
Hear of Fire

A Fire Force Inspired Story where it takes place in old japan

Glitch_Yashi · War
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 4

Sage was in shock after what had happened with Maya. He felt guilty for not seeing the signs sooner, and for not being able to save her from herself. He was also scared, knowing that he had just killed the Fire Queen and that her followers would be after him.

As he walked down the deserted street, he heard a loud rumbling sound and looked up to see a massive firestorm heading towards him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before, a swirling vortex of flames that seemed to be alive.

Sage knew that he had to act fast, and he began to focus his pyrokinetic powers. He felt a surge of energy, a raw power coursing through his veins as he summoned the flames to his will.

With a loud roar, he unleashed a massive fireball towards the firestorm. The flames collided, creating a massive explosion that sent shockwaves through the air.

As the smoke cleared, Sage saw that the firestorm had dissipated, but there was still a group of Fire Queen's followers heading towards him. They were armed with swords and guns, their eyes filled with a fanatic zeal.

Sage knew that he was outnumbered, but he also knew that he had to stand his ground. He focused his powers once more, feeling his body trembling with the strain.

With a fierce determination, he charged towards the attackers, his body wreathed in flames. He moved with a grace and speed that he had never experienced before, his mind completely focused on the fight.

As he engaged the first attacker, he felt a surge of energy from within. He felt his powers growing stronger, his flames becoming hotter and more intense.

With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed a barrage of flames towards the attackers, his body moving in a blur of motion. He felt his senses heightening, his reflexes becoming sharper and faster.

For what felt like an eternity, Sage fought against the Fire Queen's followers. He moved with a deadly grace, his flames burning bright and hot.

As the last attacker fell, Sage fell to his knees, exhausted and spent. He looked around at the destruction that had been wrought, feeling a mix of emotions.

He knew that he had broken through his limits, that he had tapped into a power that he had never known before. But he also knew that he had a long way to go, that the fight against the Fire Queen and her followers was far from over.

With a sense of purpose, he stood up, his body still wreathed in flames. He knew that he had to keep fighting, to protect the city and its people from the threat that still loomed large.

And with a fierce determination, he began to walk forward, his flames burning bright and hot, a symbol of hope and strength for all those who needed it.

Sage continued to fight against the Fire Queen's followers, day after day. He was tireless, his flames burning bright and hot as he moved with a deadly grace.

But despite his efforts, he knew that he was fighting a losing battle. The Fire Queen's influence was too great, her followers too numerous.

One day, as Sage was resting after a long day of battling, he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find a young woman standing there, her eyes filled with fear.

"Please," she said, "I need your help. My village is under attack by the Fire Queen's followers."

Sage didn't hesitate. He knew that he had to help, that he couldn't turn a blind eye to the suffering of others.

He followed the woman to her village, which was being overrun by a group of attackers. Sage charged towards them, his flames burning bright and hot as he unleashed a barrage of fire.

But this time, something was different. Sage felt a surge of energy from within, a power that he had never felt before. He moved with a deadly grace, his flames burning brighter and hotter than ever before.

The attackers were no match for him. He moved through their ranks, his body moving in a blur of motion as he unleashed a torrent of flames.

As the last attacker fell, Sage fell to his knees, exhausted and spent. But he also felt something else - a sense of triumph, a feeling of power that he had never known before.

He looked up at the young woman, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. "I won't stop fighting," he said. "I won't let the Fire Queen's followers win."

And with those words, Sage knew that he had broken through his limits once again. He had found a new source of power within himself, a power that would drive him forward in the fight against the Fire Queen.

From that day forward, Sage continued to fight, his flames burning bright and hot as he battled against the forces of darkness. He was a symbol of hope and strength, a warrior who would never back down in the face of danger.

And though the road ahead was long and treacherous, Sage knew that he would continue to fight, no matter what the cost. For he was a Third Generation pyrokinetic, and he would never let the flames of hope be extinguished.

