
Heads or Tails: Two halves

On Hiatus... Still... too much is being story boarded my glorious readers. Brightside is, I apparently made a multi- multi verse level story whose scale is nothing to scoff at since everything from any canon story or fanction, sort of, counts as a part of my story.... (Shit)-Background: Humanity is bound to make an irreparable mistake when given enough time. The 2**0's proved to be a periodd of time where such a mistake was infintesmally close to being reached. There are only known 5 known pieces information that we can be sure of now, two of which were gathered by the survivors of that dreadful timeperiod. 1) Nuclear weapons and bioweapons were used simultaneously 2) The (objectively) best and brightest minds and bodies of the world were herded like cattle to one nation 3) It is the best and near extinction experience any species, known to mankind, has ever had. 1) Approximately 70% of all habitable land became uninhabitable within the first few months and increased to as much as 97% by the end of the era 2) The survivors were all chosen, regardless of race or creed, by the worth of their skill. The worlds most influential leaders, the just and corrupt; The most intelligent scientists and mathematicians, moral or unethical; The most innovative and inspiring artists, modern, traditional, contemporary, parody...etc; Ths most knowledgeable historians; farmers; and every other occupation that can be statistically analyzed to find the best person who worked result under the most fair and worst conditions. These people used every means necessary to not only survive, but thrive under a deadly environment. The ultimate result was a 10 year long golden age that surpassed all of humanity's previous advancements. Every renaissance or enlightenment paled in comparison to the transformations that happened in this time. Humanity, quite literally, opened the doors to safty and Into the greater universe. As for the bombs that drove humanity to the brink, they remain a mystery. No human being knew the reason for using the release of nuclear weapons bombs and a viscious bioweapon. The first attack could have been a mistake or intentional. Someone in a random government could have given orders or it could have been a disgruntled leader. It could have been a terrorist group or a hacker or a simple series of, highly unlikely, technological malfunctions. The outcome of humanity's greatest folly has however, 100 years later, has given rise to everything we have today. A universe that is just an open doors way away

AqwardslastWord · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Intro Pt2: Chapters 3-4


"What's so funny this morning students?"

"YOUR MOM...", Elena elaborated. 

Adam gave her a sly smirk and said, "Wow...".

Meanwhile, he placed the handkerchief inside his cup and covered it with both hands.


Wisps of smoke revolved around his palms like snakes.


He started at Elena like an older brother would to a young child and gave her a reassuring smile. Elena did not see anything over his bright grin because of her watery eyes. Both of them, conveniently, forgot about the rest of the class and the teacher. 

"It your Fault!...", she said as she covered her beet red face and teary eyes.

"Not my fault"

He suddenly "remembered" the rest of the class that directed their sorrowful gazes towards Elena.

"Yes it is...", she hissed. She looked at the teacher in fear and patted her clothing fiercely. She forced her tears not to fall. 

"Oh no...", she said as a single tear fell out of each of her puffy and pink eyes.

Adam grabbed her empty cup and the same mysterious smoke coiled around his hands. "What are you looking for?..."

"My Skypod's but I don't have them...", Elena said as her eyes followed Adam's hands with interest and amazement.

"How did you...?", she started to say...

Adam smiled with open palms, revealing a pristine set of wireless noise cancelling earbuds. She froze, then looked at him like a savior. 

"...never-mind, tell me later", she continued to say.

She moved her hair behind her ears and looked into Adam's flickering, lantern-like eyes. She watched as his olive skin started to glow from the heat rushing to his handsome face. She also took note of the unnatural pause he took while staring at her

"Success?", she thought, and whispered with a deviant little smile.


As nice and observant as she was, Elena decided to close her eyes, so Adam wouldn't feel as starstruck when he put the headphones in her ears.

The real reason Adam froze had nothing to do with Elena or her, "...mesmerizing beauty...," as she thought. 

He could feel a pair of penetrating eyes scan his person, desperately trying to peer into his secrets. He could only separate his attention to secretly watching the peeper, which caused his unnatural pause. Other than that, he also had to pay attention to the teacher, who was on the brink of collapse. It was a good thing too, because he felt the eyes scanning him retreat...

