
Heart Keeper

Standing against the wooden pillar she roamed her eyes trough the entire hall, which looking like a death game. she was tired from running. she sighed,closed her eyes to calm herself down.Her eyes was looking for a way so that she can get out from this hell like place. The jingling sound of her anklets echoed through the entire hall as she again tried her luck and run from one pillar to another. She sighed in relief thanking God for taking her this much but her fate planned something different for her. She turned stiffed when she heard heavy footsteps are coming closer to her. The darkness of the hall did wonder she was unable to see anything around her. Her lips dried up and she froze when she sensed that someone is standing behind her. She dare not to turned around. Her hand was shaking, she was holding her heart which was on the verge of falling from her heart and end her chapter from world. The person behind her came closer to her, even an inch of gap was unnoticeable between them. Her eyes burnt up with tears of fear. “Surprise!” He said hoarsely, sending shiver down on her spine. She arched her back hearing his low voice, pushing herself on the pillar. Finally realizing who he is. She panicked to her core now only wishing for a savior, to rescue her from him. Whom she feared just by looking at those eyes of him. Yes eyes, she thought! enough for her to feel drown in a terrifying darkness. He hold her both off side numbing her soul, his lips barely touched her ears “So my cherry lost her ways huh!!” He whispered calling her that name seductively, filling terror in her being, stopping her heartbeat

vyena_3 · Urban
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20 Chs

Unpredictable Fate

"Did I just catch you off guard?"

Riana said in her mocking tone. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. She slightly holds her breath to calm herself down not wanting to make fun of herself anymore.

"It's ok, girls in your age must have at least one prince charming in their mind, it's nothing wrong. Anyway tell me what is your problem? You have been trying to reach me for the last 1 year. There must be something serious!"

"It is actually, I got your information from a friend of mine, but getting your appointment was tough. Suddenly last week you told me you are available and want to meet me but not in your cabin."

"Yes I sent you an email, the reason I avoided my cabin to meet you is my problem. I don't live here so getting my appointment is a bit tough. Hope it didn't bother you having an unknown in your home."

"No it's completely alright. I am glad you managed your time for me."

Riana nodded smiling. He behavior is so touching. How sweet she is Enola thought. She was sipping the tea that Hema just served her. Enola was observing her attitude. Fair skin, light blue eyes, thin lips, brown curled hair like a brunette, the red suit was complimenting her skin so well she is so beautiful Enola find her like a red fairy sitting with her. She must be around 45 in her age maybe but not everyone can tell that after seeing her. Fixing her glasses, she put down the cup of tea on the table and shift her attention again to Enola.

"So tell me now, I am getting late."

"I have had the same dream for the last 2 years straight."


"More like a nightmare, few things, I have been repeating over and over again. Every night even sometimes I tried to a short nap during daytime, it just appeared that time too."

"Hmm! Few things! What are these, you have any clear memories about them?"

"Yeah, it's dark, hallway, abandoned places, I am running away from someone or something, a person"

She turned silent on her track. Riana noticed her facial expression was hardening.

"A person?"

Enola nodded lowering her head trying her hard to remember what he exactly looked like. Her head starting ache as she puts pressure on her mind. Witnessing her uneasiness Riana put her hand on Enola's shoulder to calm her down and it did work.

"Who is that person? Can you tell me more about that person? Is that person him and her?"

"It's Him!"

Enola replied in her fear, her palm was sweating in nervousness what's with that creature that made her feel this vulnerable without its existence? But only if she knew.

"Him? Do you know him.?"

"No. I don't. however, it is blurry every time. I don't know what he looks like. What is wrong with him and what's his connection with me."

"You said it's been 2 years you are having this nightmare. Have you tried to think what could be a reason for you to have this?" 

"I have, but I never gone through any places like those I saw in my dreams. I don't even know if those places have earthly remarks or not. I was completely fine when suddenly all of these started haunting me"

"Enola these symptoms are mostly caused by anxiety and depression. Over work can affect this too. But we doctors called this disease. You are suffering from a Nightmare disorder often we say Parasomnia."

Enola's heart dropped its beating for a second processing what she just said. Parasomnia! She bites her inner cheeks to calm herself down as her legs start trembling in fear. It's her habit she cannot handle pressure but her life is not ready yet to give her peace. Her eyes lost their shine hearing her. Riana noticed understanding everything she did her best to calm herself down. Enola forced her to smile don't want to make things awkward between them. 

"I am sorry; I should have understood you must not be prepared to listen. But it has many treatments that can be cured over time. You just need to work on yourself a bit to find out what could be the reason behind your problem."

Enola just nodded. Riana thought not to drag the conversation further she is a doctor and how her patient is feeling is evident before her eyes. She cannot put pressure on her more.

"I am running late; this is my card. You can call me directly from now on and can meet me at my cabin I am moving here for the upcoming 5 months. I am hoping to give you a better result in the future."

She stands up making Enola move from her place too. Hema gave her directions to the door as Enola was walking behind them completely lost in her thoughts. Riana stopped in her way only to turn around which caused Enola and her to bump Enola's eyes enlarged at her carelessness she immediately said sorry to her.

"It's ok get it together Enola. You are a brave girl."

Enola smiled at her. She was grateful after meeting such a kind lady, no matter the destruction she caused in her mind, it was her job anyway and of course her fate. Enola scoffed looking at her.

"But can I ask you one more thing.?

'Yeah, sure."

"Have you ever experienced an accident before?"

