
Heart Keeper

Standing against the wooden pillar she roamed her eyes trough the entire hall, which looking like a death game. she was tired from running. she sighed,closed her eyes to calm herself down.Her eyes was looking for a way so that she can get out from this hell like place. The jingling sound of her anklets echoed through the entire hall as she again tried her luck and run from one pillar to another. She sighed in relief thanking God for taking her this much but her fate planned something different for her. She turned stiffed when she heard heavy footsteps are coming closer to her. The darkness of the hall did wonder she was unable to see anything around her. Her lips dried up and she froze when she sensed that someone is standing behind her. She dare not to turned around. Her hand was shaking, she was holding her heart which was on the verge of falling from her heart and end her chapter from world. The person behind her came closer to her, even an inch of gap was unnoticeable between them. Her eyes burnt up with tears of fear. “Surprise!” He said hoarsely, sending shiver down on her spine. She arched her back hearing his low voice, pushing herself on the pillar. Finally realizing who he is. She panicked to her core now only wishing for a savior, to rescue her from him. Whom she feared just by looking at those eyes of him. Yes eyes, she thought! enough for her to feel drown in a terrifying darkness. He hold her both off side numbing her soul, his lips barely touched her ears “So my cherry lost her ways huh!!” He whispered calling her that name seductively, filling terror in her being, stopping her heartbeat

vyena_3 · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Shadows of Suspense

In the stillness of the moment, Erick offered his hand for a handshake, a silent invitation for connection, yet Damien stood unmoved, declining the gesture without a word, causing Erick to withdraw his hand with a sense of anticipation. Damien, with a penetrating gaze, attempted to decipher the person before him, shrouded in the veil of night. Breaking the eerie silence that enveloped them, Erick spoke, shattering the tranquil atmosphere with his words.

" I don't think you live here."

"Yes. I don't." Damien replied 

"I guessed right," Erick began, his eyes shifting towards Enola's window, prompting Damien to follow his gaze. 

"Actually, I'm new here too. Your presence here at this time struck me as suspicious."

Damien fixed his gaze on Erick, who met it with a smile. 

"By the way, I noticed you looking over there. Do you know them? It's a bit unusual to be staring at someone's house at this hour," Erick said, his words laced with suspicion, capturing Damien's attention.

"I guess you don't, if you have known them then you would not be here."

Damien clenched his fist, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. The man before him seemed intent on prying into his affairs, unaware of who he was truly dealing with. With each passing moment, Damien's curiosity grew. He realized that this man must be the tenant Austin had mentioned, sparking a newfound interest in uncovering his history. Initially, Damien had been reluctant to engage, but now, fueled by a desire to unravel the mystery surrounding this newcomer, he found himself increasingly drawn to the challenge.

Damien raised an eyebrow, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh, I assure you, I have a hobby for appreciating architecture, even in the dead of night," he replied smoothly, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But since we're playing the guessing game, I couldn't help but wonder why you're loitering in the shadows, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?" 

His retort was delivered with such finesse that it left Erick momentarily speechless, his attempt to probe Damien's intentions met with a well-timed shutdown.

"Well, I can see you have quite the wit," he remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of restrained annoyance.

"But my concern was with the well-being of this colony" he asserted, his gaze unwavering. 

"This is an elite area, and it's not common for strangers to be lingering around someone's house at this hour." He paused, then continued, "As for me, I was simply returning from my work, minding my own business."

Erick's response came sharp and pointed, his frustration barely contained. 

Damien's smirk widened a glint of mischief in his eyes. 

"Ah, so you're the neighborhood part-time watchman now, are you?" he countered, his voice laced with sarcasm. 

"It is my responsibility." Erick's eyes were determined filled with rage at this point which didn't go unnoticed by Damien. He was enjoying the tension Erick was feeling. That is actually what he wanted.

"Well, Officer Erick, I was just enjoying the scenery after a hard day's work. But don't worry, I'll be sure to inform you next time I take a midnight constitutional." A playful smirk formed on his face leaving Erick to mingle with his own disturbance. He was ready to retard back but with that, Damien sauntered away, leaving Erick speechless, his pride wounded by Damien's cutting remarks.

Erick's shifted his eyes from the figure disappeared into the darkness, his gaze lingered on Enola's window for a moment longer. With a sigh, he reluctantly left the scene, the mystery still unsolved.

Meanwhile, Damien had settled himself in the seat of his car, observing from a safe distance. The encounter with Erick had left him wary, his instincts on high alert. Erick seemed like an ordinary man, but Damien couldn't shake the feeling his eyes were giving. Whether it was a misunderstanding or not, he knew he needed to unravel the truth. With determination in his eyes spare the last glance at Enola's window, Damien vowed to get the answers he sought.