His pause really had nothing to do with her….

And So...

"How could anyone simulate all of those sounds into a laugh...", he thought to himself. 

Adam adjusted himself to the sound over the course of a few seconds. After regulating what he could hear,  he spent some time to observe the teacher's precise and purposeful movements. Every ripple of his clothing and every intake of breath was measured and practiced. The effects of such demonic body adjustments made almost everyone who saw him uncomfortable and dizzy. 

A later study, done by the guy with the books, would reveal that some students even said that the teacher grew a few sizes, distorted, and teared away, like something was clawing its way out of him or he was transforming. 

Adam could clearly see the bright red lines on his suit melt into the yellow and black portions of his clothes like blood or muscles. "Interesting...," he thought while committing the movements to memory.

Some students understood that he was trying to show them something but unlike Adam, they got lost in the his movements and fainted out of their seats and onto the ground.

The teacher looked around the room and was surprised/creeped out to see a student stare at him so intensely and emotionlessly. 

"Scary...", he whispered as he cleared his throat and fixed his obnoxiously bright tie. 

"Alright, for those of you who are paying attention, we have..." 

He touched the side of his glasses and sighed

"...oops. One moment" 

He fished inside of his pockets for something and took off his glasses to put whatever he had found, on them. The imported lenses on his glasses flashed with a mix of soft blue, green, yellow, and red light, before turning white and then clear, like pure glass. 

"OK. Now, first order of business, is everyone doing well on their project?..."

He put a thumbs up and then flipped it down, then flipped it back up, only to repeat the process a few times over. 

He received a handful of thumbs, most of them were pointed up. (Keep in mind, the majority of the class has fainted or is hiding)

"Great, that's good, I knew you guys could pull it off. I mean, most the other classes are saying that it is a hell-grade assignment, it's good to know that you guys are pulling ahead."

The entire time, he was smiling in satisfaction and nodding in approval, proud as any teacher could be having genius grade students.

Adam could see some students mouth words amongst themselves and could only offer some heartfelt condolences since they weren't paying attention.

"Oh right, back to what I was going to say. We have two new students, they are siblings and are joining us from a Martian subterritory . Lets give a round of applause for Adam and Evelyn Vächer. Come on down and introduce yourselves to the class."

The teacher clapped his hands and enthusiastically beckoned his two new students, he even spun on his heel and put up a preemptive victory sign because he was sure of them coming down to greet the class. 

Adam stood up and said, "Mr.Dobbs, my sister and I have already applied to, and entered the advanced learning program before entering this class. Thus, we would like to, kindly, ask if we can decline your invitation to speak before the class." 

The teachers head hung low, drained of the previous enthusiasm he had. To show that he was ok he waved away his problems and sadly said, "Alright, I understand." He then said, "those of you who are a part of the program, you may leave, but before you go, I need a show of hands. Who still needs time for their project."

Rajah, Jacob's, Teresa's entourage, and 2 other students out of the class of 30 raised a hand. Mr.Dobbs started to count the students and said, "Two, five, that's two groups...but, Rajahemi, Leslie, I thought you were doing a group project with Tianyou?"

Rajah could barely bring himself to speak with his tomato red face, "He kicked us out of the group last night after we broke it while fighting."

"Broke it?"- Mr. Dobbs cast a look of suprise since he had recieved Tianyou's project that morning, its why he was late for class despitebeing the teacher.

"I have handed in a second project since I knew these two would break our first one"- Tainyou unfolded his hands and spoke in a measured tone.

Mr.Dobbs cast a look of disappointment towards the ceiling, taking a moment to regain his mental faculties. Somewhat distantly, he said, "So that leaves three groups. Two-three person groups and one-two person group. I guess I can give an extra day for each group left. If we want to maintain our lead on the other classes..."

He spoke up, with a hint of finality and said, "I have decided that final projects are due in three days, those that are finished can leave."

Adam and Elena led the charge out of the room, they were followed by Li and Evelyn, and rearing up the crowd, a bespeckled young man and two beauty's. Tianyou, Rajah, and Jacob's left in a separate direction after exiting the class.

