

Have you ever wondered how people turn and change from being the once sweet, caring, and loving soul to a totally different character overnight? Ever imagined a little girl who grew up surrounded by so much love and whose heart was filled with love, everybody’s sweetheart suddenly changed into someone who doesn’t give a damn about people and became a totally dangerous girl and claims that love Is not in her own vocabulary and doesn’t equally have a place in her heart. Are you inquisitive to find out more about her and what turned her into who she is? Well if you are, why don’t you fasten your seatbelts and come along with me trust me it's sure going to be a long and interesting ride. Filled with suspense and totally worth your time.

JullieFerdie · Teen
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8 Chs


Caroline POV

I stared at the wall clock, it was past eleven at night. I signed as I waited endlessly for Leonard; the one thing that I am just grateful for is that I had managed to tuck Scarlett into bed.

Just then I remembered that my husband's food would have become cold by now and he doesn't like cold meals, I quickly dashed into the kitchen and turned on the microwave and placed the food inside of it, and went back to the living room to resume waiting for my husband.

Just then, I heard loud bangs on the door "Open up this damn door! You this witch" I heard Leonard say.

I sighed sadly as I stood up and opened the door, immediately after I had the door opened, Leonard gave me a very hot and resounding slap that sent me tumbling to the ground

"How dare you close the door when I haven't yet arrived!!!" He yelled as he held my hair very tightly between his fingers and dragged me up roughly to my feet.

"Leonard, the door was never locked, it was opened," I said as I tried to defend myself

"What! Are you indirectly referring to me as a liar?" He said as he punched me in the mouth and my eyes dilated immediately

Oh God! What have I done to deserve this type of man as a husband, what God "Cat got your tongue, huh?" he said as he slapped me

"No Leonard, am not in any way calling you a lair, am sorry, am at fault, please forgive me" I pleaded desperately with him.

He stared at me with hatred and released me and at the same time pushed me roughly to the wall, I collided hardly with it and injured my arm.

I watched him as he staggered upstairs. I didn't even bother to help him up as I would have done before, he nearly fell off the stairs, but I didn't even behave as if I saw something, I just sat down and looked as if I saw something, I just sat down and looked as if nothing was going on.

After I was sure that he was gone, I struggled and lifted myself up with the little strength that I had in me and walked sluggishly into the kitchen and turned off the microwave, and placed some water on the fire to boil.

After it has boiled, I removed it from the heat and pour the water into a medium-sized bowl and add a little amount of cold water to it in order for it not to burn my face.

Then I started pressing my face gently especially my mouth because it had swollen up, after massaging my face thoroughly.

I then took 2 ice packs, and placed one over my head and the other one over my arm, I continued until I felt relieved of the pain a little.

I switched off the lights and walked upstairs to my daughter's bedroom, after seeing that she was comfortable, I then left for my bedroom.

Well, I and Leonard are no longer sharing the same room since he chased me out of our bedroom and my daughter has been curious about the whole arrangement and has been questioning me non-stop about it, I just shy away and behave as if she didn't ask me a thing.

I walked into the bedroom after stripping completely off my clothes I pressed the cold button and choose fiercely and the water poured widely on my body, that is what I actually needed at the moment.

I didn't even know when I started sobbing and wailing loudly, when did Leonard turn into a wife-beater, when did he turn into this monster, I just can't recognize the husband I got married to.

He just suddenly changed 2 years ago from being the lovely and caring man whom I fell in love with to a heartless beast I want my Leonard back, am tired of living like this, am just fucking tired, I can't recognize the husband I got married to.

I can't pinpoint exactly what I have done wrong to make him hate me to this extent, I had been nothing but a caring and supportive wife to him ever since he got married to me, I just don't know my offense, I don't.

After the cold shower, I walked into the bedroom naked and cleaned my body, and wore my nightie. I sat down in front of the dressing mirror to dry my hair.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and it was nothing to write home about, my once glowing and healthy skin was now covered up with marks and scars of different sizes and bruises. I combed my hair then climbed the bed and dozed off immediately.

I woke up to the feeling of someone climbing the bed, I opened my eyes and found someone who was none other than Leonard.

I was so shocked and surprised, what was he doing in my room at this kind of ungodly hour, I sat up straight and was about to speak when he said.

"If your dare to open that lousy mouth of yours to utter a single word, I am going to design your face with beautiful and lovely slaps" He threatened me.

I immediately clamped my mouth shut because I was very scared of his outburst.

"Strip" He ordered with no iota of emotion in his voice, I did as if I didn't hear him.

"Do you want me to repeat myself?" He asked.

