
Product 84 - Cliche Novel

When discussing the current state of the convenience store, it's worth noting that while the customer base hasn't expanded, the regular patrons have been visiting more frequently.

However, this doesn't mean there haven't been any newcomers. Emily Haimelody, whom I've taken under my wing as an apprentice, visits every three or four days with cooking inquiries. Cooking, you see, is a skillful endeavor, and even those with limited culinary expertise seek guidance. She's quite audacious.

And on occasion, she poses rather unexpected questions.

"Master, what is the essence of cooking?"

"More grains and more meat. And robust flavors. If it's rich and sweet, it tantalizes the taste buds to the point of bliss. If it lacks flavor, add sugar. Then salt, and if that fails, consider using broth instead of water. Typically, it becomes palatable."

"…I see. I hadn't considered that. You truly are a master."

During my solitary days when meals were uninspiring, I always had two ingredients in mind. One was the base for ramen broth, and the other was ssamjang. These are genuinely the keys to seasoning, capable of rendering even the most lackluster dish enjoyable. Indeed, understanding ramen broth is one thing, but ssamjang? Ssamjang consists of broth, corn syrup, gochujang, doenjang, garlic, and even sesame oil. I have a fondness for ssamjang.

In any case, Emily Haimelody keeps expressing admiration like, "You truly are a master!" and then returns to the dormitory after trying a few dishes.

Now, if you're wondering who frequents the place, it's definitely the group of chicks. They're usually quite lively, but today, they appeared unusually subdued. Well, there are days like that.

"Hello, senior."

"What would the chicks like to order?"

"…Ah. Three servings of cream pasta, please. Is that alright?"

"Will you be ordering drinks separately?"

"Yes. Unlimited refills, please."

"Understood. Unlimited drinks and three servings of cream pasta."

I nodded in agreement.

Our convenience store takes pride in offering unlimited drink refills. For 10,000 rin per person, we provide a variety of beverages, from fruit juices to smoothies and sodas!

It's starting to resemble more of a snack bar or a café that serves meals rather than a traditional convenience store, but in a way, there isn't much difference.

Later, as more customers gathered, it was better to be prepared than to run out of products.

Anyway, the three chicks took their seats and retrieved a sheet of paper from their bags, deep in thought.

The usually talkative girls were uncharacteristically serious, and it was unusual to see them so immersed in thought without exchanging words.

"Is something bothering you?"

"…Ah. Well, we have to fill out a career survey."

Upon Vanilla's response, I nodded in understanding.

The Jephryn career survey. I remember completing it from Kelters' perspective. It's a pivotal point in the storyline, where the narrative branches based on whether you choose the Knight Department or the Magic Department.

Thinking about it, this must be a significant decision for them.

"Have you not decided which department to enroll in?"

"The Knight department."

"What's the dilemma then?"

"…We have to write down our future aspirations."

"I see."


That is a challenging question.

After selecting a department, having to articulate their future goals can be quite daunting for young chicks.

"But we have it relatively easier."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"For us, it's just a survey, but the second-year seniors… It's their actual career path."

"…I understand."

I get it.

It's the season to begin contemplating career choices.

"It's tough. This one's on the house."

"Wow! What's this?"

"It's a freshly made cheese ball. I hope it suits your palate."

"Thank you. We'll enjoy it."

"Contemplate and worry as much as you need. Not everyone has the opportunity to choose."


Lee Young-jin proceeded, advanced, and concluded in this manner.

When you have the chance to make a choice, pondering it is also a source of delight.


Nephti responded to the academic advisor's summons and entered the department room.

"You wanted to see me, Professor?"

"Yes. Please come in and have a seat."

"Excuse me, I'll take a seat."

In the Magic department, the dynamics mostly revolved around connections within the nobility, so the academic advisors were as accommodating as possible to promising magic students.

However, the Knight department, consisting mainly of commoners and emphasizing physical training, often had an atmosphere reminiscent of the military.

Yet, Nephti was an exception.

"I called you here to discuss your career survey."

"Didn't I submit it on time?"

"Well, yes, but the content is a bit… unconventional."


Nephti pondered the professor's gentle words. The career survey for second-year students had a different focus compared to the first year.

In the first year, the questions were more like 'Do you want to join the Knight department?' 'Do you aspire to join the Magic department?' 'What is your career ambition?' For the second year, especially within the Knight department, it shifted towards inquiries like 'In which capacity do you wish to serve?' 'What are your preferred working conditions?'

Nephti had written 'Guarding Gluco Village in the East' on her survey. Her primary goal was to protect her mother, siblings, and the villagers in her hometown, following in the footsteps of her late father to become the captain of the village guard. That was Nephti's first choice.

"Did you genuinely write this? I've never even heard of Gluco Village."


"It's also true that both the prince and princess hold you in high regard, isn't it? Shouldn't you naturally aim for the Royal Guard?"

The Royal Guard.

The most prestigious post that students with outstanding records from the Jephryn Knight department aimed for.

Of course, it was an immensely competitive endeavor. Even a high-ranking noble from the imperial center who excelled at the Knight department and graduated at the top of their class was not guaranteed a spot in the Royal Guard.

However, there was one exception. The student council president could select one person and provide a recommendation letter. A single letter stating 'I want this individual as my personal guard' meant they could join the Royal Guard immediately upon graduation.