"Adam and Evelyn Vätcher. Raised at the northern guardian orphanage in the satellite complex of Ceres minor. It is a miracle that anyone from there is still alive. And I thank you for waiting"

"The pleasure is ours, though, it is a wonder as to what would catch the infamous Silver Eye's attention"

Adam clashed with a pair of emerald eyes and silver pupils. He followed the glasses that shielded the mans eyes and found the young dark-skinned man to be tall and masculine, with broad shoulders. Adam's attention was then drawn to how intelligently the young man dressed because, like an apex businessman or CEO, he wore a full and wrinkle-less suit. After seeing how professional the young man was, he was taken aback by the stark difference of the young woman behind him.

Adam saw a sleepy eyed young lady who's skin was almost the color of night and who's hair resembled a crows nest. Adorably enough, she still had some crumbs on her rosey cheeks, from the earlier snacks. Her clothing was in disarray but only served to add to her, "Just got out of bed," aura of cuteness. She immeadiately walked towards Elena and sniffed her mouth, and just kept on doing that with watery eyes. Her stomach rumbled in a, impossible to fathom, cute way.

The third young lady resembled a heroic big sister with her platinum blonde hair in a full and flowing... ponytail. She let her hair down upon exiting the classroom. She also possessed a certain quality that made her more mature than everyone present, excluding Adam. She closely watched the handsome man with glasses and then stared at Li and Evelyn with a fanatical glint in her eyes.

"Information. There is too little information on either of you," the bespectacled young man said while getting close enough to be an arm's distance away.

Adam stepped closer as well, enough to bridge that gap until they were only a fingertip's distance away, "But, you seem to have written no less than two and a half books since this morning".

"Mere observations. Facts are much better..."

Both young men resembled literary deities, one surrounded with spear like pens and pencils, shrouded by divine parchment and garbed in a billowing robe.

The other young man covered in words and numbers, runic and alien, each symbol shifting a myriad times, as he wore an archaic and form fitting robe. Both wore a mask of indifference and detachment.

Their little moment was broken by a gentle tide known as Li Yun.

"Calm down both you, I'll get a room for us to discuss business"

"Thank you Li but don't think I'll let this go. You and Elena violated our agreement by withholding information."

"Sorry Gar-bear, I'll make it up to you later," Elena said while sticking her tongue out.

Gar-bear cleared his throat and said, "Gerard, Elenora, stop trying to cause a misunderstanding."

He had to speak up in defense of himself because he could feel the gaze of death emanating from Adam's cold visage for some reason.

Li already lead them to a room where they could relax and talk shop.

Elena fell to the back of the group and spoke to the two girls who followed behind Gerard the entire time. 

"Vanna, Nessa, how is the...," she looked at the back of Adam's head and frowned.

 "...You know what?"

The big sister type with creamy skin, known as Vanna, noticed Elena's hesitation and said, "New content will soon be available," with a startling and unhealthy glint in her eye as she looked at Gerard, Li, and Adam. 

Elena also looked at the three of them and said in a slightly louder voice, "It's like goldilocks and the three bears, ones too cold, the others too hot, and the last Is just right." 

Adam's back became visibly tense for a second and his eyes dug into the side of "Gar-bears" head. He felt a chill he turned his head to Adam and thought, "What did I do now?".

"How do you know Elena... and Li?" Adam asked in an almost automated tone. 

"Ah. Well, Li scored higher than myself on the entrance exam and earned my respect. Since then, I have come in first and struggle to keep my position..." 

He then heard a whisper of a scoff come from behind him. "...Elena is much less romantic story. She said that I reminded her of someone when we met."


"We are here. I got permission to use this room for personal use few semesters ago," said Li. He pressed a series of numbers on the virtual keypad. 

The door opened by itself, retracting into its frame and revealed a large circular glass table, with a diameter of two and a half meters, in the center of the room. 

There were two large couches and five armchairs, fully equipped with reclining seats and cupholders. A locker like fridge and fully stocked kitchen were on the left side of the room while a spa like bathroom was to the right. 

