
Heart Misery

AkotMakur · Urban
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5 Chs

mistrust 2


Jackson watched her as she went to the parking lot with her phone to her ear. Before she drove off, he saw her kiss the phone and smile.

"A cheater will always try to blame their partner for their actions." Those were words of one of his university lecturers years ago. So today she used Angela as her reason to cause chaos in the house. It's ok.

He went to the kitchen to prepare food for the children. Before he cooked, he warmed some water for bathing his daughter. I

Jack loved to see her clean and he believed she liked it too since whenever he put her in water she would giggle with her heavenly toothless smiles. Her smile made him feel proud. She looked exactly like his mother. The memories of his mother always propelled him to work harder. He remembered she once told him to have a big heart, never to do anything to hurt his wife. "My son, a stable marriage is the only present you can give me and I'll be happy." She told him on his wedding day.

He bathed the girl and luckily, she dozed off a little while later giving him freedom to prepare supper. Since Jack knew what his son liked most, he prepared it for him. He didn't want him to hate his food. Anyway he was quite sure he can't hate the food since he was one of the best cooks uncertified chefs there is. If you don't believe it then ask his mother, she knows it better.

He was still preparing the fish stew when his phone started ringing. His son who was playing with it in the sitting room brought it to him.

"Hello Chagai." He answered..

"Jack I'm tired. I'm just tired." She was in a sobbing tone.

He didn't know what she was tired of, he wished she could come out clean.

" Calm down girl, what is it again?" Jack asked her.

"It's your friend Wal, he has just left the house without eating my food ." She said.

Jack waited for her to add more words but there was silence. His phone had gone off.

"Hey Boy," he called out. "Charge this phone for me." He told him as he resumed his cooking.

Thirty minutes later, He was done and they were enjoying their meal when the door banged. This irritated to the core him because he had not been expecting such noise and above all, there was a bell that one could easily press to alert them. He went and opened the door and there stood his wife, she was looking like something shot off the devil's bow.

"Welcome home," He said pushing the door for her. Without a word, she went to the dining table and took Jackson's seat.

"Do you have any food for me? I'm so hungry." She queried.

Honestly, how was he to know that she was coming back hungry when she had told him she was going for dinner with her friend?

"I'm sorry I just prepared enough for the two of us since you had told me you were going out for dinner. But it's ok, you can have mine, I'm quite full." Jack replied.

"Daddy how come mum wants to eat the food she ran away from deliberately" his son complained.

"hush boy, she is your mother let her eat. It's fine." he told him as he took the seat opposite to him. To his surprise the boy went to the kitchen, took an extra plate and gave his father a share of his food.

"Daddy let's share, l have enough" he said innocently.

After dinner, he turned on his phone only to get twelve texts from Chagai. It was her last text that made him worried.

"Jack, I don't understand what's wrong with Wal, he came back less than twenty minutes after leaving."

"It's ok, make him comfortable and be happy now that he is back home." he texted back.

These coincidences were killing him,his wife had also returned earlier than expected.

In the bedroom, he found his wife in her mini lingerie night dress. For three months now, he had never seen her in this. He admired her beauty, her gesture was still erect despite being a mother of two. When he entered, she smiled at him. This was a surprised to him as he had gotten used to her sulking by now.

"I miss you my dear husband." She said moving close to him. He just looked at her speechless, could this be happening or was he dreaming?


"Could this be a test"

His eyes were in disbelief, was this really happening? Her body was still as perfect as it was the time he married her. Despite nursing two Children her body was as firm as ever. She slowly turned seductively feeding his hungry eyes ,her well rounded hips. Jack was literally on fire; the flames of lust were raging and consuming his fast. He felt like jumping on her lion style and devouring her but something stopped him.

He kept staring at her in total disbelief, why the sudden change? As if in reply his phone started ringing from the living room.

"Come back here Jack!" He heard her screaming as he headed out.

"Jackson I know it's one of your hoes calling," she continued

"Just a moment, I need to take the call. It may be important." Jack responded with resolve. He knew even then he would not fall for this charade.

Getting to his phone he found two missed calls from Chagai, there was also a message.

A very short message that held very deep meaning for him.

"Wal made love to me tonight…" the words flew onto his screen.

A very familiar pattern was forming and he will be damned if he get caught up in this net of insanity, he was not a chess piece to be moved around at will by Mary.

He found the remote control and switched on the television, a few minutes later he was joined by his boy and together they got absorbed in a witty Cartoon and his lust for Mary slowly subsided.

Around 22hrs after putting his boy to bed he hesitantly crept to their bedroom bracing himself for a barrage of all sorts of demeaning insults. To Jack's surprise he found his wife fast asleep, there were tear stains on her lovely cheeks. She was still in her exposing lingerie Dress, his eyes rode up her long legs but he knew this food was not for consumption (not in these circumstances anyway).

He woke up slightly after 8 o'clock the next morning, the blinds were up and the sun was attacking his eyeballs. It was a Sunday and he could already sense the gloom in the air around his house, Jack could hear her scolding the boy in the Kitchen.

He felt like an accused person waiting for his case to be heard at the courts of law, what was supposed to be a peaceful time at home had been turned into a horror show by the antics of Mary.

For the first time Jack felt a tinge of hatred for this woman.