
Heal. - [Karma x Reader]

(On Hold) Fear, depression, anxiety, loneliness.. We all hide scars in fear of being deemed vulnerable. Being labeled vulnerable makes you look weak, and the weak are preyed on by those with power. A former straight A-student enters the class of E-3. The sadistic and infamous scarlett head takes interest and begins to unravel those hidden scars… but what happens when she begins to do the same? DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters of Assasination Classroom, only this fanfiction of it! This story contains swearing and sensitive topics such as suicide and abuse, if you don't likie then don't readie!

adrienni · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

(Y/n) tries to play pinata

"Ha, why would I be? I'm actually kinda happy for her, she finally resolved her misunderstanding with that jerk." Karma smiled.

Everyone was taken aback, "that was so sweet of Karma!" They all thought. "..what's with all those looks? What? Thought this would make me jelly?~ Ha, you thought wrong!" Karma added. And now, Karma's back to being a little shit.


(Y/n)'s POV

Walking up the mountain beside Karma, the old building of class 3-E came into view. You stayed very silent the way up, so did Karma. I guess we both had lots on our minds.

Once we got into the classroom, some of my classmates stared at me and murmured. I rolled my eyes.

I could slightly hear whispers of excite, wonder, and fear.

Once everyone came into the classroom, I walked up to the front. Korosensei still wasn't here. "Hey everyone!" I began. Some people mumbled a 'hi (y/n)'. Nakamura then piped up, "So (y/n), what happened between you and Asano yesterday after we left?" Nakamura was pretending she didn't know a thing. Others began saying things like, "yeah, what happened?"

With a smile, you spoke, "Heehee, that's exactly what I was gonna talk about!" Everyone gave false curious faces. "You see...I know that you were watching us. So now, you have 5 seconds to run before I tie you all up and play piñata." You smiled.


Korosensei's POV

I walked down the hall, beside Irine-sensei and Karasuma-sensei. I was whining to them about how they didn't call me 'Korosensei' like everyone else. Instead they'd just call me 'you' or 'over there' and Irina-sensei would call me 'Perverted Octopus'

As I neared the sliding door, I took out a tentacle to open the door, "Good Morning, Everyone!" I said. But instead of being greeted with BB pellets, I was greeted with everyone running out the door with (y/n) chasing them with ropes. What freaked me out was that even Karma was running!

When I looked at (y/n)'s face, I got chills down my spine, her face had such a murderous smile. (Y/n) passed by me and all the other teachers. Everyone was running out the building.

It took Karasuma, Irine, and me a few minutes to process what just happened. Karasuma was the first to start running after them, I was second, and Irine just walked. "(Y/n)! Please don't kill them! I'll lose my job if one of them dies!" I wailed.

When we got out the building, we could see most of our students, hanging upside down on ropes on the trees. They kind of looked like human-sized bats for a second.

Karasuma ran up to a few and began to tried to untie some students. (Y/n)'s knots were so well tied! Wait! No! Now's not the time to be proud of (y/n)'s skill in tying!

As I began to untie Mimura, I could hear (y/n) yelling. I rushed over, I saw Karma holding (y/n) down on the ground. "Ha, still too slow for me." Karma teases (y/n) as she struggled to get back up. "Damn you!" She yelled. Aww~ The two looked so cute~ A couple in combat!~ How adorable!~

I returned with (y/n) and Karma both in my tentacles. (Y/n) trying to reach for Karma to strangle him, while Karma was sticking his tongue out teasing her. It seems Karasuma and Irine were able to get everyone down. Once the students all saw (y/n), they begged for their lives and apologized. Once (y/n) finally forgave them, I told everyone of how cute they looked when fighting!

"Say, Karma, why were you running as well if you knew you could beat (y/n)?" Okano asked.

"Hm? Oh, three reasons:

1. I wanted to see her play piñata with you guys, but she found me.

2. I let her hit me full force once, and it hurt like hell

3. She can be scary when she really wants to." Karma replied.

"Ahahahaha! You know what they say, Karma? If she scares you shitless, she's the right one." Maehara and Nakamura laughed.

"Hm? When have I been scary?" (Y/n) asked. "When you remind me of myself." Karma chuckled. Everyone laughed.

"Okay, okay everyone! That's enough! Let's head inside, class should have started 20 minutes ago!" I said, worriedly.


(Y/n)'s POV

My day went as usual. Math, Lunch under the tree with Karma, Science,

Phys. Ed with Karusama-sensei, English, Home ec. , and so on. Karma no longer teaches me how to fight ever since Karasuma-sensei began going harder on showing us Assassination skills.

I kept remembering what happened yesterday with Asano. I smiled to myself, it felt good to finally get that off my chest. At least, Asano and I were on Good terms again, but he said that it wouldn't change his opinion and view of E Class overall. He also said that it doesn't mean he'll stop with his tricks against 3-E. This of course, resulted in you getting pissed off, though It was okay, our class always won.

Karma told everyone during break period if they could stay after class because he had to tell us all something. Everyone agreed to stay because:

1. This was unusual of Karma, he'd usually be straightforward and say what's on his mind

2. Everyone was curious

3. Everyone knew Karma wouldn't take no for an answer


End of the Day

There, the class day was done. Everyone stayed in their seats, Korosensei who wasn't informed of what Karma told everyone stayed in the class as he was confused that everyone didn't sprint out the doorway as soon as the day ended. Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei were informed by some students and so they stayed there.

Everyone held their breath as Karma walked up to the front of the class, "So, anyways, what i wanted to say was my parents are coming back and now they want to get to know you guys 'if you have the time' after school. Just know, my parents don't like when people decline them."

Everyone was silent, we all began looking at each other. Some looked excited, some looked scared, some looked nervous, and others had unreadable faces. I was dreading it because I am very awkward when talking to adults I don't know, and most specifically adults that hold power and authority. I stutter a lot because I'm unsure of what to say because who knows what's considered rude or informal in the business-y world??

I kept my face as blank as possible to not allow anyone to know that I was freaking out on the inside. Should I say I'm busy? No, that'd be rude and I bet Karma's parents are just like Karma, scary when someone says no. *sigh* guess I have to suck it up and go along..

"Ohh! I wonder what your parents are like! Can I come too, Karma?! Please!" Korosensei pleaded. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Karma shrugged. In just a few seconds, Korosensei had changed into his human disguise, a few girls decided to use their makeup to make Korosensei look a TAD bit more human.

Bitch-sensei decided to come along because she wanted to see "if the parents are similar to the brat." Karasuma-sensei had an actual excuse that Karma was sure his parents would let slide. Karasuma-sensei has a meeting.


Now here I was, in the subway, waiting for a train with all of E-class and two of my teachers.

Once we were all of the train, Karma led us to his house. When we got there, everyone was gaping at the mansion. Everyone except you and Nagisa, you've both have already seen his house before. Korosensei has seen Karma's house before, but he was still surprised, Korosensei was admiring every bit of this view. Of course, I still thought that the house was very impressive, but I've gotten used to seeing it already.

We walked up to the door, Karma got closer to you and put his arm over your shoulder, "You're bad at hiding your panic, you know? Don't worry, just be yourself." He smiled. His smile reassured me.

I went back to my tense state once Korosensei rang the doorbell.


Bye bye!😁👋