
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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84 Chs

Victor and lucifer- reunited [M] slight Mpreg- a way to be together?

lucifer would be back with Victor

he just had to put his soul back together

it was in Sebastian and Victoria

they ended up with eachother's souls

Sebastian liked the Victor in Victoria

and Victoria liked the Victor in him

they both had Sebastnete's soul and Victor's

he took the Sebastnete half out of Victoria

and the Victor half out of Sebastian

putting them back together

and he had Victor again

"I missed you Victor-" he replied

"I missed you too luci-" Victor whispered in his ear

his body shivered in pleasure

he felt his knees go weak

"f*ck-" he replied

that voice of his- it made him want him so badly-

"f*ck me-" he replied

"Gladly-" Victor replied

Victor pushed him down onto the bed

and he pushed inside him and he rocked his hips back and forth lucifer moaned in response as he hit his sweet spot over and over again

"You really missed me- huh?-" Victor replied

"I missed having you inside me-" he replied

"and I missed being inside you-" Victor replied

"But you have me now-" lucifer replied

"And I will have you forever-" Victor replied

They stayed there locked in an intense sexual position

for what felt like an eternity

and they continued to make love over and over again

until they couldn't keep their hips still anymore

and they collapsed on the bed

after making sweet, passionate love

they both just laid there Staring into eachother's eyes

"I love you lucifer-" Victor whispered

"I love you too-" he replied

"I'm glad you chose me then-" Victor replied

"Me too-" lucifer replied

"I never felt anything like this before-" Victor replied

"Me neither-" lucifer replied

"I didn't think I would ever love anyone the way I love you-" Victor replied

"I know I didn't think that I would ever love anyone again either but I did-" lucifer replied

"I can't stop thinking about you-" Victor replied

"Me either but that's a good thing-" lucifer replied

"Yeah it is and I'm glad you didn't forget about me-" Victor replied

"I couldn't- how could I?- I love you too much Victor-" he replied

"I love you too-" Victor replied

"I'm glad you love me and I'm glad you didn't forget about me either-" lucifer replied

"I never will-" Victor replied rubbing his hardon against his love hole repeatedly

"Yeah I love the hardon rubbing against my love tunnel-" lucifer replied

"I'm glad we have that in common-" Victor replied

He slipped inside him his walls tighten around his cock and rubbed his insides

he shoved his hips forward and slid his hardon back and forth while he was inside him

"I want you to be able to come inside me if you want to do that anymore-" lucifer replied

"I want to do it all the time!" Victor shouted

"Well I want to be able to come inside you too!"- lucifer shouted

"You've never topped me before -" Victor replied

"Doesn't mean I can't-" lucifer replied

"I was serious-" Victor replied

"So was I!"- lucifer replied

"You are so bad-" Victor replied

"Yeah I know-" lucifer replied He rocked his hips back and rode him as they came together

He came inside him and they stayed there in each others arms

until the dawn broke and the birds started to sing

"I can't believe we just did that-" Victor murmured as they cuddled

"Me neither, but I'm glad we did" he replied

"Well at least you can't get pregnant-" Victor replied

"actually- I can-" he replied

"No you can't-" Victor replied

"Yes I can-" lucifer replied

"You're joking-" Victor replied

"I'm not-" lucifer replied

"How would that be possible?-" Victor replied

"I'm lucifer anything is possible-

But- I have-----an uterus-"he replied

"So do I-" Victor replied

"Wait-you do?" He replied

"All sex vamps do-" Victor replied

"Sex vampires? That-must have been what Edwina was-" he replied

"Edwina?- how do you know my sister?-" Victor replied

"She's your sister?!" He shouted

"How did you meet her?" Victor replied

"Well she was Luci's- lover-" lucifer replied

"Her lover? weren't you lovers too?-" he replied

"No- we did love eachother but we couldn't be together and she was with Edwina- I wished that she didn't follow me- if she didn't I wouldn't have lost her-" lucifer replied

"I remember that day- we could have probably saved her if we didn't- you know-" he replied

"I know- and you can say f*ck-" lucifer replied

"F*ck-" Victor replied

"That's right- I wish I could have been with her- but at least I know she is okay-" lucifer replied

"she is?-" he replied

"I brought her back to Edwina- though she didn't want to be with her-" lucifer replied

"she didn't? who did she want to be with?-" he replied

"You-the female version of you- but I couldn't let her have you- she had her time with her

but- I wasn't going allow her to have her forever because if I did I wouldn't have you-" lucifer replied

"wait- I was female before now?" he replied

"you were also male like Lucy both of your souls split into two -but now you're both back to yourselves-" lucifer replied

"is that really the best thing?-" Victor asked

"It's what is right- and I don't want to lose you again-" he replied

"I know but isn't the best thing to do is let me go?-" Victor replied

"No!- I can't lose you again!-" He shouted

"I won't lose you this time-" lucifer replied "I'll make sure of it-" He replied

"How?-" Victor asked

"I'll find a way-" lucifer replied

"luci- I love you- but I can't stay with you forever-" he replied

"Yes you can!- we'll get married and then have children together-" lucifer replied

"I want to marry you-" Victor replied "I want to marry you too, but-"

"I know but we can't have children until we get married-" lucifer replied

"That isn't what I was going to say-" Victor replied

"You aren't going anywhere! you're going to stay with me-" he replied

"luci- I want to stay with you too but- I'm not supposed to exist-" Victor replied

"I don't care- I need you- I don't want to lose you again-" he replied

"You really won't give me up will you?-" Victor replied

"I can't- I love you so much-" he replied

"I know- but you have to let me go-" Victor replied

"No- I just got you back I'm not going to let you go again-" he replied tightening his grip around him

"I'll find a way to be with you-" Victor replied kissing him hard