Just beyond that, on the other side of the room, there was a wall of windows that led to a mind boggling view of a small rose garden and gothic style stone gazebo with a pond circling it. 

There was a glass door on either side of the wall of windows and a stone path that led to the outside structure.

For the first time, Evelyn spoke up and said, "Adam will look at your books and decide which ones are worth keeping, for each correction, you will give us something you think we should know. That should make up for whatever deal you had with Li and Elena yes?"

She entered the room and sat down in the largest and fluffiest armchair. 

Gerard could only sigh at how Adam nodded to her arrangement without question or haggling. 

Elena said her goodbyes and skipped into the room while Li held the door.  Adam said, "5672, 76261, 8386, 11, 34, and the Second book in your Theories collection are all good. The 59th page, third paragraph from the bottom in the ninth book is also correct. Everything else is useless chatter"

He walked into the room and sat down next to Elena. Li smiled towards Gerard, who looked baffled, and said, "See you around." 

"How did he do that? There's no possible way for him to have seen my entire collection"

"He has better eyes than you," Li said as he closed the door behind him.

The only thing Gerard heard was, "He's much smarter than you. So much so, that there isn't even a competition",  when he auto translated in his head.

As soon as Li closed the door Evelyn's perfect posture collapsed as she slumped in her chair. 

"So annoying. Why do I have to be the Ice Queen stereotype," she said while looking at Elena. 

Like magic, her hand disappeared Into her shirt and reappeared with black lace bra. She threw it behind her but it was caught by Li, who placed it on the glass table in front of her when he walked by.

"So much better", she said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm the ray of sunshine, Nessa is the gluttonous kitten, Teresa is the slut, and then there's the Saint and the Good one. Uh, unrelated to Li. There is only the Icecold Goddess that stands above them all, and I guess there's the loli archetype, but you can't fit that"

"Evey, I'm afraid she is right, only the divine title of untouchable Goddess can barely describe your beauty."

"Shut up Li."

"If that would make you happy, then gladly," he said while standing by her side in complete silence. She looked at him with annoyance and said, "Adam, aren't you going to ask El out?"

Elena's face turned bright red as she looked at the two siblings, "Evelynn!?!" 

Adam calmly stared at his "sister" and said, "Is that a command?"

She clicked her tongue and said, "Both of you are annoying as hell. Elena, let's go look around and leave these dense fools to their bromance. Its been years since we've been together" She had already gotten up and grabbed her bra, her gait returned to an effortless celestial hovering. 

Once the door closed Li sat down in a chair that was closer to the glass desk. "Do you mind?".

Adam sighed and pressed his hand onto the glass. A thin whisp of white smoke vanished into the glass, unnoticed by Li. A ring of light did respond to Adam's palm as the glass lit up.

A metallic ring in the center of the table popped up and hovered three or so meters above the table. In spun in sync to the ring around Adam's hand and projected a 3D image above the glass table.

A scattered but high definition video scrambled into view as the ring lit up. Unnoticed, smoke rose from the table and mixed with the hazy picture.

Adam's eyes were closed while it was happening, but Li could see something off... The same mist emanated from his eyes in a slightly thicker and more noticeable density.

"Took you a few years to control it huh?" Li said with narrowed eyes. 

Adam said, "Not just a few years...", at the same time that the picture solidified. It showed an aerial view of Evelynn and Elena as they walked through the school's grounds. 

"Feels weird. I guess It's really been a while since we talked"

"Yes", Adam muttered in response to Li's quiet observation.

"So. How about we pick up on our last conversation?"


"You and her?"


"Are you going to ask her out?"

"She's just being nice..."

"Please, that's a shit excuse. Even more after all this time so I hope you're joking"


"Tch, that's like saying I'm 'just being nice' to Evey even after all these years..."


"Not just because you would kill me if my feelings waned even an inch less from the love and devotion I already showed her" 

Li panned over to Adam for a second and saw his face tick before resting on blank.


Li locked his lips and practically walked off the edge of his seat when he saw the door that Elena just opened.


"She hates when you treat her like that", Adam directed the conversation elsewhere.

