
Heal me na

Niyuniyu · Celebrities
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14 Chs

Please don't leave me

Another week passed but Gulf didn't wake up yet. Mew was staying on Gulf's bed wishpering love words to his ears and make lots of promises while tears where flowing through his eyes.



Mew was waiting for him to wake up but didn't expect him to wake up that moment.


-yes nong...

-I'm sorry.... Gulf says, I'm really sorry phi, I was the reason of your pain, how could I forget something so important, I was living my life like I was in pain all the time like I was the one abused but actually you was the one who got hurt because of me... Gulf said while sobbing. I'm sorry P'Mew 😭😭😭😭😭😭. I took your happiness, I took your life, I took your name too, I was letting you without nothing, I was so selfish Phi.... I'm so sorry Phi, please forgive me... Gulf says while crying his heart out.

-Baby... Please... I'm not angry with you, you was a victim too. I love you Nong so please for God sake stop your crying is breaking my heart. About name you can keep it... It's more suitable for you, Mew says smiling.

My dear Gulf think about your name like a gift from me, the one who love you the most in the world.

-Thank you Phi.... Thank you for the name I will always treasure it, but Phi I think we should break up...




-Phi I was hurting you so much, I ca.....


Gulf got startled at the loud voice of his Phi. Mew was never shout on him but he is shouting now like his just got mad " you need to be strong Gulf, you can't just stay here and hurt him. It's already enough, how much will you hurt him? He is sad now but soon he will be OK, he will find someone to take care of his heart" Gulf thought. But was like Mew was reading his thoughts so he shout again.

-NONG, I JUST WANT YOU NO ONE ELSE. Please Nong don't leave me, I will always be by your side Nong. I will listen all your worries, keep your hand all the time, wipe your tears and fears away, I will be the perfect boyfriend for you so please don't leave me I beg of you.

-Phi, I'm the bad one not you... I'm the one who is not a perfect boyfriend not you,

-I love you the way you are nong... Please don't break my heart... Please nong let's let the past in the past and overcome the pain, let's watch the future together and love each other till the end, please baby don't leave me.... I love you the most in the world.

-I love you you to Phi 😭😭😭

Mew hugs Gulf tight like he is afraid that if he is letting him free he will dissappear from his face.

-Phi Mew you can release me now, I will not go anywhere.... I will stay with you forever.

-Really Nong? For ever?

-yes Phi.... Phi, I'm hungry.

-Oww, I will go and prepare you some food baby.

-I'll come with you Phi said Gulf hugging Mew by behind and walk together like that to the kitchen.






-Oh, baby I forgot to tell you, Shiv and Kana left, just Shine is here...

-Shine is not here neither....

-Whattttttt, that brat left without saying goodbye? And I was always by his side..... A brat will always remain a brat.

-Phi....he said to tell you bye, that he love you and thank you he said you was right about what you said.

-I'm always right... Mew said proudly.

-Phi.... Gulf said smirking.


-I love you

-I love you too Nong.... Nong the time you was sleeping uncle was very stressed, I think you should talk with him.

-I thought he told you to call him Por... Gulf said smiling.

-Babyyyyyy, I was saying you should go and tell him about your illness. He need to know trough what you passed all this years babyyy. Oh and yes, if Shine left that means you are cured.... Right?

-Right 🤭🤭 Gulf answered giggling.

-Congratulations my babyyyyyyyyy, Mew said and hug Gulf again and kiss his cheks.

-Thank you Phi....

Mew was staring in Gulf eyes and without a notice Mew kiss Gulf lips, first was a smooth kiss but soon the kiss start to be hot and breathless. Mew's tongue enters Gulf's mouth and licked his inside. They didn't stop till the moment they need air. Gulf face was red like blood and that made Mew to want to see more of Gulf reactions so he kissed Gulf's neck and that made gulf make a little moan that was even surprising himself. Mew kiss his neck his chest and start sucking the pink bulb while playing with the other.... Gulf became a big moan in front of Mew.

- P'Mew.....

- yes baby....

-Make love to me...

Mew kiss Gulf again and start touching Gulf everywhere. They made love that night till morning.






-Good morning baby...

-Good morning Bo, gulf said remembering the last night and his face turned red in an instant.

-Wow.... Really?


-I like when you call me Bo... Mew said while smiling. But is very dangerous too.... Do you want to repeat the last night story huh?

-Phiiiii, I'm still sore and I still need to go talk with dad about what happened in the past.... And I want to tell him about us too.

- OK baby, let me come with you.

Mew and Gulf were going and tell his father what happened in the past and about his illness and his father was in shock. Not just because the story he knew was wrong but he put Mew's father in jail too, and he was not to blame, Mew father was there that day because he felt something is wrong there so because of Gulf mistake they put the wrong person in jail and the real culprit was free. Before Mew ang Gulf tell him about their relationship, Gulf's father run on the door straight to police station where his best friend stayed for the last years. He was staying in his knees in front of him and say sorry while crying his heart out. Even if Mew father was swearing that he would never forgive this dumb man for not trusting him he still did because the scene in front of him was breaking his heart even after so many years. Gulf was telling everything to police and the real culprit was put in the jail and Mew's father was living in Gulf's father house.





-Dad we need to tell you something... Gulf said while they were all taking their breakfast. We are together....

-we know, Mew's and Gulf's fathers said in unison.

-I mean... We are together... Like lovers....

-we know

-huhhhhh, you know, Mew said surprised.

-of course, we know, do you think we did not see you keeping hands under table or gulf sign on his neck said Mew's father pointing at gulf's neck and at their hands whom they were keeping that moment.

Gulf face became all red and try to hide the sign Mew was given.

-Gulf... His father says... You know, people will talk, and if media will find out about you both will be a big ruckus right?

-yes father, but I don't care, I will never let go at his hand.

- that's what I want to hear.

Mew smile at gulf and keep his hand this time not hiding than wishper in his ear.

- we should celebrate tonight?

-pervert... Gulf said and his ears become all red.

-what did I said for you to call me pervert, Mew said smirking at him.





FEW months later they announced they marriage. How Gulf's father said indeed their relationship was a big ruckus but soon after they became a model of how much someone can love no matter of gender. So their wedding ceremony was seen of all country and everyone were very happy for them 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