
Heads or Tails: Two halves

On Hiatus... Still... too much is being story boarded my glorious readers. Brightside is, I apparently made a multi- multi verse level story whose scale is nothing to scoff at since everything from any canon story or fanction, sort of, counts as a part of my story.... (Shit)-Background: Humanity is bound to make an irreparable mistake when given enough time. The 2**0's proved to be a periodd of time where such a mistake was infintesmally close to being reached. There are only known 5 known pieces information that we can be sure of now, two of which were gathered by the survivors of that dreadful timeperiod. 1) Nuclear weapons and bioweapons were used simultaneously 2) The (objectively) best and brightest minds and bodies of the world were herded like cattle to one nation 3) It is the best and near extinction experience any species, known to mankind, has ever had. 1) Approximately 70% of all habitable land became uninhabitable within the first few months and increased to as much as 97% by the end of the era 2) The survivors were all chosen, regardless of race or creed, by the worth of their skill. The worlds most influential leaders, the just and corrupt; The most intelligent scientists and mathematicians, moral or unethical; The most innovative and inspiring artists, modern, traditional, contemporary, parody...etc; Ths most knowledgeable historians; farmers; and every other occupation that can be statistically analyzed to find the best person who worked result under the most fair and worst conditions. These people used every means necessary to not only survive, but thrive under a deadly environment. The ultimate result was a 10 year long golden age that surpassed all of humanity's previous advancements. Every renaissance or enlightenment paled in comparison to the transformations that happened in this time. Humanity, quite literally, opened the doors to safty and Into the greater universe. As for the bombs that drove humanity to the brink, they remain a mystery. No human being knew the reason for using the release of nuclear weapons bombs and a viscious bioweapon. The first attack could have been a mistake or intentional. Someone in a random government could have given orders or it could have been a disgruntled leader. It could have been a terrorist group or a hacker or a simple series of, highly unlikely, technological malfunctions. The outcome of humanity's greatest folly has however, 100 years later, has given rise to everything we have today. A universe that is just an open doors way away

AqwardslastWord · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Wed, Jan 15, 2019 (9.48am est)

I am dissatisfied with what I have written so I will rewrite it before I continue, Not much will change so don't re-read it. I have also realized that I should probably include my personal character sheet... I will also try to return to my one every two days. I have been distracted by my other stories so....


Mon, Jan 14, 2019 (2.30am est)

Dark souls 3 [Not sponsered] is pretty fun isn't it. Too bad I'm bad. Ah well, back to writing. Also, what have I missed? I feel like I need to tie up a loose end somewhere but I seem to have forgotten where or what it is...

Fri ,Dec 20, 2019 (4.55am est)

One, My editing skills are absolute trash; Two, I have completed the first third of the story line so expect me to write just I had done before my insane amount of time off. (When you expect your friends to help but you have to think of everything) Phone is currently on 38%. hopefully I can write something decent before I knock out.

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 (4:41pm est)

I have recently decided to start from the beginning...

Yes, I have been gone for a while, but fret not children, Papa Arrworde has been writing and expanding the lore of the previous garbage I wrote. There is even more garbage now and it may seem (partially) unrelated to what you anyone may have seen when I first started this. Trust me, it is not unrelated