"Like a Queen? I know. I just want her to say it first. Well, at least say it back"

"Good luck, I've been trying to get her to say 'sorry' and 'I love e you', for years now."

Li watched in muted horror as Eve looked directly at him through the screen. 

"Damn...," Li exhaled. The screen cut off at the same time that the female restroom door closed. He blinked his irritated red eyes and looked over at where Adam sat to complain but...

"Fuck, she could have told me that he still does this..." He rubbed his eyes and pressed the glass table, a glowing keyboard and screen popped up rather than an archaic ring of symbols. A whisper of smoke spiraled into the air from where Adam sat down.

"Did he?... Ah, looks like he had the sense to turn everything off...".

The keyboard showed a signal bar with a cancellation circle on top of it, meaning the internet, security devices, or anything that operated on a wireless signal, was shut off. How far the connection went was far beyond Li's scope of understanding.

Li sighed and said, "I need to find him before the girls get back." 

He looked at his connection thoughtfully and said, "I guess I can ask them." He ran out of the room and tracked down a few people he knew who understood the problem at hand.

Once his eyes opened, he realized that he blacked out again. Adam stood up and dusted himself off with his left hand and wiped the black blood that oozed out of his eyes and nose with his right. Some of the blood turned into dust and scatter in the wind. The majority of it turned into mist that poured back into his pores. He stood still and waited for all of the mist he released to return to him. 

He blinked his cloudy eyes a few times and sighed when he saw his surroundings. 

He was surrounded by dozens of marble statues. Each one was twice the size of the person they were based on. 

"This place...," he thought. He looked up at a sign that was written by a dragon, "The Hall of Founders", it said. 

He glanced at all of statues but passed them to reach the smallest and most lifelike of them all. 

The plaque was made of a mysterious and dark, almost black, metal despite the polished and glowing lettering that popped out of its surface.

It had the words:

"'~Wait, I get twenty words for my quote? Nice. Then. I believe in you. Thumbs up. Love you'

 -Helena Kuronaki", inscribed.

He knelt down to touch the plaque. Feeling the cold metal on his fingers put him in a trance like state where he felt his surroundings dim and vanish.

He could hear an enchanting voice call his name, "...Adam, smile. I know you can do it...". He could see a woman's hand make a thumbs up from behind a thick blast screen, telling him, "...I love you..."

He chuckled to himself. Like a melting iceberg, he opened his mouth and was about to talk to the statue when...

"So this is were you were..."


"... By all means, continue what you were going to say, I won't stop you," said a voice that maintained its rising anger behind a flat tone.

Adam did not turn around and stood up, silently and patiently; he waited for the person to do something.

"Oh yes! Please, excuse me for my rude behavior earlier, I did not greet you as I should have....".

Like a damaged flood gate, Adam could hear the cracks in the speaker's false bravado, "...I was... overcome with emotion..."

Adam remained, unable to move an inch. 

"Emotions, yes... Since you dared to bring yourself around here, I assume that you have figured out what they are by now right?". The voice faltered, breaking under the torrent of anger and grief.

"LOOK AT ME...", completely enraged by Adam's apparent indifference.

Slowly, unwillingly, and painfully, he forced himself to open his eyes and turn around. "Tianyou...," he started...


"Don't you dare..." 

In the time it took Adam to blink, Tianyou retreated almost 3 meters backward. He entered a fighting stance and said, "You forfeited your right to speak when you left us..."


Adam stood still and just stared at him with pity and sorrow. 


His face bore a glaring hand print and some splatters of blood, yet he did not flinch or change expression.

"Then I'll start..."

Like a leopard, Tianyou rushed at Adam from a low position and aimed an uppercut at his jaw. Adam's pupils dialated, half a second before impact as he moved his body out of harm's way.

Tianyou retracted his fist before it fully extended and twisted his body like a snake to aim his elbow at Adam's kidney. Like a phantom, Adam evaded at the last minute, his movements resembled the same confusing shifting that Mr.Dobbs used to bewilder and knock some students out without ever touching them.

Changing it up, Tianyou struck out with different combinations of fist, feet, elbow, and knee strikes. All, three hundred plus, of the strikes missed by hair thin margins.

