
Chapter 2: The Princess Communicates

Dawn came upon the castle as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. Servants began prepping for breakfast and began their duties all around the castle. Lady Mia began preparations for the Princess's bath by picking out her undergarment and her dress, she then headed toward the bathtub and filled it with water, then with heat magic warmed the water at just the right temperature. She placed a mix of various flower petals in the water and added the lavender soap. "Good morning your highness, I will now assist you with your bath." Princess Ariel still had her eyes closed and was still asleep as lady Mia took the baby to the bathtub. Lady Mia checked the temperature once again, it was less than lukewarm. She placed the baby in the tub and a shriek came out of nowhere. "Eeeeeeeeek!" Ran through Lady Mia's mind. Lady Mia winced and to her surprise the princess was still asleep. "Waaaaaah, waaaaah." Continued to run through Lady Mia's mind. Lady Mia held the baby, and was utterly shocked, was the princess communicating to her through her mind? "Princess?" questioned lady Mia. The baby remained asleep. "Gugah." Is what Lady Mia heard, but the princess was still sleeping. The Queen and King burst through the doors of the bathroom. "Ariel!" Exclaimed the two.

Lady Mia turned to their highnesses, "my King, my Queen, I was just giving the princess a bath.. I checked the temperature and prepared everything to my best abilities, I think the princess was shocked by the sudden touch of the water. Because she is asleep. But, your highnesses….the princess is still asleep." Lady Mia moved to the side so the King and Queen could see for themselves. Princess Ariel was indeed sleeping, her eyes were definitely closed. "Gagagu" ran through everyone's head. The King and Queen were in awe, while Lady Mia held the baby for them to see, princess Ariel remained asleep and made no movements, yet these noises and the sudden crying earlier seem to be from the princess. Taken aback from the shock the King and Queen's mouth nearly dropped to the floor. Suddenly knocks at the door and a commotion outside of the bathroom "is everything alright?!" "What's going on your highnesses?" I could hear the child all the way in the dungeon!" "What?! I heard the child all the way from the entrance gate!" "I heard her all the way in the palace's forest!" "I could hear her from the sky temple!" "I was on my way to the palace from the market in town and I heard the child!" "What?!" The servants, the knights, and the entire castle were in a huge commotion in the hallway. "Guugagaga" ran through everyone's head. "Just what is this?" "How can an infant use such magic?!" "Is she alright?" "Why can she communicate like this?" "What is she even saying?!" "What?!" The King stepped outside to the hallway, and everyone shut up and bowed before the King. "What are you guys doing? The princess is fine, go on about your day. Bring the priests this instant! And continue your duties!" Exclaimed the King. "Causing a commotion and neglecting your duties, whoever continues to neglect their duties shall be punished! Now go!" The hallway quickly emptied and the commotion was settled. The head priest and doctor arrived.

"My King, I regret to inform you that I have no idea what the phenomenon is, nor can I explain why the princess is still asleep." Said the head priest as he bowed his head. "But the priests and I stayed up all night to think of possible answers your highness, and I would like to review the birth with you." Said the doctor as he moved toward the King and showed him the orb that held the birth's visual. The King's mouth dropped as he seen the little Princess's hand touch the Queen. "My child possesses light and dark magic?!" Said the King in shock. "I thought I wouldn't be any more shocked than I already am, and here you have brought me even more mysterious news." Said the King as he frowned his brows. "Last night we came up with a theory that the princess could possibly possess both light and dark magic, and that sleeping would be the balance of the two…. As you have seen the child brought the Queen back using both black and light magic. This phenomenon cannot be explained, for the princess holds power that nobody has seen before. We cannot give answers, but we can help her to grow in terms of teaching the child light magic and dark magic. But seeing as she possesses both, she will have to learn how to use both on her own. The child's power is immense and as the priests said she is the enlightenment" Said the doctor. "Ah, yes your highness, she is the enlightenment and we believe that it might be Gaia's will that she uses both to provide us with enlightenment on the balance of light and dark magic." Said the head priest.

The King was flabbergasted. "I believe this is the first time I have no idea what to say…. We shall watch over the princess and provide her protection as this enlightenment comes to fruition." Said the King. "Yes your majesty." The head priest and doctor said in unison as they bowed down before the King. The King began his duties in his office, he read through documents and either sent his approval or rejection with the designated imperial seals. The King paused, and thought to himself: I do not have the hands to control light magic, yet my daughter can, will she really be alright with such infinite power? What will we do if we lose this child as well? I love my daughter, my precious first child. If Gaia's will is for her to be the enlightenment, what power will she awaken that we have yet to see, destruction or construction, will her power arise an entirely new form of magic?

"Gagagaoooo" ran through the King's head.

"I guess you'll show me when the time comes my princess, princess Ariel." The King said as he smiled and continued his duties.

In the bathroom Lady Mia continued to bathe the princess and played with some of the flower petals and bubbles. "Ooohoo! That's a big bubble your highness." The princess was still asleep but "gaggaa" ran through Lady Mia's mind. "Okay princess let's get you all dried up and ready for the day." Said Lady Mia as she hoisted the baby up and wrapped her in a bath towel. Lady Mia then fixated the Princess's clothes and rubbed oils over the baby. Lady Mia placed the baby in her crib and warmed up some milk for the princess. She sat next to the crib and opened a child's book, she began reading. "This story is called the King and Queen's reign and takes place in the Magic Kingdom, this is the kingdom we live in. But long ago before this kingdom was born, there were four main countries. The first one was known for its vast lands and the people were madly in love with the Earth and all living things, they have an abundance of food and plenty of animals. This place was known as the Arentia kingdom. The second kingdom boasted its alcohol