"No, but Leo......" I was cut off by a slap.

"Am I no longer your husband?" He asked.

"Of course, you are" I replied.

"So, am telling you to strip and you are feeling so reluctant to do so but when it comes to some lowlife, you will happily do so" He stated

"What are you trying to insinuate Leonard?" I asked

"I said strip or are you now deaf, since you don't want to strip in an easy way, then I would be glad to make you do so the hard way," He said as he landed another slap on my already sore face.

I cried out in sheer pain as he ripped my nightie off my body.

I started thrashing badly under him "Leonard, please stop, you are hurting me" I pleaded but instead he slapped me.

"Shut up bitch" He said as he slapped me again, by now I was already feeling mad and intense pain "I love it when you scream in pain" He groaned

He held my neck between his hands and choked the living daylight out of me, I held his hands as I choked miserably, I couldn't breathe, I kept on struggling against him as hot tears flowed freely down my eyes. After some time, he slapped me again and left me all alone.

I didn't even bother cleaning up myself as I curled myself up into a ball and started crying, I continued crying until I cried myself to sleep.



I woke up feeling so sore and aches all over my body, I managed to drag myself to the bathroom and freshen up so that I can prepare Scarlett for school.

After bathing, I rushed to her room, woke her up and bathed her, and also dressed her for school.

Then I took her downstairs and prepared her favorite bowl of cereals and fruits for her, then packed her lunch box.

I sat down and watched her as she ate happily. I just pray that my baby will become strong and not resemble her weakling of a mother when she grows up and won't end up with a bad guy.

"Mommy" She called.

"Yes honey" I replied.

"I heard loud noises coming from your room last night, what was it all about? And it sounded as if you were crying and screaming for help" My little baby of eight years asked me.

"Is daddy in any way hurting you? Mommy is he beating you?" My eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets immediately after she asked me that question.

"No baby, of course not, I was watching a very sad movie and the female lead was the one screaming for help, it was so sad that I started crying, I just couldn't help myself" I lied and I just can't believe that I lied to my baby after advising her that lying was bad.

"If you say so mum" How did my baby become so sensitive? She finished eating and I took her to her school and then drove off to my company.


(At Night 10 PM)

It was Saturday night and Scarlett was too excited to sleep.

"Baby, get up, let's go to bed," I said.

"No mommy, I don't want to sleep yet, I want to see daddy before going to bed, it has been so long since I have last seen him because he hardly stays home and he also comes back home late in the middle of the night, and since today is Saturday, meaning that there is no school tomorrow, I can actually stay up as long as I want," She said.

And I couldn't help but stare at her in admiration, she's so intelligent but she's just as stubborn as her father.

"Okay, as you said my lady," I said as I raised my hands in defeat.

Twenty minutes later, the door creaked open and Leonard walked in reeking of alcohol.

"Daddy!!!!" Scarlett screamed as she hugged him but Leonard only gave her cold shoulders as he pushed her aside.

I looked at Scarlett and she looked hurt but quickly covered it up with a smile, my baby is gradually growing up to become a really strong woman, I thought with a sad smile.

"Now that I have seen you even though it's quite obvious that you don't want to see me, I can now go to bed, goodnight dad, goodnight to the best mother in the whole wide world," She said sadly but cheered up and hugged me, then she climbed the stairs.

I watched her as she climbed until she was out of sight.

I stood up and tried helping him since he could barely stand upright by himself but he pushed me off and I fell back on the couch.

I decided to help him again when I saw that he almost fell down on his face, I would have ignored him but my love for him wouldn't let me be.

I held his hand but he slapped me pushed me to the floor and pounced on me. The flower vase broke due to the way I collided with the table where it was placed.

I don't even know whether I committed a crime by accepting him into my life, I just don't know, am tired of this kind of life and I don't want my daughter to be affected by all these that are happening around her.

I screamed and screamed but to no avail, he didn't stop instead his slaps became harder.

Just then I sighted my little angel running down the stairs, I gasped but Leonard didn't care, he continued hitting me despite her pleas.

"Daddy, please stop hitting mommy, please stop, she's hurting, beat me instead, am a bad child, I was the one who insisted on staying up late, not her daddy, please leave her alone" Scarlett pleaded desperately as she cried and dragged his hands.

"Leave me alone!!!!!" Leonard yelled as he pushed her away from him.

She fell down to the floor with a thud and suddenly stopped moving.

My heart sank and I panicked then checked her and noticed that the pieces of the broken flower vase that was damaged earlier on had gotten stuck in her neck and she was losing blood fast, "MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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