Angered by his inability to connect, Tianyou's attacks twisted viciously.

Adam on the other hand, resembled a ghostly fish. His steps and body synchronized and hypnotized until there were two versions of him moving at the same time.

Adam and Tianyou entered a strange dance where attacks would barrel in from two, three, maybe even four different directions and Adam would sneak away from harm. 

-For example-

A kick would fly towards the side of Adam's head but he would already bend 45 degrees back to avoid the kick. When that same kick turned into an axe capable of cutting him in two, he swayed to the side with an unsteady backstep. When a knee aimed was aimed at a blind spot that formed, he would, magically pivot and switch the direction of his fall. Then he would stand up and the process would repeat.

To Tianyou, it looked like Adam fell to his side because he lost balance, but at the same time another Adam darted towards him to retaliate and throw him off balance.

Seconds faded into minutes until the high octane combat was forced to a stop.

Tianyous breathing and heart desynched after catching a glimpse of Adam's limpid eyes.

He avoided Adam's eyes for so long specifically so he could fight without restraint.

Instead, he could only watch as his leg, uncontrollably, moved a quarter inch off the mark, slamming into and obliterating a chunk of a marble statue behind Adam. 

"Get off of me," he said as flatly as he could despite the raise in pitch.

Adam, who had used that instant of hesitation, reversed their positions and said, "No...". 

He held both of Tianyou's slim wrists above his head, pinning them to the back of the statue with his right hand. With his left hand, he held Tianyous athletic calf to the statues shoulder, effectively holding it over Tianyou's head. Adam's even kicked Tian's other leg over to the side so he would lose balance.

If not for the cold looks and deadly atmosphere that surrounded them, people would assume that they were lovers because the ambiguous position they were In.

"I'm sorry...," Adam said with warm and inviting eyes. 

"I should have told you three that I was leaving. It was wrong of me to just go without saying goodbye"

Tianyou delved into his eyes searching for the truth. 

"I really am sorry...," Adam said with a crack in his mask. 

"Fine. Just let go of me, this is embarrassing."

Adam let go of everything except his right hand. 

"What are you...?", Tianyou said but stopped speaking when he noticed his palm and fingertips. They split with bloody lacerations after he slapped Adam, but now, the wounds knit themselves together like magic.


Adam then said, "Turn around." He closed his eyes this time and raised his hands towards Tianyou's left shoulder. Tian did as was told and looked over his shoulder to see Adam's skin grow paler every second. 

Adam dragged his hands along Tianyous left arm.

"I can't believe you would try to hit me with your arm in this state"

"Its not that bad"

He looked at Tianyou like he was a fool. 

"Compared to the state you would leave us in..."


"This is nothing"

"I was too young to realize your limits. I'm sorry for that."

They stared into each others eyes for a few seconds and it would have extended to a few minutes if not for a charming voice.

"Cheating on Elena?"

"Its not cheating if they aren't together," Tianyou said, defensively and at a tone a few octaves higher than normal. 

"Is that right, Xin?", the intruder replied. 

Adam cut in before the conversation topic could continue. "Enough Li, I'm tired."

"Of course. Of course...", Li said as he silently held Adam, who's skin resembled chalk.

Tianyou followed behind and cast an emotional gaze towards Adam from time to time. They returned to Li's personal space and laid Adam down on the biggest couch. 

"Would you like a snack, beverage?" 

"No. I will leave. I know when I am not wanted."

"If it's about Elena or the joke I made..."

"No. She is good for him..." Tianyou had a soft expression, more... maternal... than his usual indifference.

"I understand...", Li said as he prepared snacks and drinks anyway. He continued to speak as Tianyou walked out of the door, "You might want to tell the other two that you made up Adam."

Tainyou sighed and closed the door behind him. A faint blush rushed to his cheeks but he cleared his throat and walked on with a lonesome expression. 

Exactly 8 hours, 23 minutes, and 43 seconds later, courtesy of Adam's Internal clock, he managed to "reboot his systems". The first thing he said was, "Where's Eve?". 

The person that held his head was not pleased and pinched his cheek.