Enola sat with her friends in the bustling university cafeteria, the air filled with laughter and chatter. They shared stories from the weekend, discussing classes, upcoming events, and their plans for the evening. Enola couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, surrounded by the familiar faces of her peers.

Suddenly, the lively conversation took a turn as one of her friends, Sarah, leaned in with a conspiratorial whisper. "Ok guys, I have got new news about Damien Adler?" she remarked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Enola furrowed her brow in confusion. "Damien? what about him?"

Sarah's expression grew solemn as she leaned back in her chair. "Rumor has it that he's not just here to be a trustee," she revealed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Some say he's running an investigation, like some kind of detective."

Enola's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Damien's name. She had noticed his presence filled with mystery and suspense, but she never would have suspected him of being involved in anything so serious. 

"An investigation?" she repeated, her mind racing with questions.

Before she could process the news, a hush fell over the cafeteria as the sound of footsteps echoed through the room. Enola turned to see a group of police officers entering the building, Damien at their forefront, his expression determined.

"See I told you," Sarah exclaimed with affirmation as her words just came out truth.

Her heart sank as she watched them make their way toward the principal's office, accompanied by murmurs of speculation from the other students. Enola couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. What could Damien possibly be investigating? And what did it mean for the university?

As the realization dawned on her, Enola knew that things were about to change, and not necessarily for the better.


As the heavy weight of the day pressed down on her shoulders, Enola trudged wearily towards the elevator, her mind swirling with unanswered questions. During the whole time of her lectures, she was busy finding Damien's agenda what her friend Sarah had mentioned. His mysterious presence had consumed her thoughts throughout her classes, leaving her desperate for answers about his enigmatic agenda.

Reluctantly, she reached out and pressed the button for the lift, her pulse quickening with anticipation and anxiety. The doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the interior bathed in soft, golden light. But as Enola stepped inside, her breath caught in her throat, and her heart seemed to skip a beat.

Standing before her, with an air of quiet confidence, was Damien Adler himself. His presence filled the small space, commanding her attention in a way that left her utterly speechless. Time seemed to stand still as she gazed into his dark, penetrating eyes, her mind reeling with a whirlwind of emotions. He was standing there nonchalant he didn't even bother to look back at her. Enola's heart was beating at the highest rate. She face palmed herself so that she didn't look carefully before stepping in the lift. His aura was too dominating which was making her very uncomfortable.

Enola's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety. 

Throughout their time together in the elevator, neither Enola nor Damien exchanged a word. When they reached the ground floor, Damien hurriedly exited, leaving Enola bewildered by his abrupt departure. She narrowed her eyes in consternation, puzzled by his sudden haste.

As Enola prepared to step out herself, she noticed a key lying on the floor. Upon closer inspection, she saw the initials "DA" engraved on it, indicating it belonged to Damien. Realizing its potential importance, she decided to return it to him and hastily ran after him, momentarily forgetting her usual caution around him.

However, upon reaching the main gate, she found no sign of Damien. Perplexed, she sought confirmation from the security guard, who informed her that Damien had already left. Clutching the key, Enola couldn't help but wonder if Damien was aware he had dropped it, maybe it was something important to her.

Contemplating her next move, Enola briefly considered taking the key to the principal's office. But as she turned to head in that direction, she collided with someone unexpectedly. Her expression soured as she realized who stood before her, blocking her path.



In his cabin, bathed in the warm hues of the evening, Damien lounged in his rocking chair, his gaze fixed on the expansive glass window that framed his view of the world beyond. As he rocked back and forth, the memory of their brief encounter in the elevator replayed in his mind like a cherished film reel.

He recalled the way Enola had entered the elevator, her presence commanding his attention effortlessly. Every detail of her had captivated him, the way her hair fell in loose waves around her face, the subtle curve of her lips twisted in tension seeing him there. Silently, he had observed her, drinking in every nuance of her being, his heart stirring with a longing he couldn't quite explain.

Now, as he sat alone in his office, the memory of their encounter lingered like a bittersweet melody, as he rocked back and forth in his chair, he knew that her presence would linger in his thoughts long after the evening had faded into night. A sharp knock on the door jolted him back to reality. He cast a withering glance at his secretary, silently cursing the interruption. He had explicitly instructed everyone not to disturb him.

"Come in." he said in his authoritative tone

There he saw her secretary, visibly flustered by Damien's irritation, maintained her composure as she informed him that someone was there to see him. Damien furrowed his brows as he replied 

"Later, not now." his tone laced with authority, dismissed her, unwilling to entertain any distractions

"But sir the person said it is important." The secretary hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously.

Damien's irritation shifted slightly as he heard important. 

"Who is it?"

"Enola Sheridan" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.