
Healing Sword of the Academy

"How can this be!?" In a world of magic and cultivation, Darcy one day woke up from an unbelievable nightmare. He would betray humankind, wound his friends, and even kill his own family with cold blood. What could this nightmare mean? Is it simply a bad dream, or could it be...?

Hoi_Babylon · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Entering the Academy

After another three hours, we finally arrived academy's entrance. Luckily, the carriage was assigned with special horses, else it could have taken a lot longer.

"Nubem Academy... no matter how many times I see it, the size of it never ceases to amaze me."

"Father, how large actually is the academy?"

"Hmm... although it is right outside of the Imperial City, it is at least as big as an tenth of the city. Tens of thousands of people come here to receive education, make connections, and even work here. You can think of it like a smaller version of the capital. Do you still remember how the imperial city looked? You were really young the last time we visited there for the crown prince's celebration banquet."

"Yes father, I remember it. It was only two years ago after all, I won't forget it just yet. Come to think of it, will the daughter of his highness the crown prince also attend the academy? I seem to remember hearing her being half a year than me."

"Indeed, she should also attend the academy this year. The academy boasts the best education in the human continent, starting from the age of eight. Although the same education can be offered to the children of some strong noble families, like ours, the connections that are made, and the experiences that are gathered here are what is truly priceless. The crown prince too had attended the school at the age of eight, and he was my junior by three years. Him and I attending this academy at the same time is the reason why we have such a good relationship, and you also know that I met your mother here as well. So, don't worry about studying, just make some friends!"


I know what he is saying isn't necessarily wrong, but telling your child to not care about their studies and just play around is something only my father can say... It is assuring that I am more like my mother unlike how my siblings are. I really won the genetic lottery.

Though he says this, father probably hasn't slacked off either. While he is now thirty eight years old, at the age of thirty four years old he managed to become a Sage Realm mage, one level short of reaching the same level as my grandfather, who is an Ascendant Realm mage.

Even my now seventy two years olf grandfather had only managed to reach Sage Realm at the age of fifty, and became an Ascendant only three months ago. Looking at the difference, it is either that my father works hard in secret, or... he is just very talented.

Luckily, the talents of our family aren't bad so we can live up to the status of an Archduke. My great-great-grandfather is a Transcendent who has a lifespan of five hundred years, and our family might have more older Ascendants as well. We'll, this is the expected line-up from all top noble families. All Archduke families have a Transcendent, and the Imperial Family alone seems to have three of them by themselves.

There are also other Transcendents from the empire who serve in the military, or in this case there are two Transcendents in the Academy. One of them is a mage, and the other is a warrior knight. I heard about them in the letters my brother and sister sent home, that they give speeches once every year.

Outside of the empire... since the empire already consists of fifty percent of the Human continent alone, the other places have comparably smaller land. The second largest is the Holy Theocracy by the south. I haven't heard about the number of Transcendents there, but there shouldn't be few considering it borders the Demon Continent. The humans and the demons used to be at war in the past, but not anymore... I really would like to know the reason why.

Then there is the confederation where my mother is from to the east of the empire. It borders Veriandale, our territory. There is nothing but sea full of beasts to the eas of the confederation, so there should be a nunber of Transcendents of the Water Affinity there. I know my mother's family has one such Transcendent.

In addition, there are Smaller Individuals States by the north, and Lionheart Kingdom by the west. The individual states lead to another continent whose inhabitants are friendly with humans, so there shouldn't be too many people there. Lionheart Kingdom on the other hand borders western plains known as the Free Land which is supposedly full of beasts and outcasts, so they should have plenty of strong people.


I have no idea about how many strong people are in the other continents, but the demon continent could fight humans without suffering lose, so they should be at least as strong as the empire. Tho-

"DARCY! We are already in front of the Admissions office."

"Ah. I apologize, father. My mind was just too full of other stuff."

"Jeez, and right after I told you not to think too much... Well, I need to advice you on another thing before we go in."

"Please do so, father. I am listening."

"You shouldn't use too much formal language."


"I know it was part of your etiquette training, but remember that there will not only be nobles in here. You should try your best to treat everyone the same, without prejudice. Remember that people with different cultures will be here to, and might be flustered to see you act like that. Lastly, you will not be able to make many friends like that."

"... I see father. Thank you so mu- I mean, thanks..."

"Hahaha, you always act tough and sophisticated. I know you well enough to figure out what you are actually thinking."

"... let's just go in Father, looks like we need to get of the carriage now."

"Hey! Don't just try to change the topic, you are just like your mom... Wish you were as honest as your brother and sister."

Oh shucks, I forgor something...

well, shouldn't matter too much

Release Schedule: +4Chps/Wk

Next time: Admission + Testing

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