"That's the first thing you say after waking up in the arms of a world class Class beauty?" 


He actually looked at Elena like she was a stranger, reinforcing the depth of his question. 

"Fine, she went to Li's house, they went there directly so you don't have to worry about anything. Especially "that", Evey's too proud to start anything and Li is having too much fun to grow a pair. Even after so long"

He closed his eyes once more and removed himself from Elena's fluffy thighs.

"Boohoo, we could've stayed like this for a while," she said with pouted lips. 

He stood up and looked around for his vest, "Li must have taken it off for me," he whispered with a shudder. He put the thought in the back of his mind and planned what to do for the rest of the day since it was around 4 in the afternoon now, UST.

"Are you ok?"


"What happened, are you going to go get Eve?"


Elena stopped and looked at him with concern.

"Are you sure you are ok? Do you have a fever? Wait! Can you even get a fever?", she rattled off. Without waiting for an answer, she jumped in front of him and touched his forehead.

"Yes, no, and yes, it's just a little bit different from a normal one you might have."

"Then what happened?", she said as Adam shook her off of his body and sat her down.


Elena hopped around him and walked like a soldier, but backwards so they could stay face to face.

"Then where are you going?"

He looked at her with his silver eyes and said, "Home."

"To do what?"

Speaking of home, he scanned the courtyard that the two of them wandered through earlier in the morning. He looked for the little outpost he walked out of, it had his credentials and home location so putting that into a new booth was a hassle.

For reference, the school reflected a giant mess of Greek/Roman and Gothic architecture. The main building is a square shaped building with towering ramparts, walkways, and countless secret passages. Gargoyles, Angel's, Demons, and metal grates littered the columns and ledges. 

A Colosseum like gymnasium marked its ground to the west, Administrative and dorm buildings controlled the south, and a mesmerizing garden/ hedge maze encroached upon the rest of the school from the east. 

The old founders building lay hidden at the center of the almost impossible to solve maze. 

The entire north side of the building had access to the least amount of land but was the most important of the four areas.

Students entered the school from the gated driveway that could fit 20 or so 18-wheelers side by side. Another option was one of the dozen sheds that were spread alongside the metal and stone walls. 

The small buildings resembled an ancient design of a catacomb but these were four meters high, four and a half at the very sharp crown. They also covered three square meters in floor area. 

Adam found his after glancing at all of little huts with flickering eyes.

"Stop...", he said while avoiding Elena's eyes. 

"Poke, poke, poke..."

Then, with an intrinsically evil tone, she continued to say, "..tell me, tell me, you know you want to...". 

"There is no need to tell you...", he said in an attempt to get her to stop.

"Poke, poke, poke", this time she poked his arm, chest, and then cheek.

"You don't have to say what you're doing. I can feel you poking me"

"But it makes me even cuter right?"

He ignored her and grabbed the door handle.

He sighed and said, "Fine, I will tell you. Come here..."

While blushing, she complied and got closer to Adam, just outside the hut's open door. Almost expectantly, she closed her eyes and puffed her petal like lips, raising to her tippy toes. 

Adam looked at her with a rare, genuine, smile and in half a second, pulled her into the room, closing the door behind him. 

With a swish, crack, and small pop, he walked out of the room with a dazed and pale face Elena, who had "weak" legs.

"What the hell Adam, you know that I...Urgh...", suddenly, she held her mouth and ran out of his arms. 

She ran straight down the hall, past the kitchen and living room, left and right respectively, and stopped by the staircase that was farther down on her left. She entered the room that was on her right and slammed it behind her.

He waited a minute and a few seconds and then took his time walking. He followed after her and said, "Are you ok?", with a small unsure smirk. 

"I am just....*throw up sounds*...not fine...*more throw up sounds*..."

With a sorrowful tone, Adam said, "I'm sorry, I was not feeling well and you...*sigh*...I imagined Li strpping me of my clothes while I was sleeping..."

"*Even harder throw up sounds and coughing*". Elena cracked the door open and looked at Adam with a skeletal appearance and in a deadly voice she said, "I understand, don't try to remember that...". She shuddered and said, "I wouldn't wish that upon my greatest enemies"



Invisible hearts started to float around the two of them but it was ruined by her puffed cheeks as a surge of vomit surfaced. The door slammed.

