

"Are you ready to go?" came a husk voice right at the back of my ear causing me to evolutionary shivers.

"Yeah!" i replied back before looking at him.

My first thought is he is so tall, well in my case of 4'11 feet height, then 6'1 feet is a giant, he is wearing a casual look, black skinny distress denim, a doc martens boots and a white shirt, a classic combination. He is handsome alright, a masculine face with jawline that could rival those models, a straight nose and a kissable lips but what really struck me the most is his eyes, a gorgeous deep set eyes having different color from one to another.

"Like what you see?" adam ask teasingly before he start to walk to go to his car with me in tow sporting face red as a tomato.

Starting the car, i can hear my step-sisters panicky voice yelling at us not to go then my father loud voice telling her to shut up, and on how her first wife asking him why have to be a bride to be?

"What a funny family you had." he commented before smiling like he know an inside joke before driving away.

I just stay silent because honestly i don't care, I'm finally free from this house and promise myself not to come back in here again.


We are on the road for almost an hour before a manor came to view, it's huge, much bigger than my fathers house.

"home sweet home" opening the door he mutters before gesturing me to enter.

"Why are you so silent?" he ask again.

I'm a little bit confused, he wants me to talk? but my mother said my voice is annoying, what if i talk and he is annoyed at me too?

Adam look at me like he is waiting for my reply but i don't know what to say to him so i just bow my head and look at floor and continue walking.

I can hear an exasperated sigh coming from him before he stay silent and inclined his head to the stairs going up. We stop at one door before he opens saying

"This is your room, you're stuffs are in their already, do get some rest and when you need something just call the staffs or look for me at the third floor, my bedroom is in the one to the left." and he closes the door.

I just lifted my leg when the door opened again.

" I nearly forget, the library is on the third floor also, if you want to read books feel free to go." then the door close again.

I nod knowing well that he can't see it before eyeing my room, a door is on my right side prompting me to open it, inside is my clothes hanged and folded in their designated area, it looks so little compare to the size of the walk-in closet. A huge mirror occupying the one third of a wall with lights bulb attached to it, i check my reflection unto it before stepping out.

I see another door but I'm to lazy to check it out, it's just probably an bathroom anyway. I just stand to the floor to ceiling window when i realised my room has a balcony, excitedly i open the door and i see a single sofa, a table and chaise all laid out to form a perfect nook.

This is so great, i lay on the chaise feeling happy and excited, the calm breeze and the warmth of the afternoon sun lull me to sleep.

"Hey, Sydney get up, the dinner is almost ready" came a voice above her.

She stirred in her sleep before groggily seating up, eyes still close. She then grab one of the throw pillow rubbing it into her face before laying again to sleep.

Adam chuckle when he sees that but he persist on waking her up

"kitten get up, the food is ready."

"Food? Then can i have a chocolate mousse?" a soft voice timidly asked.

"You do talk huh!"


"come on, get up now, we can ask the chef if he can make some for you but we do have chocolate éclairs for dessert if you want that"

adam proclaim before looking down just to see a black eye staring at him like he have done a miracle or something like that.

"éclairs? Is it delicious?"

"it's made up of chocolate so yeah" adam slowly answered before looking at her in a disbelieving eye.

"then, can we go it now?"

Then it dawn to him, damn she is a foodie.

"can we go now?" she again ask but softer this time.

"yeah, just comb your hair and wash your face then we could go down." Just to see her pouting her lips but doing exactly as what he said before looking at him again with those eyes.

"okay, but just so you know, you have to eat your dinner before dessert okay" he reminded her like he is reminding a 4 years old child instead of 18 years old one.

She just nodded her head like a little chick peeking her food, making her look so cute but a little silly at the same time.

A foodie is really something. When it came to food, even a person who have face paralysis would show a different expression on her face.

The dining room is full of food, braised pork belly with bok choy, barbecue ribs, sweet and sour chicken and a fish clear soup all are specialty of the A city, there's even a western food like steak, an oven roasted potatoes and even a bowl of salad. I guess they are all excited to meet her that the chefs cooked their own specialty without talking to each other making all the food became a bit mismatch and so many.

Sydney eyed all the food before looking at him, when he nodded he started to sit down, get her own food and start eating like their is no tomorrow. She is not a messy eater per se but the way she put food in her mouth is making him dizzy, should i remind her that she should chew on her food to avoid stomach pain?

Adam started to open his mouth when sydney look at him a smile can be seen into her face. Forget it, at least she is happy and showing some reaction not her usual poker face, if worse come to worse then i just bring her to the hospital, adam thought to himself before sitting down and start eating.

"uh, I'm so full!" she exclaim before patting her stomach, they just finish eating or should i say she just finish making her self look like a pig, she finish a food that is supposedly can feed three man herself.

She looks left and right before inclining her head towards Adam.

"where's the dessert? Aren't we supposed to eat some?"


Foodie is so scary lah!

how can she still have room in her stomach after eating almost everything on the table?