
Heart of Atlantis: Whispers of Love and Destiny

In a calm coastal Mediterranean town, Delphine, a beautiful young woman, enjoys a quiet life with her family and her best friend Dorian, the son of a fisherman who shares her love for the sea. However, Delphine's life takes a bewildering turn when a mysterious figure named Ethan enters her world and unveils a startling secret: she's a mermaid from Atlantis. As she grapples with this newfound identity, her heart becomes entangled in a complex love triangle. Ethan's revelation sparks a series of events that thrust Delphine into the heart of a brewing civil turmoil in Atlantis, a realm inhabited by the original descendants of the Atlanteans, merfolk, djinns, and other mystical beings. Delphine must confront her feelings, grapple with her newfound powers, and make decisions that could shape the fate of Atlantis. Among power struggles, ancient rivalries, and a struggle for supremacy, Delphine finds herself standing at the crossroads of destiny. Will she embrace her mermaid lineage and wield her unique abilities to bring harmony to the troubled waters of Atlantis? And in the process, will she find the courage to untangle her heart's desires?

QueenOfWands · Fantasy
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74 Chs


In a brief moment, the overwhelming joy and lightheartedness that had enveloped Delphine until that moment dissipated entirely, leaving behind a deep void that was swiftly filled by negative emotions.

Just moments earlier, Delphine was so happy and carefree she felt like she was a child again.

She wanted to leap and shout from the mountaintops, telling everyone how happy she was.

Yet, as swiftly as a passing breeze, the euphoria dissipated into thin air.

Like a glass shattered, the fleeting happiness she possessed vanished, leaving behind a void that seemed to swallow her whole.

The waves of disrespect and humiliation crashed upon her.

She couldn't wrap her mind around the reason why her closest ally, her best friend, would say such hurtful words to her, painting her as a bad girl.

And what made the wound even deeper was the excruciating fact that this hurtful accusation was made in front of their school mates, exposing her vulnerability to the harsh judgment of others.

The sheer audacity of the act made it unacceptable in her eyes, exacerbating the anguish and sense of betrayal she experienced.

What did he think happened?

It didn't matter anymore and she didn't even want to know.

What she really wanted to know was how her best friend could humiliate her like that.

In that moment, Delphine found herself confronted with a myriad of potential reactions.

She was tempted to retaliate, to talk to him in the same way he did in front of the group of people surrounding them, constructing a spectacle that would only satiate the appetite of those who thrive on gossip, while failing to resolve anything between the two of them.

Alternatively, she could have mustered her composure, and firmly asked him to look for a private space to talk and get an apology, calmly explaining the true nature of the situation.

However, her current state of emotional turmoil rendered her incapable of doing anything, rendering her voiceless, unable to articulate even a single word.

But the shifting expressions that played across her face served as a silent language, communicating volumes without the need for spoken words.

With a heavy heart, Delphine averted her gaze, casting her eyes elsewhere, as if seeking solace in the vast expanse of the surrounding world and hold back the tears.

She walked away with a determined step.

The small group of people in close proximity stood in hushed silence.

Those who had not even noticed the unfolding drama remained kept minding their own business, completely ignorant of what had just happened.

After a short pause filled with uncertainty, Dorian relinquished his position against the wall, his shoulder lifting away from the support it had found.

With a resolute step forward, he tried to follow Delphine, her figure already swallowed by the bustling sea of people.

"Delphine!" he called out, his voice laced with urgency.

"Delphine! Wait!" His desperate pleas continued to escape his lips, even though the booming music enveloping the surroundings made it nearly impossible for his words to reach her ears.

He weaved between bodies, his eyes scanning the crowd in a desperate attempt to catch a glimpse of the person he longed to reach.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Dorian caught sight of Delphine.

At that very moment, she was going towards the exit of the house.

Closing the distance between them, Dorian reached out and gently grasped her arm, trying to get her attention.

"Where are you going?" he inquired, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

Delphine, her voice now calm and composed, met his gaze and responded "It's none of your business!"

Her words resonated with an undertone of detachment, a reflection of the emotional turmoil that consumed her.

Regardless of her dismissive answer, Dorian maintained his grip on her arm, his touch gentle yet firm.

"But I have to take you home. Where are you going?" he pressed, a mix of worry and confusion tingeing his voice.

