
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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84 Chs

matchmaker quest 2.0- another chance? [slight M]

when Lucy opened her eyes she saw that Lucas was besides her

her eyes widen she was back!

she was given another chance and why?

but she wouldn't toss this opportunity away

she immediately hugged him tight and began to sob into his chest

"I'm so sorry Lucas I appreciate everything you have done for me so please don't leave me again-I love you so much-" she replied

Lucas's eyes widen hearing that

"Lucy, you don't need to apologize-and I care a lot about you but I do not love you the same way-" he replied

"I know- and I'm alright with that as long as I can still have your friendship-" she replied

"I'm glad and I'm glad that you're glad"

Lucas smiled kissing her forehead and they embraced once again

"So are we still friends?" she asked

"Always" he replied

"I feel like you're the best friend I'll ever have" she replied

"I feel the same way about you" he replied

"I'm glad" she replied

"Me too" he replied

"So-um- I know that may be hard but- I think you should talk with Edward, he cares a lot about you- so please don't take it for granted because you will end up regretting it" she replied

"I won't I promise" he replied

"Alright then I'll see you when you get back" she replied

"Okay" he replied

he took off running and went straight to Edward's room and banged on his door

"Edward can I talk to you?" he asked

He opened the door and nodded

"Yeah?" Edward answered

"I want to thank you for everything you did for me and-I-I- like you a lot-" he replied

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that- Lucas- I love you- so much- and I was afraid that it was only onesided-" Edward replied

"I-I - it's not- it was hard for me to admit-but-I've- liked you for a long time-" he replied

"I know- me too, but I'm still glad you told me, I love you too and I'd do anything for you" Edward replied

"Anything?" he replied

"Yeah-anything" Edward replied

"Then-can I kiss you- please? I want to make sure that this is okay and I'm ready for you" he replied

"I'm glad that you're ready- I'm glad-and yes you can kiss me" Edward replied

He grabbed his hand and they kissed and it was the perfect kiss, he held nothing back and he gave it all to him, he loved him with every fiber of his being and wanted him with every one of his being.

He pulled back after they came up for air and Edward nodded

"That was the perfect kiss" he replied

"Yeah it was" Edward replied

"So-um- I'm glad too" He replied

"I'm glad" Edward replied

"So-um-I think you should come to my room- I have a surprise for you" he replied

"Really?" Edward replied

"Yea a big one" he replied

"Okay, what is it?" Edward replied

"I'm not telling until you come" he replied

"What? You're bad and you know it" Edward replied

Lucas went ahead of him and went to his room and when Edward came in he was on the bed naked

Edward shut the door behind him

"You really want this don't you?"

"So badly Edward- I want you inside me now-" he replied

"I'm not going to do anything to you-" Edward replied

"Please-" he replied

"You are so tempting right now-" Edward replied

"You are tempting me just by talking" he replied

"I want you to want it" Edward replied

"I do So bad I want you so much

Come here

I want to feel your hands on me

I want to feel you inside of me I'm going to explode"

"You're making me crazy"

They began to make out and soon enough Edward was flipping him onto his back and straddled his lap

"Please" he begged

"I'm going to fuck you. Hard" Edward replied

"I'm going to come while you do" he replied

"I'm going to make you come so hard that you'll feel it the next time you orgasm" Edward replied

"You're not going to last long" he replied

"I don't care, I want to come first"

Edward grinned

"I like you" he replied

"I love you" Edward replied

"I don't think I could say this with you in the mood that you are- but I love you too" he replied

"I'm glad" Edward replied

Edward grabbed his cock and began to move down his shaft, he took his time and soon enough he was about to cum

"I'm about to come" he replied

"Me too" Edward replied

He continued to ride him, coming over and over again until he was spent

"You're incredible" he replied

"You are too" Edward replied

"I'm going to sleep for awhile" he said pulling his shirt back on

"I think I'm going to sleep too" Edward replied

"Goodnight" he replied

"Goodnight" Edward replied

They both woke up the next morning feeling rested

"I love you Edward-" he replied

"I love you too Lucas-" Edward replied

They kissed for awhile and soon enough they were making out again

"I want you so much" he replied

"I'm going to come" Edward replied

"I know and I'm going to come too" He replied

They kept making out and soon enough they were having sex again

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

Lucy wasn't able to sleep well that night and these horny bastards were doing it again!

but it was sort of her fault-

and this was definitely better than what had happened before- he was still her friend

and he was happy now- it was a much better ending than him hating her and having to live with the regret- she looked at the positive

and remembered the good times and was able to move on but now she was able to make up for what she had done and she was happy and even though she had her regrets she didn't regret anything-

she had him, and they had each other, and even though they couldn't be together they were happy-

and there was no way she would let him go again

she was able to drift off peacefully

she heard the voices of the trees

she joined the voices and they guided her into the skys once again

She knew that the voices would always be with her and she would always here them before she moved on to the next life