
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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84 Chs

Gabriel's dream- Gared's memories part 2

"Drew?!" Gared shouted

"Why are you so surprised this is our house isn't it?" he replied

"it's not! and there isn't another bed-" Gared replied

"I think you're confused- this is the first house we bought together- It does look similar to yours and but your house has two beds and

the mansion did too - but this was the one house that we slept in the same bed-" he replied

"we did sleep in the same bed on our first night-" Gared replied

"Yeah but that was only one time and you got two sperate beds- and you told me that we couldn't sleep in the same bed again until we got married- so once we did- we bought this house with one bed and f*cked alot-" he replied

so they did do it-and he and daniel didn't go all the way only in his dream-

but he could still imagine it

"oh- I've never seen you blush- like this before-

and I thought you didn't like me anymore?

I didn't think that you have this reaction when I'm telling you about our relationship-" he replied

"drew- I- can't help it when you're teasing me like this-" Gared replied

"teasing you?-oh right-" he replied

he turned off the stove and walked over to him

and climbed on top of him

he felt his heart beating and he couldn't breathe he imagined that was daniel

"Drew-" Gared replied

"Gared- don't be so shy- I know you missed me-" he replied and he began to rub against his hardon


"Ah- drew- stop it- ah- drew!"

"You really did miss me- otherwise your body wouldn't have reacted this way-" he replied

"that's not why- you're the only one I had sex with- so, of course, my body is reacting this way-" Gared replied

you're an idiot

"maybe- but you have to realize how much you're missing- she will never satisfy you in bed like I did-" he replied

oh yes

"You mean Lucy?- she- isn't really mine anymore-" Gared replied

right-and it feels weird now because she is my mom

Drew's eyes widen

"She isn't?!" He shouted

"she's free- and she ran away from me- and I don't think she'll come back for me-" Gared replied

"What happened?" he asked

"It's my fault really- I broke her heart over and over again- and she forgave me

we even kissed twice- but she was taken away from me and I heard her say that she didn't love me anymore- and she was going to be with them- I knew I could have gone after her

but- after everything I did to her- I really don't deserve her- so I gave up-" Gared replied

"You just gave her up?! and you just kept hurting her?! you really are a monster aren't you?! why the heck didn't you just kill me?!

why did you save me?! have sex with me or marry me?! and then you left me for her!

and now you don't even care about her?!

what the heck Gared?!-" He shouted

he was right what was wrong with him?

"what can I do drew? she'll never love me again-" Gared replied

she doesn't really have a reason to

"Why does it matter? and I still- love you despite everything- and I'm trying everything to hate you- but I can't- and you shouldn't go after someone who can't love you back-

the one infront of you- is the one that you should go after-" he replied

he is right again

Gared's eyes widen

"I don't understand- why would you want a monster like me?" Gared replied

"because I know somewhere in there- you have a heart- or maybe - it's because I can't believe that you didn't love me-" he replied

I want to say that he didn't but I can feel his feelings- and his regret

"Drew-I- I did love you- but I was never meant to- I was supposed to kill you- and I'm not sure how my obsession with you started- and but I never stopped my plan- I knew that lucy would fail I was prepared for it- I was going to

kill you-but- I couldn't- let you die- and I had to save you- but why did I?- I don't understand any of it- I loved lucy- so why did I love you?-"

what do you mean you weren't supposed to and why did have to kill him?

"lucy this lucy that why Is it always Lucy?!

and did you really love her? why did you hurt her then?" he replied

he hurt you too-but he loves you-

"I never meant to hurt her- I told her that I loved you- because I knew she wouldn't believe me-but- then she did believe me

and she accepted me- well it wasn't just me-

but that detail isn't important- and I thought that I would stay with her-but- she got mad at me when I told her the truth about you

it's kinda funny how she cares a lot about you-

and when I came back she- had a panic attack- because of me- she kept telling me to kill her- and she thought that I was going to kill them-" Gared replied

"that-I- think that she was scared because of how overactive you were and if you were obsessed with her like me- you lash out-

and you did, didn't you?" he replied

"I did- I stopped him from kissing her-

I didn't want him to be her first kiss

but it still happened and she loves him-

even though she kissed me afterward-

she doesn't love me anymore" Gared replied

"she- still kissed you?" he replied

"maybe those were the last of her feelings-

but it will never happen again- she hates me-" Gared replied

she was just scared and didn't want to get hurt again

"I think- You're wrong about that- she doesn't hate you- she's just scared- and maybe- you can show her that- you aren't like that-

Gared- you do care about her- I can tell-" he replied

"but- she'll never forgive me-" Gared replied

"I don't believe that- how many times has she forgiven you?" he replied

"4 times-" Gared replied

"So why can't she again?" he replied

"because I already passed the limit-" Gared replied

"I don't think so- and I know that she still loves you-maybe- I should- stop- this mission-" he replied

what mission?

"What are you talking about?" Gared replied

"Well I made an mission for you- to get her with my sister- so I could have you-" he replied

his sister?

"So-you wanted- me to get her with your sister so I could be with you?" Gared replied

"Yeah-that was a really dumb idea-" he replied

"Not really- its kinda funny actually because I was originally going to set her up with your sister-" Gared replied

wait - for real?

"wait for real?-" he replied

"Yeah- and it's not such a bad idea-" Gared replied

"You're really ok with this?" he replied

"Yeah But her other girlfriend might get jealous-" Gared replied

"she has a girlfriend?" he replied

Victoria- and I don't think he knows about Edwina yet

"Yeah her name is Victoria-" Gared replied

"Oh- I see- and is it just her and another guy?" he asked

"it's Lucas- Eric and Sebastian- so three- wait-

I think Logan as well?-" Gared replied

"So four guys and including you 5?!-" He shouted

"Yeah- I hope that it never goes beyond that but- it could happen- and it's good that it's not another guy this time-" Gared replied

"Gared-you're really strange you know that?" he replied

"I know- but you still love me-" Gared replied

"Gared-I-" he replied

"Why are you acting so shy now?" Gared replied

"I'm not being shy- it's just- I thought you didn't like me anymore-" he replied

"You are right- I have been missing out- and I can't stand it anymore-looking at your body-

wait-" Gared replied

"what?" He asked

"You have bruises too- you both always have-" Gared replied

bruises? - was that an ability of mine? how come I don't have it anymore?