
Healing Sword of the Academy

"How can this be!?" In a world of magic and cultivation, Darcy one day woke up from an unbelievable nightmare. He would betray humankind, wound his friends, and even kill his own family with cold blood. What could this nightmare mean? Is it simply a bad dream, or could it be...?

Hoi_Babylon · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Update regarding Release Schedule

Hello to those of you who enjoy reading the story I am writing. I am by no means a professional, and this is practically the second story that I'm working on.

Unlike my other novel, which is a fanfic, I feel that I need to make longer chapter in this story. Since the other one is a fanfiction, I can ignore most of the world-building elements and background information, allowing me to write shorter chapters without a feeling of discontinuation.

Unfortunately, since the world within this story is something that I am writing myself, it requires a lengthier portion in the writing. At least, that is the feeling I am getting.

In conclusion, chapters will now be updated once a week, and each chapter will now have at least 5000 words. I know some people hate reading lengthier chapters, but I don't want to make a whole chapter explaining context and skipping the event.

It is a shame that I didn't notice this error earlier, and the prior chapters give a disjointed feeling of info-dump and what is actually happening in the story.

I know, providing an abundance of information dump will make the chapter boring, but do know that I am extending chapters not to increase the space for info dump, but create extra space for the actual occurrences in the story.

Moving on, at least a chapter of 5k words will be released every week, and depending on my irl status, I may or may not write more. I am also working on making characters more believable, such as making children act like children while preserving their uniqueness.

Please continue to follow the story if you are interested, as I will try my best to tell this story as well as I can.