With a measured expression, Delphine looked him up and down, her eyes capturing the essence of his being.

Without hesitation, she asserted "I'm going home. I'll find someone to take me there."

With a subtle movement, she freed her arm from his light grasp, emphasizing her desire for leaving.

The weight of the situation crashing down on him, Dorian couldn't contain his astonishment.

"Are you out of your mind?" he exclaimed, his voice laden with incredulity. "What's happening to you?"

Delphine's retort was swift, cutting through the charged atmosphere.

"Ask yourself that question" she shot back, her words laced with a blend of frustration and hurt. "You humiliated me in front of everyone."

"You drove me insane with worry.

You distanced yourself and vanished out of the blue and did not answer my calls.

And to top it off, you were alone with a complete stranger. Anything could have happened to you" Dorian expressed, his voice rising slightly as he stepped closer to Delphine.

Delphine maintained her stance, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination.

"Your concern doesn't justify what you did" she responded firmly, her voice resolute.

With emotions running high, Delphine raised her voice to match his.

"And you're not my father. I don't need to ask for your permission to leave and talk with someone at a party" she countered, her tone reflecting her defiance.

Dorian, momentarily taken aback, attempted to bridge the divide between them.

"Nobody said you can't talk to other people. What are you even saying?" he questioned, with a hint of exasperation.

"You knew that even if I was talking to someone I wouldn't put myself in a dangerous situation, yet see how you reacted!" she retorted.

Exasperated, he retorted "Yes, because you didn't answer my calls anymore! Of course I got worried. He could have been drunk".

"I'm done, let me go" she said, shaking her head and turning for the last time.

The exchange between Delphine and Dorian only served to exacerbate her already overwhelming emotions.

Tears welled up in her eyes, escaping her control as they cascaded down her cheeks, displaying her inner anguish.

Dorian's persistence intensified, as he was actually worried for Delphine's safety.

"If you don't want to go back with me, then please wait for a ride by someone we both know. I cannot allow you to walk alone on the roads at this late hour" he insisted, his voice carrying a mixture of urgency and protectiveness.

Delphine remained resolute in her stance.

With a stubborn tone of voice and her arms crossed defiantly, she persisted "Fine, I will ask someone who is leaving to give me a ride."

Her determination seemed unwavering.

Frustration tinged Dorian's voice as he implored her to listen to him.

"Please, stop being so stubborn. Can't you see how many strangers there are?"

His words carried a sense of urgency, an attempt to emphasize the potential risks and dangers that lurked leaving the party with some unknown, probably drunk, individuals.

Then, Dorian's initial confusion and frustration began to give way to a deeper understanding.

"Yeah, you said it in front of everyone a few minutes ago and humiliated me..." she thought to herself.

It was the right occasion to throw Dorian in front of what he had done, but she didn't.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry" Dorian confessed, his voice laden with sincere remorse.

Regret washed over him, permeating every word he spoke.

"I deeply regret the way I spoke to you in front of everyone. I shouldn't even have used that tone, and I'm truly sorry" he admitted, trying to convince her that his apology was sincere.

The weight of his actions bore down on him, casting a shadow of shame that caused his head to bow in genuine contrition.

In that moment of reflection, he acknowledged the gravity of his behavior and the impact it had on Delphine.

The realization that he had allowed his emotions to override his judgment filled him with a sense of deep disappointment in himself.

The weight of his words carried a deep sense of regret, an acknowledgment of the pain he had caused her.

His lowered head conveyed a sincere acknowledgement of his wrongdoing.

Overwhelmed by her emotions, Delphine surrendered to her tears, her sobs echoing her anguish.

Through her tear-streaked face, she managed to say something.

"I just want to go home now" she whimpered, her voice choked with a mix of sadness and exhaustion.

In that vulnerable moment, Dorian's heart ached to console her, to offer solace and reassurance.

An overwhelming urge to hug her enveloped him, driven by an intense desire to find solace in her arms.

Dorian needed to hold her close, to apologize endlessly, and to reassure her that he would shield her from any harm inflicted by others.

Yet, as he stood there, the weight of realization settled upon him.

It was a bitter truth he had to confront.

He, himself, had become the source of her pain, the very person he sought to protect.

Now he realized how much his words and actions affected his best friend, for better or for worse.