
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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84 Chs

the forest of beings- Sebastian and Victoria

"I want to see Eric- to talk to him-" she replied

"Well, I suppose that's why you're here-" Gared replied

"But-" she replied

"We have a mission to complete and maybe we'll see him- later but that depends on how fast you complete this mission- and since it's two people- it might not be as easy- That's why I'm here to help-" Gared replied

They stared at each other for a bit

"Alright-" She said and turned to Karzirisien

"Well Karzirisien-" She paused "Can I call you karz?"

"Sure" he replied

"Alright Karz- I want you to do something for me-" She said

"Anything" He replied

She paused "Will you stay with me when I talk to Eric?"

"I guess-"he replied

"Yes or no" she replied

"Then- I'll stay with you-" he replied

They walked towards the forest They walked through the trees and they were silent They finally reached the clearing "Are you ready?" She asked

"I suppose" he replied

and next, it jumped to different people

it had to be Victoria and Sebastian

he could the similarities between him and Gared

but Sebastian was a younger and better-looking version

stop it this is the past he could be so much older than you

"So what's your plan?" Victoria asks

"I don't know- it's the first time we've been alone- I'm scared- what if we just kiss and see what happens-" Sebastian replied

"Maybe we should slow down-" Victoria replied

Lucy kept a watch from the distance

She talked into a device "Should I separate them? I really don't like this-"

"Karz would be heartbroken-" Gared replied

"Yeah I know- but maybe they aren't the right ones for him-" she replied

"Well- we don't really have a choice- our mission is to get the three of them together-" He replied

"But how?-" she asked

"I don't know- but we need to make them like him" he replied

"Do you think it's possible?" she asked

"Anything is possible-" He replied

She sighed "I suppose... "

"What are you going to do?" he replied

"I'm going to make him fall for me- just like the others have" She approached them

the others? so maybe logan eric and Lucas? I still don't really know who Lucas is though or if there was more then one of them

"Hey Sebastian-remember me?" She replied

"Who is she?" Victoria asked

"Um- I just met her and she asked if I liked you or Karz-" he replied

"What did you say?" Victoria asked

"That I liked you both-" he replied

"Both?!- does that mean you'll be spending time with him too?!-" Victoria shouted "Maybe-" he replied

"Don't Maybe me-" Victoria replied

"It's not like it anything would happen-" he replied

"Don't say that-" Victoria replied

"It's true though-" he replied

"Why do you say that? Karz likes you a lot-" she replied

Sebastian's eyes widen

"How do you know that?" He asked

"Because he told me and he wants things to work out between the three of you-" she replied

"What things?" He asked

"I have no idea-" she replied

"Is that why you told him that you liked him too?" He asked

"No I haven't told him yet-" she replied

"You haven't?-" he replied

"No-" she replied

"Does he like you?-" He asked

"I have no idea-" she replied

"But you're going to ask him right?" He asked

"Maybe- depends-" She replied

"depends on what?" he asked

"Well if I'm being honest- I like you more-" she replied

"I know you do-" he replied

"Then will you kiss me?" She asked

"Maybe-" he replied

"Yes!-" She shouted

"Okay okay-" Sebastian said "I'll kiss you-" he leaned down to kiss her but Victoria got in between them and pulled them apart

"You were supposed to kiss me not her!" Victoria shouted

thanks for stopping him from kissing my mom ms victoria because I like him and him kissing my mom-horrifies me

"I'll kiss you after-" he replied

"No you're not kissing her first!" Victoria shouted

don't kiss her at all, please

"come on Victoria don't be like this-" he replied

"do you even know her? you've known me longer!" Victoria shouted

"that is true but have you ever heard of love at first sight?" he replied

"Yeah I know she is cute and those lips- are begging to be kissed-" Victoria replied

oh did she have a crush on my mom too?

Sebastian's eyes widen "Victoria?-" he replied

"what?" Victoria replied

"don't tell me you like her too?" he replied

"what - no-I- was just saying why it would be hard for you to resist her-" Victoria replied

classic denial

"it sounds like you can't either-" he replied

"Sebastian-" Victoria said, getting closer to him He holds her away from himself

"I'm sorry-" He says

"No it's me-" she replies

"I just don't want you to get hurt-" he replies

"I know-" She says, leaning into his arms

"I'll make sure I kiss you before she does-" Sebastian says He leans in to kiss her

No don't it please!

But someone stops him And this time it's Gared!

"I'm not letting you be her first kiss!" Gared shouted shoving him down

her first kiss is logan I at least hope it is-

"Gared!" She shouted

"No! The princess deserves to be kissed by the hero! And he will be the hero who will kiss her!" Gared replied

"No Sebastian is-" she replied

"Will you two stop fighting?!" He shouted

"Fine!" They both say at the same time

"Now can you tell us what's going on?- and who he is" Sebastian replied

"Um- he's my Partner-" she replied

Victoria's eyes widen

"She's his girlfriend!-"

"You already are taken?-" Sebastian asked

"Kinda I mean it's complicated-" she replied

"What do you mean by that?" He replied

"What she means is that-I allow her to date others-we have an open-ended relationship- but that doesn't mean I'll let you be her first kiss-" Gared replied

I guess that makes sense but I didn't think she was with others than my dads

"You should have told me that first!" Sebastian shouted at her

"Well now you know!" She replied

"so you haven't kissed yet?-" he asked

"No-the furthest we've been is sharing the same bed- and I cuddled with the others-"she replied

well, that's good-

"so you haven't done anything yet?" he asked

"Well I don't want to rush anything-" she replied "

then why did you ask for me to kiss you?" he asked

I was wondering that too

"I- I don't know-I guess it's because I'm scared- I want it work out between them- and I know that they care about me now but- they had difficulty showing that- and only one didn't- he's the one I cuddled with- he was really sweet- and I want to see him again- and you reminded me of Gared-and his first kiss was someone else" she replied

his first kiss was someone else?