
Heart Misery

AkotMakur · Urban
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5 Chs

Jackson's wife threatens to leave marriage

That evening Jackson's wife came home later than usual. She was now dressed in the same clothes she was in when she left in the morning.

He didn't know where she changed the clothes from but he was sure she was the one he had seen board a taxi next to the hotel where he was with Chagai. His wife went straight into the bathroom. "I feel tired, let me freshen up first." She said as she closed the door to the bathroom.

That was when Jack received a text from Chagai. "Hubby has just arrived, he is in the bathroom. Let me set the table for him." This text hurt him the most. How can that be? His wife just pops in and goes to the bathroom and on the other side Wal goes to the bathroom too just after coming back? Was this a mere coincidence?

After taking a shower, Jackson's wife went straight to bed. Their children were fast asleep. The boy usually stayed up until eight. It was now fifteen minutes past nine. On the other hand their daughter slept early. She was still a toddler.

After watching the news he went to the bedroom and found his wife chatting all smiles. Those texts must be exciting to her. He stood at the door for over ten minutes without her knowledge.

She occasionally kissed the phone after reading the texts. When Jack stepped in the bedroom she pressed the power button and the screen went blank. From the look in her eyes, he read guilt. Unlike the previous days when she could face Jack, today she faced away.

This made him more worried. She tried to touch him but he was not in the mood for that, not after what he had witnessed (the phone kissing and the change of clothes not forgetting the bath.

"My dear, are you having an affair?" Jack asked without a second thought. This question caught her unawares, her madness activated. "Jack, are you accusing me of cheating? Have you ever seen me with a man? How dare you say this to me?" She said as she rose from the bed.

Jack just sat there watching her. He had never seen her this mad. He remembered the words of his counselor. "When you see your spouse behaving mad after asking them a question on infidelity, chances are high that your worries are true. "You have changed much my dear, you are not the wife I married and I just wanted to know if you are having a man outside this wedlock. That's all" Jackson said calmly.

"I have never thought you see me as an adulterous woman, I thought I was married to a husband who loves me but you have proven me wrong." She said as she started packing her clothes. "Am leaving this house, I can't stay with a man who doesn't trust me."

This was the least he expected. Jack thought she could suggest we have a talk. We have always had issues in this marriage but she had never threatened to pack. "What of our children?" he asked her. " I don't care, they are your children, take care of them." She shouted waking up the little girl who started crying.

Jack went to her bedroom and picked her up. When she saw her mother, she struggled to get to her but the mother seemed not interested. He went to the kitchen, warmed her food and fed her.

While in the kitchen, Jack received a chilling text from Chagai. "Imagine Jack, Wal has not eaten food in the house. After the shower, he went straight to the bedroom and seems to be chatting with someone smiling all through."

"Am sorry for you girl." He texted back. He wanted to tell her the behavior of his wife that day but Jack thought it was not prudent of him. After feeding the girl, she fell asleep again.

His wife's fury seemed to have subsided for he saw her smile on her phone again but the moment she saw him, she became sullen and picked up her suitcase. "Am leaving," She declared..

His wife was behaving weird, this is not the kind of marriage he expected to have. He always wanted his marriage to be a model for others, for people to use us as an example of an ideal marriage. All in all, it seems she had made her decision. Jackson left her in the bedroom and went to watch the television, he didn't want to see her leave.

He loved his wife, nothing would ever come between his love for her (not even her infidelity). After two hours he went to the bedroom only to find his wife was fast asleep, she looked so beautiful and so peaceful. Jack stood beside the bed watching her for a full ten minutes.

How he loved this woman! She was a treasure to him and he didn't want to lose her. He remember how she gave him sleepless nights chasing her. They were raised in the same town; she was the daughter to one of the elders. Twice he had escaped a beating from her brothers. Her father was against their relationship but since they loved each other their love bond overcame the test of time.

She was in Junior High School by then while he had just completed his High School. One time Jackson paid her school fees from Grade 10 since her father refused to pay for her prioritizing her brothers.

He knew they would take him as a fool to do such but he believed it was the power of love at work. The same love that still lives in his heart, pure love for his wife.

The only woman he have ever loved. Luckily, she wasn't dull in class and she qualified for the university after her Grade 12; that was back in the year 1998. Jackson joined university the same year to pursue his degree which had now lost meaning to him. In her second year of study, her father died and Jack became the sole guardian. He provided for all her needs from Education to daily upkeep.

After they both graduated, they moved in as a couple in 2007 and they were blessed with their first born a year later. Life was sweet and they both enjoyed their marriage, she was the true definition of a wife. People envied him and he was sure they still do because they don't know what he was going through in this marriage. Trouble started when she got employed.

At first, she started complaining of virtually everything Jack did. The money he gave her became too little all of a sudden and she gradually started sulking at almost anything, the smallest disagreement could birth a storm in their once Paradisiacal aboard.

Jack loved her as a natural woman but now here she was taking away what he treasured most in her; her natural beauty. He had not mentioned the change in her dress code.

Jackson's wife used to dress in clothes that covered three quarters of her body but in the second month of her job she bought several mini skirts and mini dresses that fitted her tightly. It hurt him but anytime he asked her about it, she always gave the same reason. "It's a requirement at the office my love."

As he was still watching her sleeping, her phone screen lit up. He looked at just in time to see the last bit of the text.

"I enjoyed it. Thanks."

Jack tried to open the message but her phone was protected by a password. He wished he could know who the person was and what he or she enjoyed. Jackson was about to get to bed when his wife took her phone, read the text, smiled then turned it off.

He wanted to talk to her badly; he wished to make her understand how this whole thing was eating him up. Jack undressed and joined her in bed. His hands were itching to touch her but his mind was against it. He obeyed his mind for her behavior indicated that she was not ready for him. She rolled away from Jack and covered herself in the bed sheets leaving the blanket for him.

Jack swallowed bitter saliva. He wished to talk to a woman, a woman who could understand him and that was his wife. For the first time he even contemplated cheating on her but his love for her could not allow him.

"May God help me remain faithful." He prayed silently in his heart.

Before Jack dozed off his phone vibrated, it was a text from Chagai.

"Jack I'm so bored, I wish we could talk. Let's meet tomorrow please. Goodnight."