
Chapter 2

Moulynes POV

When the lesson was finally over, I was preparing to leave the classroom when Rowlyne passed me a note,'You have beautiful eyes...and thats a nice hair too',the note read. I turned to look at him before running out of the classroom. I went to the washroom and locked myself up.....What was that?Is everyone in this school so weird? I thought hard to myself. I removed my hoodie and combed my hair backwards then stared at my reflection. I traced the huge scar on my right cheek with my fingers and smiled at myself...cute hair?cute eyes? I had to be watchful of this Rowlyne,the least thing I needed right now is someone bothering me. When I heard the door knob turn,I quickly combed back my hair to it's former position and wore my hoodie. When I got to my second class,I found people chit chatting and the minute they noticed my presence,they kept quiet and threw curious gazes at me. I headed to the vacant seat at the far back but I cursed inwardly when I saw who was beside that seat,Rowlyne. There was a stupid grin plastered on his face,he was just so annoying to even look at. I went and sat beside him then took out my book and began to read... actually I was pretending to read it, praying inwardly for the teacher to arrive soon.

"We meet again,Moulyne...thought you'd run forever.."he said his voice full of mockery. I assumed him and pretended as if I didn't just hear him talk. When he was about to speak again,the teacher arrived and I was more than greatful to God. We met in two more classes later in the day and when the day finally came to an end,I breathed out in relief. I took my bike and rode to my apartment which apparently was a few minutes drive from school. When I got home,I found my butler waiting for me by the door.

"How was the new school,did you like it? Was there anyone who bullied you?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine Charles....and I did not get bullied,"I replied...but that was a lie. During lunch break,a few boys had approached me and called me weird and a dork..of course I was not fazed because I was used to this,it was one of the main reasons I left my former school so it was not a big deal.