She asked Enola. She can see that Enola is puzzled hearing her that she already predicts what could be her answer. And as expected after some thought she said

"No, why are you saying that?"

"Nothing just was connecting some joints. Have a good night Ena, well can I call you Ena?"

Enola nodded smiling which made her leave making her completely confused what did she mean by that? But again she remembered what just the doctor told her. She is a patient of Parasomnia. She chuckled at her ill fate.

"Great!! How unpredictable life I am blessed with." 

She said in her grief she was seeing darkness with her open eyes. Too tired to react to anything now. 

"Hema, what accident she said?"

"How do I know Ena? Maybe she said that normally, she is a doctor anyway. Let it be, come inside you are tired go and freshen up, I am taking your dinner upstairs ok."

Enola hummed maybe she was just predicting. Enola didn't waste her time there even a single minute. She left her bag on the couch and went directly to her room. Hema noticed her abruptness. She was aware of the fact how she must be feeling at that time and she needed to be on her side. She sighed closing the door behind her and went to the kitchen.


"It's your carelessness how could you not have the extra wheel for the car Allen?

"Sorry ma'am"

"Your sorry cannot fix anything, now call for ma another car."

"Sure ma'am"

"No. just… just stop let me just called him."

Riana was standing a few blocks away from Enola's house. Thought it was not so very far and it was clear for her to see the garden of her house. Her car broke down in that alley and she was getting angry at her driver for not having a spare wheel. 

She hurriedly took her phone out of the purse and was about to call when suddenly the enveloping darkness faded to a sudden burst of light, illuminating a sleek car positioned a short distance away from her. With a subtle adjustment of her gaze, a broad smile graced her lips as she recognized the familiar face before her, sitting in the driver seat., instantly brightening her countenance.


He nodded from the car, Riana swiftly directed her driver to do the repairs and transport the car to her home. With a confirming nod from the driver, Riana made her way towards the awaiting car where Damien patiently awaited her. Settling into her seat, she turned her gaze towards Damien, who met her eyes with an expectant look, awaiting any revelation she might have gained from inside.

"Didn't expect you to be here" 

Riana said in her teasing tone making Damien frown in annoyance but he kept his calm. Riana laughed at him patting himself a bit tougher.

"Ok I lied, I did expect you."

"Damien Adler couldn't get a grip on him for a girl, impressive"

"Stop fooling around tell me what happened inside"

"So eager to know Mr. Adler. But let me just have fun with your patience a little bit. Of course it's rare to see this Damien. Maybe I got lucky what do you say."

Damien shoots her angry gaze on her making her stop laughing and teasing him.

"You little brat you are making eyes on me, huh, so much dare to show your anger to your Binnie"

Riana Adler is one of the Adler's bloods. Damien's Aunt. Sister of his father late Mr. Derek Adler. One of the prestigious psychiatrists in town.

She came to visit her nephew and in between her talks she suddenly revealed a girl named Enola had been trying to reach her for almost 1 year now finally she thought to had time for her and decided to fix an appointment with her. Damien instantly understands whom she is talking about.

He does not need to have any further queries to know who she is. He suggested her aunt whom he called Binnie to meet her at her place not in her cabin the reason was not clear to her why her nephew got interested in her patient that too for a girl but eventually agreed and this is how she came to meet her. 

"Fine get out of the car, you don't have to say anything."

She slapped him lightly on his cheeks making him to show his irritating eyes to her.

"You are telling you Binnie to get lost. Shame on you Dami."

"Stop calling me that."

"OK calm down. Hold your excitement son let me tell you what happened inside."

She narrates every single detail of what she had with her. From starting to her behavior to her nightmare. Her every expression and simple detail which he heard attentively. His face was calm as if he already knew this is going to happen. He sighed at the end of her talk.

"She is overly sensitive I feel but strong enough too as I saw how she handles herself from breaking."

Damien looked in front of his car head tilted. was listening to everything carefully and was looking at Enola's house. seeing her nephew looking at that direction her mind clicked something for that she could not helped but questioned 


"By any chance the person she was talking about her nightmare, is something related to you?"

Damien stopped and looked at her. Her eyes filled with questions making Damien smile wickedly and again look straight. Not giving her an answer to what she is trying to hear from him.

"What that smile, do you know her Damien? 

She raised her eyebrows judging him harder but nothing came from his mouth, he was sitting there monotonously and the patience of her body was leaving her even though she was habituated with her nephew's behavior. 

"I mean you know her I can see that, but what's with your restlessness that you came here at this hour, I am sure you didn't come to pick me here."

Damien just sat there unbothered then opened his mouth to speak.

"Did she remember anything about any accident?"

"No. As you said I asked her but she was confused to process what I was even saying, the workers of her home what is her name yes Hema, she turned a bit perplexed hearing. So must be something that happened to her that is related to her nightmare, the reason for her parasomnia, and of course…"

She got silent and then looked at him whose side profile was visible to her trying to figure out what was going inside his head then uttered

"I had a feeling her family kept this a secret from her that the accident happened to her and that caused her to forget some memories from her past."

"She had Anterograde Amnesia about that accident which happened…."

"Two years back at 11 pm, on a cold street, covered with blood, and the next moment, she forgets some of her past memories…"

Riana was about to finish her sentence when Damien interrupted her in his utmost cold and low voice which sounds more like a whisper but loud enough to reach through Riana's ears and that froze her, seeing her nephew telling the exact same words she was about to say which was beyond her imagination to understand him.

Did he just predict what was going through her mind or he was the reason for that prediction?