Currently, Eve von Roengreen, the student council president, and Wolfram von Roengreen, the former president, hadn't written such a letter yet.

Nephti, who had a close relationship with former president Wolfram von Roengreen and a friendly rapport with current president Eve von Roengreen as a classmate, was an obvious contender for the Royal Guard.

In the professor's perspective, Nephti was a prospective earl candidate, a student who could reach the Royal Guard with a little effort. Maintaining a positive relationship with such an individual was advantageous.

However, the professor was taken aback that a student with such potential had written 'Guarding Gluco Village' as her top career choice.

"Well, about that, Professor."

"No need to explain further. So, which one is it? The prince, right?"


"I understand that the competition for Princess Eve von Roengreen's recommendation is fierce, but I believe there's no competition for Prince Wolfram von Roengreen's recommendation. And you're aligned with his faction, correct? That's quite enviable."


"Being selected for the Royal Guard is not a casual matter, even for royalty. It's a soul's confidant. The most trusted individual. A sword and shield for one person."

Nephti remained silent.

She had no words.


The evening after the girls struggled with their career surveys, Nephti suddenly entered and exclaimed, "Senior! I have something to ask!"

I replied, 'Go ahead, tell me.' Then she proceeded to discuss her meeting with the professor today.

"I see. The Royal Guard."

Well, just when I thought it was all nonsense, an interesting topic emerged. The Royal Guard. A term I remember fondly.

In the true ending of Eve's route, in Kelters, the Royal Guard is an upgraded version – the Royal Knight. A guardian knight who serves a single royal for life. The sword entrusted with the royal's life.

The distinction between a guard and a knight is akin to that between a bodyguard and a guardian knight. Consider the knight as having a higher status. However, it doesn't mean the Royal Guard is of lower significance.

"Are you genuinely not interested in the Royal Guard?"

"I aspire to become the captain of the guard in my hometown. You're aware of that, right?"

"Following in your late father's footsteps. That's a commendable mindset."


Nephti's expression brightened a bit in response to the compliment. Yet, something seemed amiss. Nephti, with her unwavering determination, wouldn't usually seek advice from me.

"So, what's on your mind?"

"Oh, it's not exactly a concern, just something I've been contemplating."

"Go ahead."

"I heard you haven't written a recommendation letter yet."

"A recommendation letter? Ah, for the Royal Guard."

Now that I think about it, such a matter did exist.

In the Eve route, there was a minor event regarding who would receive the Royal Guard recommendation.

However, I wasn't aware that Wolfram had that option as well. Or rather, he hadn't utilized it. If I had to guess, he probably used it as leverage in his political maneuvering, dangling it to see who he could offer it to. In the end, he chose no one and met his demise in the prologue, pierced by a sword.

"Even though Senior Wolfram's position was suspended, as a royal, the recommendation still carries considerable weight."

"Is that so? I wasn't aware of such authority."

"So, Senior."

Nephti released a deep sigh and then gazed at me with a slightly flushed countenance.

"What is it?"

"If you were to write that recommendation, do you have someone in mind?"

"The Royal Guard recommendation?"




Considering the original context, the Royal Guard is an incredibly weighty responsibility.

The burden of being the most trusted subordinate of a royal is tantamount to the status of a count, or even a duke, among the central nobility.

Setting aside those petty power games, in my own route, Eve wrote a recommendation for Kelters and conveyed this:

[Even if you betray me and pierce this heart of mine, I won't hold a grudge against you. This is a symbol of that trust. Will you accept it?]

A Royal Guard who receives the recommendation is someone a royal can truly entrust with their life. And if you're wondering whether Wolfram had such a person…

"No, not yet."

"Phew. Ah, I see. Do you have any candidates?"


The most reliable individual in my inner circle who stands a good chance of becoming a Royal Guard is…

"If there's a candidate, you would be the top choice."


If you're wondering if I can trust her… yes, I can. She may be a bit fixated on money, but aside from that, there are no significant concerns.

"Why the surprise? It's pretty clear, isn't it?"

"Ehe. I, I'm the top choice. Ehe, that's correct, I am… It's evident. Ehe."

"Of course, I don't intend to obstruct your aspirations. It's an honorable dream, Nephterian. I can only admire your determination."

However, to forsake the dream of becoming a Royal Guard and opt for the role of a small-town guard captain.

Indeed, Nephti is an extraordinary individual.

"The starting salary for a Royal Guard is 200 million rin, if I recall correctly."


"I support your dream."

"Wait a moment, Senior. What did you say?"

"I said I support your dream."

"No, not that!"

"Oh, you mean about admiring your determination?"

"No, no, no! Not that! That, that thing! How much was it?"

"Hm? Oh… The starting salary? It was 200 million rin."

Kelters became a Royal Knight with a salary of 400 million, and since the Royal Guard receives half of that, it should be about right.

Nephti contemplated for a moment, then furrowed her brow in thought and suddenly clapped her hands, her eyes gleaming.

"Senior, you mentioned you support my dream, right?"

"That's correct."

"Well, I've just had a remarkably brilliant idea."

"Hmm. Let's hear it."

"If I receive the recommendation and become your Royal Guard, the starting salary is 200 million rin, right?"

"Yes. And?"

"Can I hire mercenaries for 100 million rin to protect Gluco Village?"


"Brilliant idea!"


What happened to the knight of belief and the dream of following in your father's footsteps?