As Sage continued to fight against the Fire Queen's followers, he became more and more aware of the power that lay within him. It was a power that he had never known before, a force that he could feel coursing through his veins.

But there was something else as well, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was a sense of purpose, a feeling that he was meant for something greater than himself.

As he battled against the Fire Queen's forces, Sage began to realize that he was not alone. There were others like him, men and women who had also been touched by the flames of Adolla.

Together, they formed a bond, a connection that was both powerful and unbreakable. They fought as one, their flames burning bright and hot as they battled against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

And then, one day, Sage felt something shift within him. It was a sensation that he couldn't quite explain, a feeling that something had changed.

As he stood in the midst of battle, Sage felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever known before. It was a force that pulsed through him, a fire that burned brighter and hotter than anything he had ever felt.

And in that moment, Sage knew that he had gained an Adolla Grace.

The power was intoxicating, overwhelming, and yet he felt himself embracing it with all his heart. His flames burned brighter than ever before, his movements were swifter, and his attacks were more powerful.

The Fire Queen's followers fell before him in droves, their bodies charred and broken by his flames. Sage moved with a deadly grace, his attacks coming faster and harder than before.

And then, in the midst of battle, he saw her - the Fire Queen herself. She was standing at the edge of the battlefield, watching him with a look of cold fury in her eyes.

Sage charged towards her, his flames burning bright and hot as he unleashed a barrage of fire. The Fire Queen was powerful, but Sage was stronger. He fought with all his might, his flames burning hotter and brighter with each passing moment.

And then, in a blinding flash of light, the Fire Queen was gone.

Sage stood there, panting and exhausted, his body covered in sweat and ash. He had won, but at a great cost. The Fire Queen was dead, but he had lost something too - a part of himself that he could never get back.

But despite the pain, Sage knew that he had done the right thing. He had fought for what he believed in, and in the end, he had emerged victorious. He was a warrior, a champion of the flames, and he would continue to fight until the day that he died.

As Sage stood on the battlefield, panting and covered in sweat, he suddenly felt a strange sensation. It was as if time had frozen, the world around him going still and silent.

He looked around, his heart pounding in his chest, and saw that the buildings and structures that had once surrounded him were gone. The landscape was barren, empty, and devoid of any signs of life.

The sky was dark and foreboding, the clouds overhead black and ominous. The air was thick and heavy, filled with an oppressive silence that seemed to stretch on for eternity.

Sage felt a chill run down his spine, and he knew that something was wrong. He looked around once more, his eyes scanning the empty expanse before him, and he felt a sense of dread begin to wash over him.

And then, he heard it - a faint whisper in the darkness. It was a sound that was barely audible, a voice that seemed to be coming from the very fabric of the world itself.

Sage stepped forward, his eyes narrowed in concentration, and he listened. The whisper grew louder, more urgent, and he felt a sense of fear begin to rise within him.

And then, in a blinding flash of light, the world around him disappeared.

Sage found himself floating in a void, his body weightless and free. The darkness had lifted, replaced by an emptiness that was both peaceful and unsettling.

He looked around, his eyes scanning the void for any signs of life, and he saw nothing. It was as if the world had ceased to exist, as if he was the only living being left in the universe.

Sage felt a deep sense of loneliness wash over him, a feeling of emptiness that seemed to stretch on for eternity. He wondered if he would ever see another living soul again, if he would ever be able to return to the world that he had known.

And then, just as suddenly as it had disappeared, the world around him began to take shape once more. Buildings and structures rose from the emptiness, the sky cleared and brightened, and the landscape began to fill with life.

Sage looked around, his heart racing, and he saw that he was back in the world that he had known. But something had changed. Something was different.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that the world would never be the same again. He had seen something that he could not explain, experienced a sensation that was beyond human understanding.

And he knew that, no matter what the future held, he would never forget the emptiness of the void, the sense of loneliness and fear that had consumed him. He would carry it with him always, a reminder of the fragility of life, and the power of the unknown.

i wanted to make it extra longer for my supporters

Glitch_Yashicreators' thoughts