He walked further down the hall and stared at a pair of double doors at the end of the hall.

"That woman...", he said with a disappointed shake of his head. 

"Forgive me for being a burden", he thought to himself. He tried to ignore his feelings and turned his head to the right.

He saw another door and studied the floral patterns that were intricately carved into its surface. He closed his eyes and placed his palm on the door. 

"What are you doing honey?", he remembered. 

He sat on a chemically sterilized white floor, next to a platform of silver, that was surrounded with pulsating black metal.

"I'm making a birthday present for Evey...", he said. 

He could hear the clacking before she spoke with her enchanting voice. The floor, like the floor beneath him, mellowed out to an even and sleek platform underneath her heels.

"What is it? Where did you learn how to do this?"

The woman narrowed her eyes despite her happy smile as the metal naturally warped and elongated towards Adam's hands and hardened into a large rectangular plank.

"I don't know, I just thought it would be nice. Do you think she will like it?"

A porcelain hand grabbed Adam's childish face and wiped the blackened blood from his nose with motherly care. He could see her white lab coat and flowing blouse before he could see her long legs and pencil skirt.

"Yes. I think she will", she said as he saw her blood red lips form a reassuring smile. 

He continued to carve into the metal object with tools also forged from the same metal.

He was lost in the memory when he heard a small shuffle that brought him out of his reverie. He then heard Elena throwing up like he was still standing in front of bathroom door.

"Transport could be smoother, like what happens with me, but how can other people get used to it?..."

He shook his head and turned away from Eve's door.

"I need to fix myself first...", he thought.

He opened his plainly designed door, which was across the floral one, and entered a different hallway. The very end of this shorter hall had the futuristic white door with the glowing border that he walked out of earlier in the day. 

A few steps forward and to his immediate left, there was an open doorway that carried a fresh lemon and maple/pine scent. That scent carried onto the room directly across from it, which was a small library. Original pieces of literature from the 21st and 20th century, all the way back to 18th and even farther.

The worth of such a collection would probably be enough to buy the earth's moon from the private collector who purchased it in the 22nd century. Actually, Adam had once calculated it when he was younger, and found out that his collection would be enough to buy 78% of the total moon before terraforming was complete in the 23rd century. The worth would probably amount to the entirety of the moon now since many of the works in the library became the sole original physical copies left in existence.


He walked down his hallway and entered his room. 

A small hum kicked up and the tiles on the floors, walls, and ceiling, changed. White sand poured in and bubbled out from the thin slits all over the room. 

His clothes unrwraveled, like cotton candy being spun in reverse, then turned into floating treads of colorful string as he walked by. After he moved a few meters away they changed into the initial inky treads they were created from. They hardened into black crystal's and fell to the ground because of Adam's movement, shattering into dust upon impact. 

He left a trail of this dust but would not see it because the sand underneath his feet would devour the dust like a sponge. He walked all the way to his rising silver platform and laid down in the human shaped imprint.

He closed his eyes and waited for the device to do its job. 

"Hey honey, what's wrong?"


"How am I supposed to know what you want if you don't tell me?"


"Alright, You know what, how about I make you something that can help you? So you can tell me even if you don't want to talk"


Adam smirked at himself and felt his consciousness slip away from him slowly. "Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Initiating quick scan", he heard in his head just before he lost consciousness. 

The human shaped outline opened needle thin holes along the inside of the frame and two fist sized holes by his head and feet.

A thin metallic arm popped out the two largest holes and connected to each other like a arched bridge. Pin sized hole opened on those arms.

All of the holes flooded the area with light that scanned Adam's body with a red, green, blue, and then white film. Simultaneously, various needles pierced his skin from dozens of angles. 

The crystal like "sand" that surrounded the platform funneled into the needle thin openings on the outside of the platform. 

They were solid but as they traveled along, they turned more fluid and then ultimately ended up as a smoke that poured in and out of his body.

The whole scene was reminiscent of a car's oil change.