
Heart broken history

She was me boyfriend

MD_Imran_Islam · History
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2 Chs

Fast chapter

I have never been so interested in girls. So when Tanu offered me friendship, I didn't encourage him. Because in the experience I have seen around me, I have realized that it is not a matter of pride at all to be a friend of a young woman. Girls like to twist their friends' noses with ropes. Then at the end of the use with a big smile, Tuito is just my best friend! But day after day, the poor friend was forced to work like a cow!

Tanu kanudiye light guta said, what happened to you! What are you thinking so much?I looked at him with cold eyes and said, look, I don't want to be a friend of any girl at all. He looked at me with amazement as if I were an alien creature! He said in a slightly slashed voice strange !! Seeing his hubby, it seemed as if I had just come and stood in front of him from a jungle in Africa. Showing carelessness, he rested his lips and said: Mama, you don't know me! Janis would have offered to take me to Kefsi for so long if it was green! And how much flakload does Anis give me even though I didn't make her a friend?

Listen Tanu, you want to use the word mama quite smartly, don't you? But even a few days ago we used to call the rickshaw pullers. Be careful never to call me mama. And one more thing, I am not your Facebook wall at all, I will say whatever I want whenever I want. Instead, he looked at my face with a look of pity. I felt very uncomfortable. Very few men can ignore the sight of girls. I really wanted to hold his hand but I didn't. I controlled my mind, my will. I don't know how long I could, but I didn't have to go through that test. Before that Tanu stretched his legs to leave with enough annoyance. I noticed that she looked very beautiful in a white fatwa with black jeans pants. He is not wearing a veil. Seeing her taste and smartness, I often think that the girl is stupid enough. The problem with beautiful girls is that they all think that the whole world is following her. Everyone is crazy for him. With this idea, they behave like fools. I noticed his chest trembling with anger. I was not disturbed by it. Because Tanu is not my girlfriend or lover. Instead of indulging in his anger, he seems to be a hero. It seems that Tanu may come back to me again.

I am sitting in response to him. After a while he came back. Lakshi sat down beside her like a girl. But I could see the clouds of the kingdom in his eyes. I did not say anything, lest it be called Shravan.

Young people are flying around the campus like colorful butterflies. The sound of their laughter floating in the air. After going for a while, I said,

Chokbar Khabi? Why would you eat! Tuito my boy back - no, right? ু Tanu suddenly lit up like a match stick. He looks at me with angry eyes. Looking at Tanu, it seems that he is looking for something more difficult. He can't find the sentence. Her lips are trembling with anger. The color of her lips without lipstick is quite intoxicating. The whole lip is enough to ruin any young man's head. Girls can't stand the rate. They want to win all the time. Tanu's problem is that he can't find the language. I will get in trouble if I am insulted in any language. Maya is feeling for the poor. It cannot be that the nation fighting for language will not find language at the right time. That's why I say to make him angry

ঃ Why Khabi, I am no longer green, I am not Anis that I will melt everywhere like ice cream for you! I will try to make you laugh by saying adult jokes like Hengler. You are really bad… and stammer. ে At that moment a Tokai type boy came in front of us. The boy is walking around with a small garland of several bud flowers inside a stick. He stood at a distance and watched our quarrel for so long.

How are you, father? How is the business? What are these? Threatened, thin.

The flower trader boy suddenly heard the threat and ran away. With some surprise I saw the boy running. Because they are not so easily frightened. They all have a team. They are better at harassing anyone. The boy's old jeans panter is hanging 90 percent of the back pocket. He walked to a safe distance and looked at us. He has no soles on his feet. The condition of the body is not so convenient. Maya looked at him.

What happened, why are you looking at that boy like this? পার I don't understand why the boy was afraid of me!

Tanu's eyes are twinkling. I did not think why Tanur is so happy because a baby boy is scared? In fact, it is very difficult to understand the minds of beauties!

ঃ I threatened her a few days ago that she will not come to me in life. Then I got up and went to the boy and said, give me three garlands and I will see. When he gave the garland, he said, "Brother, if you don't give the garland to that angry person, then I will be in pain for the rest of my life!" You just threaten me.

I smiled when I heard him say that. As soon as he told her the word, the boy said you will be a housewife with many goals! Ha ha ha ..

I thought he would get angry at my jokes. But I don't know if it's to surprise me and he pretended not to say anything!

Tanu got up from his seat. I looked to the front and saw Green standing with his bike in the distance. All that was left to understand was that Tanu was going green. I sat down. You shouldn't have come out wearing a T-shirt, how it feels. Suddenly the suns are hiding and burning in the cold air. The wind is blowing very fast. It would be good to have a cup of tea.

Tanu said in a very normal voice, why are you sitting? I said come up. তাক I looked at Tanu's face in surprise. What's the matter, why is he calling me you? Nato is doing nonsense! ঃ What should I do when I get up? That's where your boy is back - green is standing. I said in a slightly sarcastic voice.

He was not angry. He took my hand and said, Tamal, I need you. I am sure you will be a very faithful husband. He is holding my hand and now I feel tired. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. Feels good too. As soon as I got up, he rubbed my body. I feel the heat of his body. He doesn't know what perfume he is using. But the smell of perfume makes me feel how my head is relaxing. Tanu is walking holding my hand. Why should it seem that I should have no objection to walking like this and taking me to hell.

ঃ You are a strange boy. You know friendship is to be done first then love. Nothing learned. You are just holding procession meetings like in Goa. That day I saw you standing on the street and shouting, chhh! But now I said nothing. I smile in vain. I read a poem on your Facebook. Very nice writing. I'm fascinated!

Tanu walks towards a glass-enclosed fast food shop. At least three hundred rupees is needed. But I have only one hundred and fifteen rupees in my pocket. Somewhat panicked, I looked ahead. I see Oma in front ..