

I sat at her grave crying and mourning loudly. Other guest left except from I and my twin sister Miranda who was waiting for me in the car. I had no intention to leave my Florencia here alone .I sat on the floor beside her grave and cried as much as I could. I heard footsteps and look up to see my sister standing

" Sebastian" she called as she got closer to me. She caressed my face and cleaned up my tears

" We got to leave" she added and I shook my head

"I'm not leaving Florencia and my child alone " I said and began to son again

" Let's leave . It's dark already" she said with concern in her voice. I looked up at the sky and saw the moon shining with glory. I took my wallet and brought out some money

"Take a cab " I said handing her the money but instead of taking it she pulled me up and brought me to the car. I look back to see Florencia standing behind us and I let go of my sister to rush to her .

"Sebastian" I heard Florencia call as she stood smiling at me

"Florencia" I called happily and was about to get close to her when she said

"Stop right here " she said smiling and she touched her big tummy where she carries our child

" We are leaving Sebastian" she said but still didn't stop smiling

" Yes darling let's go " I said thinking she wanted to leave with me but she shook her head

" Not with you but with our Lord Jesus" she said with her eyes giggling with excitement. I stood there, mouth agape as she said this

" Which Lord?huh" I yelled at her and began to cry

" That same Lord that abandoned you in the Labour room right ?" I said sarcastically. She look at me and smiled again. Then someone appeared beside her. He was handsome with long hair wearing a white robe and had wings. It down on me that it was an angel

" Shall we leave " I heard him say and I slumped in the ground

"Don't leave me Florencia" I said and looked up to her that see her sad too. She look at the angel and nodded at him

"I'm dead now Sebastian" she said and I shook my head. I cried when I saw her giving her hand to the angel

"Peace be unto you till we meet again my love" she said and disappeared with the angel.

"Florencia!" I shouted but I was left in the dark. I heard a voice saying

"How's he doctor?"" I recognize it as my sister voice

"He's really tired" I hear another man say. I opened my eyes to see myself in a hospital . I look at my sister who smiled

"You fainted Sebastian" she said and sighed. I look at her and asked for how long?

"An hour ago" she said . The hope I had that all these was a nightmare disappeared immediately. I was about to cry but then I remembered that Florencia wouldn't be happy to see me like this. I sat upright on the bed and engulfed my sister in a tight hug.

"Everything will be alright" I heard I say and I nodded. I lay down on the bed and finally closed my eyes after muttering"Florencia"silently. I slept peacefully that night.

The next morning

I woke up at the hospital and I felt a lot better. I contacted James my assistant to bring a change of clothes so I can be discharged. I informed my sister because I'll be staying at her place.

Few minutes later, James came in

"Morning boss" he bowed respectfully

"Have you take care of my discharge papers?" I enquired

"Yes sir, we're free to go sir" he said opening the door. We both headed to the car park

"Morning boss" the driver greeted

"To Miranda's" I informed as I sat in the car. Immediately a call came in from Linda, my sister-in-law

"Hey " she greeted cheerfully

" Hi" I said icily

"I couldn't catch up with you after the burial because my mom was in tears" she said

"So?" I said nonchalantly

"Can we have lunch with today?" She asked and her immediately declined

"But why?" She said desperately

"I'm not in the mood" I replied. I would have hanged up but I wanted to be more considerate

" Okay " she said and I hung up.

Meanwhile at Rashad's mansion....uhh

" He declined" Linda said pitifully to her mom

"Don't worry..your sister is gone so he'll look up to you" Mrs Rashad whispered

" But '..what if he doesn't..he was supposed to be mine to begin with " she said pouting

" He'll end with you darling" Mrs Rashad said patting her back while Mr Rashad enter

"Sweethearts" he says kissing his wife and patting his daughter

" What's wrong !" He ask Linda

"Sebastian is still declining me even if the witch is gone " she spat angrily

"Let him mourn her for now" he scoffed as he slump in a sofa

"But I can't wait what if another woman comes and drag him ...I won't let it happen again" she says angrily

" Do not worry..I've everything in control ..just be a good girl and trust daddy " he reassured her

"Ok daddy" she grinned while Mrs Rashad smile heartily

"Thanks honey " she whispered lovingly

"Don't mention...I would do anything for My biological daughter not some bastards" he snapped angrily while Mrs Rashad smile evily

"She can go to hell in her grave " Mrs Rashad says

" She's rotten by now" Linda added and they all laughed evily ...

At Miranda's house..

"Welcome" Miranda greeted sebasSeba as he came out of his car

"Hi" he said pecking her cheeks

"Can I stay here for a couple of weeks..I can't get her out of my head if I'm living there" he sighed

"Sure . anything for my baby bro" she said patting his back

" We're twins for your information" he said sitting on a sofa

"I came out first" she said with a smug smile. Sebastian nodded and shake his head

"How's leo?" He asked

"That bastard!!!" She screamed angrily

"He's a fuckwit from hell" she spat

"I told you he was no good" Sebastian said

" Yeah I know" she rolled her eyes

" So what do you do to him?" He asked perplexed

"I broke up with him last week..can you believe he said he's not ready to get married at 30 years old! " She declared

" Do you wanted to marry him?" He asked back

" Sure yes..what's the purpose of a relationship?" She asked turning on the TV

" Fun or..?" He asked

" Damn..men are the same " she said and left the sitting room for the kitchen

" I care for a coffee" he yelled at her

"Get it from hell" she snarled and he laughed hard. He took his cellphone and contacted David

" Sir" David picked up immediately."

"Have you investigated Dr Raleigh?" He asked

" Yes and I sent everything in your email " he said respectfully

"Keep your eyes on her and get me reports of her bank withdrawal these few weeks" he ordered

" I'll send everything in an hour" David says

"Sounds good..I'll be staying at Miranda's these days..come here only if it's urgent " he said huskily

" Noted sir " David answered and Sebastian hung up.

He feels miserable, hurt and and lost. He never felt that way even when his parents died. He feel lost at sea and don't know what to do . He sighed as he make his way to his bedroom .