying eyes on him.

He was so handsome that in no way she wouldn't have noticed him or heard other girls talking about him.

The possibility of him being a new student or a friend of the homeowner crossed her mind as potential explanations too.

It seemed plausible, but Delphine's curiosity needed certainty.

To uncover the truth, she knew she had to take action.

The desire to solve the puzzle and fill in the missing pieces fueled her determination.

Without a moment's hesitation, Delphine suddenly interrupted the ongoing conversation, offering a swift apology before swiftly rising from her seat.

The suddenness of her actions caught the attention of those around her, including Dorian, who watched her intently, with a facial expression that expressed a mix of curiosity and concern.

No words escaped his lips as he silently observed her getting up and walking away, allowing her the space she needed to get up and walk away.

With each step, Delphine closed the distance between herself and the enigmatic figure.

As she drew nearer, her gaze sharpened, attempting to discern any recognizable features from the almost completely dark surroundings.

The encroaching darkness cast elongated shadows, adding an air of mystique to the unfolding encounter.

The figure stood there, partially turned away, presenting only a profile view to Delphine.

The silhouette became more defined as she approached, revealing hints of his stature and presence.

She had never been so close to him, not even in the bakery.

It was a moment suspended in time, as if the universe had conspired to create this solitary instance of connection.

The fading daylight further succumbed to the embrace of night, enveloping the scene in a blanket of darkness.

The soft glow of ambient lights cast a subtle illumination.

Shadows danced and flickered, playing games with perception and lending an air of intrigue to the scene.

She was sure that it was the same guy she had met when he was still far and Delphine recognized him from her seat.

Yet, as she drew nearer, her focus sharpened, and the enigmatic figure revealed itself in greater clarity than before.

Her gaze delved deeper, capturing the intricate details that she didn't notice in the previous occasions.

His dark hair, tousled yet effortlessly styled, framed his face with an air of captivating mystery.

The gentle contrast of his pale skin against the dim light added a touch of ethereal elegance to his look.

His thin and tall physique exuded an aura of strength and grace at the same time.

In less than a couple of minutes, Delphine found herself just a few steps away from him, the nervousness building within her.

He remained unaware of her presence.

He carried on, seemingly unaffected by her proximity, making no indication that he had noticed anything out of the ordinary.

People kept walking and flowing near him, there was no reason for him to think that something related to him was going to happen.

Delphine stopped and hesitated.

Should she make her presence known? Would he welcome her approach amidst the sea of passing faces?

As Delphine stood there, her mind racing with thoughts and uncertainties, she found herself caught off guard as the mysterious guy suddenly turned towards her, his gaze fixing upon her with a gentle smile playing upon his lips.

The intensity of his eyes held a silent invitation, a silent expectation for her to break the silence and start a conversation.

Her heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness, realizing that this was the moment she had been waiting for, the chance to talk with bim.

However, as he awaited her response, a wave of uncertainty washed over Delphine, leaving her momentarily at a loss for words.

In that fleeting moment, her mind raced to find the perfect remark, something to match the reason for that meeting.

But she struggled to find the right words to convey her curiosity and didn't say anything.

Finally, breaking the silence, the sound of the mysterious guy's voice gently pierced the air, offering a simple yet inviting statement.

"Nice party, huh?" he remarked, his words carrying a hint of warmth.

Delphine felt a mix of relief and gratitude, grateful for the simplicity of his comment, which was a good way for her to join in the conversation.

She replied with a slight tremor in her voice, betraying her embarrassment.

"Yes... indeed" she managed to utter, her gaze now averted from his penetrating stare.

Inside her, she felt a rush of joy at finally hearing his voice, even if it was just a normal conversation between two strangers at a party.

"I don't know if you remember me" Delphine added, her hands gesturing nervously as she tried to convey her recollection of their brief encounters.

"We met a couple of times, and now you're here at my school party..."

Before she could finish her sentence, he interrupted with a warm smile and reassuring words.

"Yes, we met at the bakery and on the bus. Of course, I remember you" he said, his gaze never wavering from her face.

A mixture of relief and amusement washed over Delphine as she processed his response.

"Wow, I'm glad you remember. I was starting to worry you might think that I'm a stalker for remembering and coming to you" she admitted.

Breaking the tension, the guy introduced himself.

"I'm Ethan, by the way. It's nice to meet you" he interjected, extending a hand in greeting.

Delphine couldn't help but notice the ease with which Ethan seemed to navigate their conversation, as if he could sense her discomfort and knew exactly what to say to alleviate it.

His ability to put her at ease, even in the middle of her swirling thoughts and uncertainties, intrigued her further.

"I'm Delphine" she replied, her embarrassment palpable in her tone.

Unsure of whether to extend her hand for a handshake or not, she found herself frozen, caught in a moment of indecision.

Her mind raced with thoughts again, a whirlwind of uncertainty and self-consciousness.

How could she have imagined that this moment would come?

Could he even imagine about the persistent thoughts about him over the past few days after that nightmare in which he was included?

The mere possibility that he could think about it sent a surge of anxiety through her.

"What a beautiful name" he commented, a subtle nod of his head accompanying his words, his smile radiating sincerity.

The compliment washed over Delphine, leaving a warm impression in its wake.

It was clear that his words held genuine admiration.

Lost in the moment, she mustered the courage to pursue her curiosity.

"So... are a student of my school, right?" she asked, not wasting a moment.

"Yes" he replied, his tone dry yet laced with a hint of amusement, as if the answer should have been obvious.

The revelation piqued her interest further, and she couldn't help but express her surprise.

"I thought so, but I was wondering because I've never seen you before at school" she added, her voice filled with curiosity.

A flicker of nervousness crossed his face as he responded "Oh yeah, actually I moved here only a few months ago."

"Ahh, I see" she replied, her gaze studying him intently.

There was a hint of intrigue in her eyes as she attempted to know more about him.

"I'm a year older than you, so our classrooms are on different floors" he added, offering the information without her prompting.

A hint of surprise danced in her expression as she arched an eyebrow.

"How do you know my age?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued, but she was happily surprised.

A faint chuckle escaped his lips as he swiftly responded "Well, I know you're in the same class as my friend, the owner of this house" and he nodded towards one of the groups of people talking nearby.

The answers she got until that moment were not enough to satiate her curiosity; she yearned to delve deeper into the mysteries that surrounded him.

However, as the music swelled, cascading into a crescendo of sound, their conversation became ensnared in the cacophony, making it hard to understand each other's words.

It was obvious that they would need to relocate to a quieter space, away from the pulsating rhythms and animated voices that enveloped the party.